
EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

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Old 06-03-2014, 11:29 PM   #225
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Makes me so angry that EA Sports' motto is "it's in the game" bc the first thing that you notice Is how many things aren't in the game! They said they were making the "most realistic mma game ever created!" Well, apparently the ppl who made this game have never seen an actual UFC event. When Bruce Buffer is announcing the fighters that aren't in the main or co-main events, he is a bit more reserved in his intros. When he announces the main and co-main event fighters, he is energetic, exciting, enthusiastic, the inflection in his voice conveys to the audience that they are about to witness a bad *** fight! In EA UFC, the first thing I noticed is how monotoned Buffer is. Granted, the demo isn't a title fight, but this is Jon Jones and Andrew Gustaffson! He should sound like he wants us to anticipate the fight! You can watch the video of the Pettis/Aldo title fight on you tube, and though he sounds better, it still sounds like ****. For EA to hype their presentation so much, this is unacceptable. Bruce Buffer IS the presentation! The commentary by Joe and Mike is hit and miss, although Joe can definitely get you pumped at times with his over the top descriptions of the action. But nonetheless, I did hear the audio cut in and out as anyone with a good ear can hear the Madden-like commentary pieced together carelessly from old audio.

The visuals in this game make it easy, at times, to forget that it's a video game. The stand up is overly complex. They did not need to add that many commands to this game. They have made the L2/LT button the lower body attack modifier, which is fine. What I don't like, is that they have made the bob and weave (slipping) totally useless by attaching it to this button. There are no combos that work correctly when using it, and you just end up getting knocked out because of it. The fact that the strikes are thrown slowly enough so that you can time the blocking to parry strikes is absurd in itself. Throwing a strong right hook with (R1+Triangle) takes about 3 seconds it seems. The clinch game is not bad. The ground game is infuriating at times, but I'm slowly getting better at it. Submissions?! I Hate the mini game, and I'd much rather mash buttons then try to mess with this inconsistent nonsense. I like the stamina system, but I don't feel that a full stamina strike is any more damaging than a half or no stamina strike. The game feels slow when it needs to feel fast and fast when it needs to feel slow. Look guys, I'm not trying to bash the game because I hate it...I'm bashing it because I've been looking forward to the next UFC game since I got tired of UFC 3. Then, as fate would have it, THQ goes under and EA Sports swoops in to **** out yet another sports game. As soon as I read that they secured the UFC license, my heart sank because I knew what that meant for the future of UFC games. Still, I hoped for the best. Now that it's here, I am not impressed and I am NOT surprised. From fighters to moves, from animations to introductions, it is shocking how little they did with all of the extra horsepower these new consoles have. Now, that being said, it is their first attempt at a legitimate mma game (sorry guys, EA MMA doesn't count in my mind bc it too SUCKED). This game will run on an 18-24 months cycle, and that is now my last bastion of hope. In time, I believe that they will fix what they did wrong, further evolve what they did right, and one day....we will see the game that they promised they'd give us in 2012. For now, my ps3 will be staying with me for the sole purpose of getting to play the winner, AAAAANNNNDDD STILLLLLL, THE UNDISPUTED UFC KING OF MMA GAMES....UFC Undisputed 3!
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Old 06-03-2014, 11:32 PM   #226
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

I disagree, Pappy. For me, a "sky is falling" post is when someone hears something and immediately reacts. I don't think that is what is happening here.

I am not sure I agree that there are posts in this thread straight up going Chicken Little. In fairness, unlike Madden impressions, I at least believe that everyone who has posted in here actually has played the demo and is, in turn, entitled to feel however they want. Other games, a lot of posts are based off speculation and watching streams or watching other people play. I feel like most of the posts here are on the level.

Just my perspective, but it seems to me like everyone in here has played the demo, and a good amount of those people, based on the demo, have some concerns.

Definitely big issues in the demo. Just saying. Retail version might be 100x better, but as far as a demo goes, since that is all I have to judge at this point, it feels pretty average to me. Different settings, at least, would have gone a long way as far as the demo release is concerned.
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Old 06-03-2014, 11:34 PM   #227
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

I am by no means an MMA person. I prefer boxing, but I have had some fun with some of the UFC games in the past. Maybe because I am still learning the controls but they felt so foreign to me. The tutorial was nice, but 30 seconds in to my first fight I had forgotten everything outside of the striking game. So right now I would say that is a negative, but its not really fair to them.

Some of the striking components still felt "unnatural" the way when both were thowing limbs clipped and didn't react properly. It was a problem with the Fight Night series too, which gives me pause calling the "Ignite" engine new.

One thing I really liked is after I hit Gustaveson (sp) with a nice elbow in the second round he went out and his arms went straight and stiff as he fell, I thought that was a really nice touch.

Will play some more hopefully I can remember the controls.


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Old 06-03-2014, 11:41 PM   #228
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
There's a lot of "the sky is falling" posts in this thread, but I really don't think the game is all that bad. If there is no variation in CPU tendencies in the full version of the game on different difficulties, I'll have more of an issue then. For now, all I see is a fun MMA game with a few missteps that I can overlook right now. I think the basic elements of combat are represented fairly well, honestly. It's not exactly a simulation experience or anything, but I wasn't expecting this game to change my life with a first time effort. I don't know, I still really want to play the retail edition and see how it compares to the demo. And I also want to see how good this is online as well.
After playing a little more tonight this is pretty much where I'm at as well.

The more I play the game, the more it's beginning to grow on me. The CPU comes on strong in stints but they definitely cool off throughout the fight. Plus, I'm starting to learn the controls and I'm seeing things that I didn't see last night (some cage interaction for example). I still have a lot to learn and basically after being in "UFC 3 is going to be the NFL 2K5 off MMA" mode all day, I'm starting to lighten up a lit.

Basically, I just need to take my "sim hat" off and get past the fact that I'm not going to see what I really want to see. Let's face it the game is closer to Madden than it is to NBA 2K or The Show (for obvious reasons). Unless the full game is vastly different, then I'm going to see an aggressive CPU, I'm going to see the CPU throwing tons of Haymakers and crazy kicks, I'm going to see the CPU throwing 400 strikes and going for 25 take-downs in a 3 round fight. However rather than focusing on that I'm going to focus on the things the game does well. I mean, it looks great and it's a blast to play. Even on what we presume is rookie mode, the game is competitive for me. Honestly, what I'm looking for is a fun and competitive experience and I think that this game will provide that.

I'm really fiending for more info at this point.
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:01 AM   #229
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Honestly.. this game feels "chunky"..

Game felt bad to me. Did not enjoy my two fights and quickly shut it off to play something else.

The frame rate seemed awful, or atleast it looked awful in motion.

I dont know, something just seemed off and it didn't feel natural at all. Some of the moves are just absurd and look plain stupid.
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:14 AM   #230
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Anyone else just not having fun with the game? It feels clunky, the punches dont feel like they have purpose to them either. Just seems off in every way
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:22 AM   #231
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by jeremym480
After playing a little more tonight this is pretty much where I'm at as well.

The more I play the game, the more it's beginning to grow on me. The CPU comes on strong in stints but they definitely cool off throughout the fight. Plus, I'm starting to learn the controls and I'm seeing things that I didn't see last night (some cage interaction for example). I still have a lot to learn and basically after being in "UFC 3 is going to be the NFL 2K5 off MMA" mode all day, I'm starting to lighten up a lit.

Basically, I just need to take my "sim hat" off and get past the fact that I'm not going to see what I really want to see. Let's face it the game is closer to Madden than it is to NBA 2K or The Show (for obvious reasons). Unless the full game is vastly different, then I'm going to see an aggressive CPU, I'm going to see the CPU throwing tons of Haymakers and crazy kicks, I'm going to see the CPU throwing 400 strikes and going for 25 take-downs in a 3 round fight. However rather than focusing on that I'm going to focus on the things the game does well. I mean, it looks great and it's a blast to play. Even on what we presume is rookie mode, the game is competitive for me. Honestly, what I'm looking for is a fun and competitive experience and I think that this game will provide that.

I'm really fiending for more info at this point.
Want to have a laugh? Search for the UFC 3 impressions thread. People were KILLING it on OS. Same complaints Ive heard here. "CPU" is too aggressive" (true). "stamina doesnt work well enough" (not true). "Controls are too complicated." So I laugh (not at you) at all of the people who considered UFC 3 a good/great game because I damn sure wasnt hearing that 2 years ago.

My quest for "sim" ended years ago especially when it comes to MMA games. Until there is a game that 1) lets me access and change ratings and movesets for licensed fighters and 2) gives me sliders to adjust the AI there will never be a game out that will accurately simulate MMA.

So I'll adjust. UFC 2009 was missing a ton of moves. UFC 2010 had an impossible submissions system. UFC 3 had over aggressive CPU AI. I still played the hell out of those games. So if that means I have to ignore a Caporeria kick every once in a while, I will.

One last thing: I'm not naive. I'm not expecting the retail version to be significantly better than the demo when it comes to AI. However, I still hold out hope based on the impressions from Foxsports and Good Game Bro. They were the only guys who took a significant amount of time playing the CPU. Here are their quotes:

Good Game Bro:

The important factor here is that if you want to be successful in EA SPORTS UFC, you’ll have to think about when you want to attack and what your opponent is doing. Playing the AI isn’t any easier, and while I had success on easier difficulties, the CPU AI will punish you on harder ones, and showed immense depth in my playtime. Even as an experienced MMA gamer, I was in deep waters and had to approach things as cautiously as possible.

I saw a bunch of unique styles and instances in the game as well.

Fox Sports:

And the fighters are true to reality. Playing as Chad Mendes, I couldn’t quite catch up to UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo. Aldo was always a step faster, with his footwork, hands and kicks. When I did have success it was because I was able to get Mendes to take Aldo down -- which essentially will be Mendes' game plan when the two meet in the main event of UFC 176 on Aug. 2 in Los Angeles.

So either they are lying or the retail version will be somewhat different.

Last edited by aholbert32; 06-04-2014 at 12:27 AM.
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:33 AM   #232
phillyfan23's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by jeremym480
After playing a little more tonight this is pretty much where I'm at as well.

The more I play the game, the more it's beginning to grow on me. The CPU comes on strong in stints but they definitely cool off throughout the fight. Plus, I'm starting to learn the controls and I'm seeing things that I didn't see last night (some cage interaction for example). I still have a lot to learn and basically after being in "UFC 3 is going to be the NFL 2K5 off MMA" mode all day, I'm starting to lighten up a lit.

Basically, I just need to take my "sim hat" off and get past the fact that I'm not going to see what I really want to see. Let's face it the game is closer to Madden than it is to NBA 2K or The Show (for obvious reasons). Unless the full game is vastly different, then I'm going to see an aggressive CPU, I'm going to see the CPU throwing tons of Haymakers and crazy kicks, I'm going to see the CPU throwing 400 strikes and going for 25 take-downs in a 3 round fight. However rather than focusing on that I'm going to focus on the things the game does well. I mean, it looks great and it's a blast to play. Even on what we presume is rookie mode, the game is competitive for me. Honestly, what I'm looking for is a fun and competitive experience and I think that this game will provide that.

I'm really fiending for more info at this point.
Different strokes for different folks and I am glad that you are enjoying the game, but what I bolded and underlined basicaly makes the game unplayable against the cpu for me and a lot of others around here.

It's basically if Madden came out with a game and the average weekly score is 63-56. Yea it's challenging, it has good offensive football the graphics are amazing, the jukes are lifelike and it's got bone-shattering hits, there is a winner and loser, there are close games ( 50-48) and blowouts (90-10).

There is no ball possession strategy (grind it out/lay n pray UFC), there is no 10-7 defensive battle ( machida vs henderson ), and there is no running the ball a lot to wear down the defensive line for the 4th quarter ( aldo and his leg kicks strategy)

Would you play this madden? I'm sure your answer is no, it's the exact reasons why many can't play EA UFC if things are basically the same as the demo.

Last edited by phillyfan23; 06-04-2014 at 12:36 AM.
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