
EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

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Old 06-04-2014, 03:34 AM   #241
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now For Xbox One, Soon For PS4

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
I haven't played the demo and will try to refrain from it since most demos don't actually play like the finished product.

That being said, it sounds like there's a lot of, "This is good, but..." which sucks because I was really hype for this game.

Most of your posts make we want to play EA MMA.

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I think this general thought can sum in the game in that the things that are holding back this gameare almost not possible to fix in term for this final build, so the similarities in difficult play will continue. The control scheme limits movement, skill sets, and sim feel.

Really hope they go to freestyle stick for the next build with the ability to throw all basic strikes at will the way Fight Night Champion did and the timing of throwing a straight vs hook vs uppercut vs roundhouse headkick vs liver kick, vs ax kick is important, so you would really need to know when to execute which move. Instead it is how people have drescribed it as an arcade MMA game the way mortal kombat or street fighter might play.
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Old 06-04-2014, 07:16 AM   #242
phillyfan23's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

The easy level is very easy because the cpu is overaggressive. They punch too much, draining their stamina, and when their stamina is low, you counter them and take chunks away from their health bar. I've just been doing this for the past 5 matches, and won by KO each and every single time.

The AI can't be this simplistic on higher levels CAN it??? I mean Gustaffson, is just a robot that throws and throws and throws. Even when his stamina is low, he forces himself to throw.

I'm sure the devs saw this and hopefully the difficulty in higher levels is due to the cpu managing their stamina better ( not overstriking) and actually block my strikes....which in turn WILL reduce their strike output and make the game more realistic.

I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, because it's hard to come up with an AI THIS bad, and if the higher difficulties will make the CPU MORE aggresive, the devs will succeed in creating a worse AI than the demo. I really don't think the AI is going to be botched this bad in the final version or higher difficulty especially with the reports of some impressions some poster listed ( mentioned how hard it was to land on aldo)
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Old 06-04-2014, 07:18 AM   #243
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now For Xbox One, Soon For PS4

Originally Posted by slip3rman
I think this general thought can sum in the game in that the things that are holding back this gameare almost not possible to fix in term for this final build, so the similarities in difficult play will continue. The control scheme limits movement, skill sets, and sim feel.

Really hope they go to freestyle stick for the next build with the ability to throw all basic strikes at will the way Fight Night Champion did and the timing of throwing a straight vs hook vs uppercut vs roundhouse headkick vs liver kick, vs ax kick is important, so you would really need to know when to execute which move. Instead it is how people have drescribed it as an arcade MMA game the way mortal kombat or street fighter might play.

Freestyle sticks? I hope surely not, or at least be a second option. How would everything designated to sticks be more of a simulation? How is having freestyle sticks more simulation than the existing button punch/kick? With buttons, I am able to execute what I want without having to 'flick the stick' in a precise, trial and error, manner.

The problem I had with Fight Night Champion was that sometimes when I wanted to execute a certain punch (i.e. left uppercut), it would not trigger properly (i.e. a jab or whatever else was thrown instead) because trying to flick the stick in a certain direction had to be completely on point...finally on the third attempt I was able to throw the uppercut but the opponent had already moved away. With a button method, I could have throw the left uppercut on command as oppose to a 'trial and error' with the sticks.

Simulation also means you can execute a certain move on command (obviously momentum, physics, etc have to be accounted for).

Freestyle sticks can be wonky at times.

The problem with the current demo is that certain punches and kicks seems to have no affect on the opponent when they land, that's why both fighters can keep throwing punches/kicks at will to a certain extent. Secondly, whenever I was down in my guard, I was able to throw multiple punches up at Bone Jones and he simply stood there doing nothing. Jones didn't pound me into a bloody pulp; Jones didn't try to avoid my punches when Jones was in full mount. Good thing the demo is on "easy."

Hopefully in the retail more advanced settings, actual strategy, tactics, and smarter, and truly adaptive artificial intelligence comes into play.
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Old 06-04-2014, 08:04 AM   #244
woody2goody's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

So after about 10 fights against the computer and 5 or 6 against a human opponent here's my impressions:

I went to bed last night unimpressed with the demo and woke up today with an open mind and I have really enjoyed the few fights I had this morning.

It doesn't feel as 'UFC-like' as the THQ games. I'm not a fan of the takedowns because it seems a little bit random as to how you get them, and like someone said above, they chose some unusual animations. They should have kept the special suplexes as a rarity as some kind of special move when the opponent is rocked for instance.

I don't like the fact that 'traditional' TKOs seem non-existent, and KOs are being passed off as TKOs to make the stats look more accurate in my opinion.

I need to really concentrate on the ground game because I think I'm still carrying over habits from UFC 3. The ground game is ok, but it feels unnecessarily difficult when you are on top of your opponent.

I've whinged enough so now for the good things:

The game looks great. The whole atmosphere of the arena, the announcers, trainers and the ring girls are done really well.

I LOVE the striking. More difficult kicks are slightly too accurate and easy to pull off, but in general I like the feel of it and the fact that strikes to all areas of the body seem to be effective.

Just a thought on striking - IMO head kicks should have stayed on a shoulder button like in THQ's games for the simple fact that it's easier to throw a body kick than a head kick. Head kicks should take more to pull off.

The clinch game is nice, quite impressed with the variety of shots you can throw.

Overall I'd say the demo is a 7/10 but the full game could be an 8 or a 9 if the AI holds up and the game is well balanced on the higher difficulties.

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Old 06-04-2014, 08:45 AM   #245
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by phillyfan23
The easy level is very easy because the cpu is overaggressive. They punch too much, draining their stamina, and when their stamina is low, you counter them and take chunks away from their health bar. I've just been doing this for the past 5 matches, and won by KO each and every single time.

The AI can't be this simplistic on higher levels CAN it??? I mean Gustaffson, is just a robot that throws and throws and throws. Even when his stamina is low, he forces himself to throw.

I'm sure the devs saw this and hopefully the difficulty in higher levels is due to the cpu managing their stamina better ( not overstriking) and actually block my strikes....which in turn WILL reduce their strike output and make the game more realistic.

I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, because it's hard to come up with an AI THIS bad, and if the higher difficulties will make the CPU MORE aggresive, the devs will succeed in creating a worse AI than the demo. I really don't think the AI is going to be botched this bad in the final version or higher difficulty especially with the reports of some impressions some poster listed ( mentioned how hard it was to land on aldo)

I would be surprised if the AI runs differently. What I think will happen is the game making it harder for the USER to hit the CPU. I don't see the CPU slowing down.

My only reason for that thought is these are the same developers from FNC, a game that had the same issue.

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Old 06-04-2014, 09:09 AM   #246
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I've yet to play the demo but it seems like most of the complaints are about vs CPU. Well I'm an onlin kind of guy and only will play CPU if I have to level my CAF up. The game looks pretty good to me when it comes too 1v1 player match
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Old 06-04-2014, 10:00 AM   #247
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Arrives June 3rd, Features Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson

Originally Posted by aholbert32
- CPU appears to push the pace constantly with Gus or with Jones.
Yep, one and only thing that I didn't want to hear. Seens to be like previous years
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Old 06-04-2014, 11:23 AM   #248
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
It's growing on me.

I just had a nice little finish using Jones. Gus was being aggressive, and I kept out of range and potshotted him in the body, and then swarmed when he was stunned. Felt pretty satisfying. Perhaps I will give online a go, it might be fun to take advantage of over aggressive scrubs.

See this is what I'm experiencing and it drives me crazy. Just watch Gus, it is literally nonstop attacking. Sure UFC 3 the AI was to aggressive Aholbert, but even it was not this hyper aggressive. This in the current demo is flat out redonkulous!

Another major issue I have is the controls. The striking has no rhyme or reason to it. So if I hit square or triangle with no left stick it throws jab or cross, that seems logical. If I hold back on the LS and hit square or triangle it throws uppercut, again that makes sense. Now the kicking controls is where it gets stupid. So if I hit X or O with no LS it will throw inside or outside leg kicks, that is good. If I add LS forward with X or O then I get teep or front kicks. If I hold back on the LS stick with X and O then I get head or ax kicks.

Ok so now lets throw these controls in while moving around the ring. I'm out of range, I want to lunge in with a leg kick. HOW???? If I hold forward then I with throw a front kick, if I flick LS then X or O I get a body kick.

Same issue stands with the sway on the LT and block on the RT. Why do I have to hold LT and flick LS to sway????? Why couldn't this just have been mapped to the RT??????? Then you could block while moving, plus if you want to sway you flick the LS like normal, LT is redundant! Instead I have to play circus dexterity on the controller to do things I want to do. Ohhhh and speaking of redundancy, why in the hell do you have a L1 and R1 power? Why couldn't just R1 been power strikes??

I'm sorry guys it might sound like I'm bitching, but damn I was so hyped for this game and when I played the demo it smashed my dreams of what I had for the game. Brain Hayes and crew I just don't get their mindset on certain things. So many minor things could be changed to make this title out of this world great but instead its plagued with stupid design decisions.

It will take the retail version being drastically different for me to buy it. I'm still holding hope the higher difficulty levels will fix the hyper aggressive AI, because I feel online this game will be a mess. It is so easy to throw special moves with lack of a stamina hit, I see EA MMA all over again online. Super CAFS and just a **** ton of people spamming the advance moves looking for lucky KOs. So because of that the offline will have to be my saving grace and the only way that will happen is if the AI aggression and strategy is fixed.
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