
Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

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Old 07-02-2014, 01:40 AM   #209
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

I think I follow you Big but to be more specific on my end, let me clarify my concern.

In Madden right now we have that awkward rollout animation where they run left or right but are looking the opposite way over their shoulder or at the opposite endzone.

I would hope that they tune this so that the QB appropriately looks in the direction of his rollout and sets his shoulders and feet properly - 2K football did a great job of animating rollouts.

The problem I see Madden having is having the QBs eyes glued onto that target even while he is rolling out away and opposite him opposed to towards and facing him.

I would want to see the proper footwork and head tracking logic implemented as a means for appropiately impacting a throw that is made to the opposite side you are rolling out too.

In this example we would have those Johhny Manziel fans have to actually wait for their QB to readjust and face his target before launching the ball.

So in essence, I hope the Madden dev and design team would see this as an issue and address it - It would definitely add to the immersion of being in a QB's shoes.

To the last part you mentioned about having a player's feet set and a defender in their face: I would definitely want to see these as risk and reward elements in the passing game of Madden. It would definitely be a great compliment to QB inaccuracies in M16.

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Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 07-02-2014 at 01:42 AM.
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Old 07-02-2014, 08:39 AM   #210
Greenblood60's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I have always agree that the actually "vision cone" of the mechanic was what initially turned so many off about it, never really understood why a simple "lit icon" under the receivers within the "vision" of the QB wasn't used instead. That simple adjustment in concert with the double tap would have at least been better received, imo.

That said, the lack of the receivers being untethered from the pass and ball physics was still a core issue in Madden, no matter how well QB vision would've been implemented. I never had an issue with QB skill differential in that other game, even though a better version of QB vision could have possibly been a great addition or compliment to the way that game did it but not a standalone substitute.
Even in that other game, the only skills that were differentiated ( among user controlled QBs ) were arm strength, accuracy, mobility, but not awareness. Receivers being tethered to the ball is a separate issue that needs to be addressed. I've never liked the fact that intelligence in a QB isn't an asset.
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Old 07-02-2014, 09:01 AM   #211
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

You have to recognize some of the improvement here with animations and "football plays." I think if you can't you are close to being stubborn.

Sure, there are still the head scratching moments when defenders look like they are witnessing the game, don't interact and the snap back into that zombie unison walk back to the sideline etc.. But, there are better looking movements, just not spectacular.
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Old 07-02-2014, 10:13 AM   #212
BezO's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
You have to recognize some of the improvement here with animations and "football plays." I think if you can't you are close to being stubborn.

Sure, there are still the head scratching moments when defenders look like they are witnessing the game, don't interact and the snap back into that zombie unison walk back to the sideline etc.. But, there are better looking movements, just not spectacular.
The list of head scratching moments is much longer. If you're happy with the few improvements, yeah, those that are not may appear stubborn.

I think we all see the improvements. Some of us are just not happy with them.
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Old 07-02-2014, 01:00 PM   #213
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Sure, there are still the head scratching moments when defenders look like they are witnessing the game, don't interact and the snap back into that zombie unison walk back to the sideline etc.. But, there are better looking movements, just not spectacular.
Then I guess I'm stubborn.

Because I want better player AI that actually act like a football player. In a football game.

If being stubborn means I don't want defenders standing around watching, or the game to turn into a 1v1 instead of 11v11 with some of these animations or with the tackling, linebackers tripping instead of filling holes, more individuality in player responses and how they do things, players that are aware of what's happening (not shedding outside when the ball carrier has cut inside you)...things that have been in this game for years (literally) and still not fixed (and borderline improved, because they still have the same negative impacts on play development)...

...That's fine, I'll be "stubborn". I've been called worse.
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Old 07-02-2014, 01:13 PM   #214
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

Originally Posted by KBLover
Then I guess I'm stubborn.

Because I want better player AI that actually act like a football player. In a football game.

If being stubborn means I don't want defenders standing around watching, or the game to turn into a 1v1 instead of 11v11 with some of these animations or with the tackling, linebackers tripping instead of filling holes, more individuality in player responses and how they do things, players that are aware of what's happening (not shedding outside when the ball carrier has cut inside you)...things that have been in this game for years (literally) and still not fixed (and borderline improved, because they still have the same negative impacts on play development)...

...That's fine, I'll be "stubborn". I've been called worse.
I would love to hear Rex's response to a question along this line, about the 1v1 vs 11v11 POV for creating Madden. I'm convinced taking a 1v1 approach and accepting gameplay ideas from others with this POV is another key factor keeping Madden from becoming a complete football sim video game. The lack of representing the team concept of football with regard to the AI/CPU controlled players, has a ripple effect that diminishes the entire game.
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Old 07-02-2014, 01:48 PM   #215
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Dude you are way too skeptical and critical about things, not everyone is dishonest and crooked.

EA is the worst of the worst in that regard.... So yes... 2000% warranted.

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Old 07-02-2014, 02:49 PM   #216
TalenT's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Gameplay Video - Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers (Smitty)

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I know it's not personal, I understand people's frustration, but at some point, later this year or next year, people will see what I'm talking about. When that day comes, I will take the high road, it's not my style to say I told you so.
You're so "pro-Madden". I'm curious...If Madden made an absolutely horrendous game. I mean just COMPLETELY dropped the ball...would you honestly come on this site and say "Aww man EA really effed this up this year!!!"?????? Serious question.

I actually think the game looks great myself. The running & tackling animations need a lot of work but it looks good to me. Granted there are some inexcusable (especially for next gen) A.I. mishaps but the game is damn pretty.

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