
NBA 2K15 Gameplay Video - Heat vs. Spurs (IGN)

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Old 08-15-2014, 03:24 PM   #81
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Re: NBA 2K15 Gameplay Video - Heat vs. Spurs (IGN)

Not getting the game until they fix the passing. The half-court passes and especially the passes in transition are HORRENDOUS! If I see one more player stop to make an overhead pass to a guy 5 feet away from him, I'm going to flip! That has been the worst part of 2k basketball year after year IMO. The spacing on the break is also very poor, or it looks odd when you try to lead somebody to the basket with a pass. They slide all over the place. It does not look natural.

There needs to be more touch passes and the ability to make passes in close quarter situations, particularly in PnR situations. More pocket passing, please! More jump passing, and not when you are passing out of a shot. The speed at which the passes are made needs to be tuned up massively. Everything is too damn slow and weird.

Just my two cents.. The passing and shots underneath the basket needs a major overhaul.

Last edited by Bearsfan1; 08-15-2014 at 03:39 PM.
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Old 08-15-2014, 06:29 PM   #82
WISports's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K15 Gameplay Video - Heat vs. Spurs (IGN)

Splitter running stride for stride with Napier on the fastbreak is concerning. Why can they not get this right? Speed ratings obviously don't matter. Unacceptable if you ask me.

One animation I hated last year, that seems to be an issue again this year, is when you have a 3 on 1 fastbreak, the ballhandler will almost stop and pass with two hands to one of his teammates instead of just passing off the dribble, making it a smoother transition.

The jerseys seems tighter this year, which is a nice touch. Tho it should be player specific. Some guys wear tight jerseys, some baggy. It also should be an edit option when editing players.

Any news on Create a Player? It HAS to be in this year, right?
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Old 08-15-2014, 06:51 PM   #83
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K15 Gameplay Video - Heat vs. Spurs (IGN)

Originally Posted by WISports
Splitter running stride for stride with Napier on the fastbreak is concerning. Why can they not get this right? Speed ratings obviously don't matter. Unacceptable if you ask me.

One animation I hated last year, that seems to be an issue again this year, is when you have a 3 on 1 fastbreak, the ballhandler will almost stop and pass with two hands to one of his teammates instead of just passing off the dribble, making it a smoother transition.

The jerseys seems tighter this year, which is a nice touch. Tho it should be player specific. Some guys wear tight jerseys, some baggy. It also should be an edit option when editing players.

Any news on Create a Player? It HAS to be in this year, right?
Definitely agree on all counts. I've been hoping to be able to change jersey and shorts fit for a few years now.

CAP is in, although they haven't elaborated on all the options.
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Old 08-16-2014, 02:44 PM   #84
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Re: NBA 2K15 Gameplay Video - Heat vs. Spurs (IGN)

Originally Posted by Beluba
It always depresses me that these gamescom vids are the first taste of the game you guys get. Old build, stripped down presentation/audio, pro/default settings, no plays, inexperienced users... it's just a shell of what you're going to see in October. I've been saying this before I even got in the industry but it's a mistake to judge the final product based on watching snippets of footage. For any game really. Feel is so important and you get none of that from watching these clips.

Still I'm glad these videos are tempering your expectations. Being overhyped for anything just leads to disappointment. But I will say that we've made big strides in gameplay this year and with experienced users on the sticks the game can look beautiful. As always you'll just have to take my word on that for now.
The only thing i'm interested in is if you guys are actually making a bold move to change the gameplay completely to the point that you allow the users to have total control of the game instead of heavily relying on animations (which at times can't be control) and frustrated users which make the game look scripted and not based on a user's skills totally.

I mean it's cool if you want a game that play by yourself and no one else and want the game to be based on real NBA simulation, then that's fine. But when you take this game online and play with real people, then the game need to have total user control as part of the game play and not some gimmicks little animations here and there (that can't be broke) that prevent you to have any sort of control of the game. This type of gameplay violate my skills as a player. And I don't think i am the only one the voice my displeasure about the past games.
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Old 08-28-2014, 02:56 AM   #85
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Re: NBA 2K15 Gameplay Video - Heat vs. Spurs (IGN)

Originally Posted by Beluba
Believe me, bro... it pains me. We even have guys in the office who can manage to make the game look gross to me. But that's just the cost of putting so much control in the user's hands. The good news is... most of the guys who are used to cheesing or playing unrealistically are really struggling with 2K15.
Stuff like this is what I love to hear!!!!!
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