
Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

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Old 06-17-2014, 11:34 AM   #49
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

Originally Posted by DCEBB2001
Real-time physics/player movement is STILL broken. I saw several times where a WR with a free release was able to get to 12 yards in 1.27 seconds. The fastest any player has ever run a 10-yard split in ideal conditions with fresh legs and no pads was only 1.40 seconds.

The players are still accelerating WAY TOO FAST to be considered "realistic".

I really don't care to hear about the speed threshold either. That shouldn't matter. The game should be made with one setting, IMO: True-To-Life.

This superhuman acceleration is NOT true to life. Unreal.
That's also hurts pass rush and passing pockets. The WRs are able to blaze 10 yards in .8 seconds but the DEs can't go 3 yards in the same amount of time. And the ball is out before any type of pocket can be made many times.
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Old 06-17-2014, 11:46 AM   #50
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

Originally Posted by l_reed05
mannn I get your points and i'm all for any improvements to madden... me personally just give me better graphics and new rosters every year and i'm happy... anything else is just a plus.... but at the end of the day its a video game... so when you get into the science of it by saying on the game a plyer gets up the field in this amount of seconds and in real life its this amount of seconds is CRAZY!!! thats just like in real life its 15min quarters and 3-5 min commercials. do you want that in madden also??? all im saying is a game is a game and life is life... sure madden could use improvements but some of u guys expect to much..
Realism must still be respected: in some areas you may disagree but in some areas, such as the architechture of the field, realism must be respected in measurements and landmarks.

Speed is a measurement of distance over time and must be appropriated universally just as distance and time are..

Without the realistic appropriation of speed, acceleration, and velocities (on the football and players): we lose touch with the great essence of the game: movement and how it is experienced in real life should be replicated in here by now on the fundamental levels of physics.

One of the reasons some of us lose the immersion in gameplay mode is becase running strides are elongated unnaturally and are uncharcteristically twitchy, like a heroine addict who needs his fix.

Yes, the game is scaled down but like an architect who scales down a project into a blueprint form: Madden can take Football proportions, strides, and speeds and scale them down to the video game and process them through pixels.

EA already scales the field to be proportioned properly w the appropriate landmarks but could you imagine if the players in the game were presented like the average height was 7ft in real life? This distortion would affect movements and the practicality of certain plays which is why the neccessary balances must be appropriated.

It is a pity that the running animations which are more like hummingbird movements than human football movements, are present to appease the users who cannot handle realistic human (Football) steers and movements and need to bend the human rules to benefit from the graces of the virtual possibilities.

We need someone with a trained eye to speak on what he sees: members such as yourself can remain a casual participant in the discussions but there is no need to consider another man's findings "crazy" merely because they are above your thought processes.

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..

Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 06-17-2014 at 02:17 PM.
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Old 06-17-2014, 11:52 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by jpdavis82
You guys are making a lot of assumptions based on very little footage as far as how good this game could be. We're seeing video of the same two teams in alpha and still have no info about CFM yet. They will be cleaning up the halftime show and for CFM it will show the standings and Playoff chase as well as other new banners. During the game there will also be player spotlight montages and probably quite a few other little things we haven't been able to notice at full speed. Once we get to see the game broke down in replays through the pause menu and stuff like that, we will see the good and the bad in greater detail. People need to understand this is not the same old madden and FAR from a roster update. They haven't quite gotten there yet but once they redo the animations now that they are putting all the fundamentals of football in place, then they will just keep building off of each game. If you're waiting for the game to regress and them to add then remove things, it won't happen. It hasn't happened in any of the last 3 years and that is not a coincidence, that's by design.

I will guarantee everyone on these forums that Madden 16 and 17 will be better not worse than 15 as long as Cam and Rex develop it. The game has improved every year since Cam was hired and the difference between 06-12 and 13-15 is pretty great. The jump from 25 to 15 is probably the biggest in 10 years in terms of how much was worked on to be improved. It all comes down to how this stuff is executed in the end but if you can't see the difference between 06-12 and what's happening now, you never will.
We've been hearing this for how many years now? When im 40 years old they'll finally get it right at this point
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Old 06-17-2014, 12:01 PM   #52
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

Originally Posted by dghustla
That's also hurts pass rush and passing pockets. The WRs are able to blaze 10 yards in .8 seconds but the DEs can't go 3 yards in the same amount of time. And the ball is out before any type of pocket can be made many times.

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..
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Old 06-17-2014, 12:39 PM   #53
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

Originally Posted by l_reed05
mannn I get your points and i'm all for any improvements to madden... me personally just give me better graphics and new rosters every year and i'm happy... anything else is just a plus.... but at the end of the day its a video game... so when you get into the science of it by saying on the game a plyer gets up the field in this amount of seconds and in real life its this amount of seconds is CRAZY!!! thats just like in real life its 15min quarters and 3-5 min commercials. do you want that in madden also??? all im saying is a game is a game and life is life... sure madden could use improvements but some of u guys expect to much..
I understand your opinion but I also have to disagree with you. The players movement speed doesn't have to be identical to their real life 40 speed but it has to be properly portioned to all other players on the field or quit simply the game doesn't work properly.
I had a post last year when they spoke about adding pockets. Where i broke down a youtube film of Mike Wallace highlights, and showing the time it took him to reach certain yard markers during live play. Mike Wallace has been timed running the 40 around 4.37 seconds. In live football action it took him upwards of 5.7-7 seconds to reach these yard markers. A 5.5 40time at the combine would make many scouts consider him a slow WR.
I don't have a problem with Madden allowing WRs to get down field in 4 seconds or less but that also means that pass rush needs to be 4 seconds or less. If your QB is holding the ball long enough for players to get 40+ yards down-field he should making throws under duress or taking big hits.
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Old 06-17-2014, 12:40 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
Realism must still be respected: in some areas you may disagree but in some areas, such as the architechture of the field, realism must be respected in measurements and landmarks.

Speed is a measurement of distance over time and must be appropriated universally just as distance and time are..

Without the realistic appropriation of speed, acceleration, and velocities (on the football and players): we lose touch with the great essence of the game: movement and how it is experienced in real life should be replicated in here by now on the fundamental evels of physics.

One of the reasons some of us lose the immersion in gameplay mode is becase running strides are elongated unnaturally and are uncharcteristically twitchy, like a heroine addict who needs his fix.

Yes, the game is scaled down but like an architect who scales down a project into a blueprint form: Madden can take Football proportions, strides, and speeds and scale them down to the video game and process them through pixels.

EA already scales the field to be proportioned properly w the appropriate landmarks but could you imagine if the players in the game were presentrd like the average height was 7ft in real life? This distortion would affect movements and the practicality of certain plays which is way the neccessary balances must be appropriated.

It is a pity that the running animations which are more like hummingbird movements than human football movements, are present to appease the users who cannot handle realistic human (Football) steers and movements and need to bend the human rules to benefit from the graces of the virtual possibilities.

We need someone with a trained eye to speak on what he sees: members such as yourself can remain a casual participant in the discussions but there is no need to consider another man's findings "crazy" merely because they are above your thought processes.

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I have to agree with you... I guess the real difference here is how serious you take the game... so your whole breakdown makes me realize you take this game far more serious than I do.... like I said for me its simple.. better graphics and new rosters would satisfy me. I think you took my "crazy" comment as a shot at you when I was only using it as a figure of speech.... What i've learned over my years of playing video games is the more you expect the more you will be disappointed... when your expectations are set so high you will overlook a decent game only because you were expecting perfection... to me it sound like the only way you will be satisfied is if you go to a stadium with a ps4 controller and sit in the crowd and act like your playing Madden... but all in all u have good points.. i'm not knocking you for your "above thought process" just relating my thoughts to the subject....
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Old 06-17-2014, 12:58 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by dghustla
I understand your opinion but I also have to disagree with you. The players movement speed doesn't have to be identical to their real life 40 speed but it has to be properly portioned to all other players on the field or quit simply the game doesn't work properly.
I had a post last year when they spoke about adding pockets. Where i broke down a youtube film of Mike Wallace highlights, and showing the time it took him to reach certain yard markers during live play. Mike Wallace has been timed running the 40 around 4.37 seconds. In live football action it took him upwards of 5.7-7 seconds to reach these yard markers. A 5.5 40time at the combine would make many scouts consider him a slow WR.
I don't have a problem with Madden allowing WRs to get down field in 4 seconds or less but that also means that pass rush needs to be 4 seconds or less. If your QB is holding the ball long enough for players to get 40+ yards down-field he should making throws under duress or taking big hits.
I def agree.... but its not a deal breaker for me...or on another note... I HATE how when you throw a interception... and a O-lineman catches a CB in open field..
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Old 06-17-2014, 01:16 PM   #56
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Gameplay Footage & More on the Play Call System

Originally Posted by l_reed05
I have to agree with you... I guess the real difference here is how serious you take the game... so your whole breakdown makes me realize you take this game far more serious than I do.... like I said for me its simple.. better graphics and new rosters would satisfy me. I think you took my "crazy" comment as a shot at you when I was only using it as a figure of speech.... What i've learned over my years of playing video games is the more you expect the more you will be disappointed... when your expectations are set so high you will overlook a decent game only because you were expecting perfection... to me it sound like the only way you will be satisfied is if you go to a stadium with a ps4 controller and sit in the crowd and act like your playing Madden... but all in all u have good points.. i'm not knocking you for your "above thought process" just relating my thoughts to the subject....
Ppl aren't looking for perfection, it's just some ppl have higher standards. To your own admission your standards are low to prevent disappointment. Mostly though ppl just want to the game to work the way the devs say it does. This isn't an attempt to convince you to like Madden less, but think about this, the current dev team just came out and indirectly admitted that QB accuracy flat out hasn't mattered/worked in Madden a half decade. Sure we all saw it didn't work and the Terrell Pryors of the world became go to Franchise QBs, but now it's been confirmed what we all suspected. Yet for at least a half decade no prior dev team cared about fixing. t.
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