
NHL 15 Trailer and Screenshots - True Hockey Physics

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Old 07-17-2014, 11:57 AM   #57
pm83's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Trailer - True Hockey Physics

Originally Posted by adayinthelife
I think the game has just been so far in the other direction for so long that people overreact. It's more or less felt like you've got 4 lines of the same players, some just happen to skate a bit faster than others over the past __ years in the series.

I don't necessarily want to see 4th line guys looking like peewee players, I just want to see more separation, more effective attributes and most importantly as an offline player: more effective sliders.
Agreed. NHL14 was barely playable with default rosters but Revamped made game much, much better. Because Revamped made more seperation between stars and 4th liners it actually made a huge difference strategy-wise also. You had to choose when giving a rest to your stars and when just dump the puck in and ice the game with grinders. To get more realistic game we definitely need better seperation. Hopefully some day there's less work to teams like Revamped and EA can manage to deliver something playable on their own.
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Old 07-17-2014, 12:21 PM   #58
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Re: NHL 15 Trailer - True Hockey Physics

Originally Posted by Gagnon39
And although I doubt it is included this year, there should be an attribute for each player in regards to pass reception.
It's already there - Hand-Eye - along with the Pass Reception slider. It's got more to do with under-the-hood tuning determining their impact on gameplay.
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Old 07-17-2014, 01:02 PM   #59
actionhank's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Trailer - True Hockey Physics

Originally Posted by BlueNGold
I'm worried about the goalies. They look pretty much the same as they have the past 2 years.
They do look similar. I'm hoping the next version will be exclusively "next-gen" and they won't have to worry about making something that's compatible for the 360/PS3 and can just go balls to the wall with features they want in terms of physics and AI. It's got to be tough trying to program for both.
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Old 07-17-2014, 01:24 PM   #60
actionhank's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Trailer and Screenshots - True Hockey Physics

Originally Posted by Splitter77
why cant there be stick on stick or stick on body collision detection?
Stick-on-body would be nice, and probably more do-able, but i think the main drawback to stick-on-stick is that you've got so little control in where your stick is in relation to other sticks. Don't get me wrong, the analogue stick is great for the dekes (If not a bit too easy for players to just move the puck all around their body without losing control while rolling it around the blade effortlessly) but you don't really have the fine control that real NHL players have to move between sticks and players, or even to lift your stick ever so slightly off the ice, or under an opposing player's stick. I think it would be too much to control and implement successfully.

Stick on body would be nice for actual poke-checks, trips, and hooks, but they would have to give us better defensive controls for that.

I mentioned in another thread that it would be nice if they revamped the skill-stick system to be used on defense for just about everything. Have the left trigger, or L2/LB be something you hold to activate your "stick moves" and then you could use a MLB 2K type system where different movements of the thumb stick would perform different actions. Maybe while holding LB you would move the right stick up, and depending on the speed and distance you move the stick, your on-screen player would attempt to stick lift with an equal amount of force. That combined with the player's defensive attributes could help determine the chance (along with the accuracy of your aim) of missing and getting a possible high sticking call, or just missing all together.
Then you could have things like pushing the stick down to try and disrupt reception of passes or deflections (Holding it down allowing you to try and tie the player's stick up and keep it down, but also leaving your player vulnerable to missing passes to intercept, or rebounds to clear). You could even have it so when you're next to/behind a player you would kind of roll the slick left/right and up to try and reach around the player to knock the puck loose, but then your attributes and force of the movements would affect the likelihood of you getting called for a hold.
Then if you just moved the right stick you would poke check in that direction, again, with speed and distance affecting how far and forcefully you go for the poke, and to keep the broken record going, your movements combined with your player's attributes and the accuracy of your poke determining how likely you are to take the skates out on a guy.
That level of control would make defense so much more fun. The learning curve would be steep initially, but i'm sure it was when they went from A to Slap shot, and B to Wrist shot. But with that defense would become fun, and you would practically free yourself of the buttons on the face, maybe allowing them to have something like FIFA where you can send a guy ahead to receive a pass, or call for help along the boards. Anything to let you have more control over yourself, and your team mates.

Edit: Wall O' Text and Double Post. Forgive me, padre.
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Old 07-17-2014, 02:00 PM   #61
Retropyro's Arena
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It would be awesome if they just released it for beta test now or two months ago.
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Old 07-18-2014, 07:53 AM   #62
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Definitely excited for this more so than Madden at this point.
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Old 07-18-2014, 10:24 AM   #63
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Re: NHL 15 Trailer and Screenshots - True Hockey Physics

One thing that concerns me is at 11 seconds in the video there is a shot on goal where no momentum is showed..The way he warped into place was kinda last gen ish..look at tell me my eyes need work..but I saw what I thought I saw..port????
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Old 07-18-2014, 12:14 PM   #64
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Re: NHL 15 Trailer and Screenshots - True Hockey Physics

Maybe they need off balance shots..everything is too perfect when they take shots..The only way you know if they were off balance is how fast the puck travels.
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