
The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

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Old 08-18-2014, 08:15 PM   #33
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Re: The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

Originally Posted by Hollywood88
The other thing is who ever said that a game needs to come out right before the season? If the nhl team is understaffed put the game out later rather the put out a "this is the best we could do in our development window."
I never understood why the NHL game has to come out before training camps even start. I always found it odd that NHL hit the streets before Fifa. The rosters are a complete mess when the game drops. They used to have to race 2k to get their game out, but that doesn't happen anymore.
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Old 08-18-2014, 08:18 PM   #34
canucksss's Arena
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Re: The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

Originally Posted by ericromain
EA NHL had a lot more transparency a few year ago (NHL09-NHL10 era) When David Littman would give us quick clips breaking down subtle nuances of changes. There were live chats, developer blogs, redshirt used to come on the forums, a ton of community outreach talking about how much they are listening to the hardcore guys, and Littman (being an ex NHLer himself) really made me believe that the game was being made by hockey fans for hockey fans. I've never really had that vibe from rammer.
THIS! Ever since that Ram took over....the franchise started the downhill slide fast. NHL 12 was the worst, IMO, no penalties in BaGM and you'd be lucky to get 2 in a game with 10 mins per period, AS difficulty. UNREALISTIC! And whats in the game? Goalie fight??: YEA BABY....dumb!

I dont know why they cannot have add more people to work on this.....because they want greater profit?? Sure....i hope if EA cannot include eashl, NHL 15 will hit bottom and will not make any profits....more of a loss so that new people can come in and really, seriously, make the necessary changes to make this NHL Game reflect the real NHL.

Great write up BTW.
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Old 08-18-2014, 08:32 PM   #35
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Re: The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

Originally Posted by ericromain
EA NHL had a lot more transparency a few year ago (NHL09-NHL10 era) When David Littman would give us quick clips breaking down subtle nuances of changes. There were live chats, developer blogs, redshirt used to come on the forums, a ton of community outreach talking about how much they are listening to the hardcore guys, and Littman (being an ex NHLer himself) really made me believe that the game was being made by hockey fans for hockey fans. I've never really had that vibe from rammer.
I don't think they've stopped listening, but they've stopped reaching out.
NHL 14 kinda gave us all the features all at once in May and we've just been riding the sizzle trailer train all summer.
Perhaps we're seeing an oddball year for the launch of next gen, where so much had to be rebuilt that they are afraid to call out what is getting squeezed in and what has to be cut.

It is a shame that they are keeping us in the dark this year over some tough cuts.
when he took over, it made me wonder. then i seen his tweets, and i see why the series is where it is now. very frustrating!

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Old 08-18-2014, 08:38 PM   #36
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Re: The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

It would seriously suck if EA locked away the NHL license and then canned the series entirely. Bringing a 'If we cant have it no one can' mentality.
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Old 08-18-2014, 09:08 PM   #37
bigwill33's Arena
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Re: The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

Originally Posted by Retropyro
You didn't pay for "Early Access", the program is called "EA Access", which was stated to have "limited time trials 5 days before release". Not "here's the full retail copy 5 days early to play until your heart's content".
I don't know what I've paid for because they keep making the rules up as they go along.
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Old 08-18-2014, 09:21 PM   #38
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This article is terrific. Well written and 100% on target with the real problems plaguing this company. Pro-business isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but the part where you start alienating your fan base...that's bad for business in the long run.
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Old 08-19-2014, 08:34 AM   #39
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Re: The Medium is the Message: EASHL, Transparency, and the Core Gamer

The article states EASHL players make up 10% of the NHL market.

But I'd imagine that 10% may be the difference between profit and loss for the franchise.
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:37 PM   #40
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People need to vote with there wallet like they did when MS was also doing (and stil is to some extent), trying to dupe gamers, hiding behind silence or shady PR language. I wont be buying NHL 15 it is a travesty EA cannot even communicate this to the consumer. Anyone supporting tis is a part of the problem with modern gaming in general. I don't support companies like Ms and EA who would rather pay to keep a game off a platform for a period of time then to create there own IP's, or refuse to invest in the proper resources into a game because they have the only hockey game on the market.
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