08-13-2014, 03:20 PM
First of all, sorry for my bad English, not my mother-tongue, so excuse grammar mistakes etc.
As I'm a huge EASHL fan, I followed this panic nonsense now for 3 days and just wanted to add my thoughts on this matter.
First of all : If EA decided to cut EASHL and GMC , the only 2 online modes left would be VS and HUT.... which is just VS. with trading cards... so basically 1 game mode in 2 variants... really ? In these days were online gaming is more important than anything else ? REALLY ? Come on...
Second: Why do Amazon and Best Buy advert NHL 15 Gen 3 with and Gen 4 w/o EASHL ? Simple -> Obviously EAS put all their money into promting the Gen 4 version of the game. The best way to promote an new gen title are graphics and presentation. If you look at the teasers and screenshots which have been released, you will notice that they only consist of cinematic montages , no menues , no game modes, no text. Solely for one purpose : to emphasize the difference between current and next gen hockey. The best way to do this is simply showing the differences, not the things both versions share.
So take a look at the new features Gen 3 NHL has to offer....errrr right.. new commentary...and... yeah really that's all... no superstar skill stick, no living crowd, no authentic arenas, no new puck physics , no 12 player collisions.. so might there be a chance that EA, Amazon etc. included EASHL in the description because there is nothing else to write about the PS3/XBox 360 feature wise ?
Its highly probable that those retailer didnt get a game mode lists from EA for gen 4 , so the feature description's focus lies on presentation.
But what about the BB specs 1-2 players online, duh ? Well as somebody mentioned before, I think also it's a placeholder, because EA wants to promote the presentation and might not given away any additional information to retailer... talking about leaks or too early information releases...And why would they cut the feature to play VS online with a buddy , if there is only VS and HUT, since coop would change the description to 1-4 ? Makes no sense at all.
Gaming is all about multiplayer , reducing the max of participating players to 2 would be not only 1 step back but several...back to PS 2 times.
This would not only damage the relation between EAS and a huge part of the NHL players, but also the reputation EAS has a game developer.
So don't panic, use your brain. If EAS doesnt , boycott and be part of the ****storms. They had one about a year ago with Sim City and it did hurt their rep a tad.