
EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

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Old 06-03-2014, 05:28 PM   #161
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by The JareBear
I wouldn't be surprised if "CPU dynamic fight gameplanning, adaptive real-time A.I." is a big feature of the next release. Something like that, anyway.
Thats the problem. They already are promoting it as a feature. "MMAi"

"A mixed martial artist’s mind is as important as his heart. Every licensed fighter in the game will have changing goals and fight plans, based on their real-life tendencies and each fight situation. Stop their Plan A, and they will adapt to Plan B or C. Down on the scorecards, look for the AI to end the fight with a knockout or a submission. A smarter opponent equals a more challenging and unpredictable fights."

Thats why I'll be pissed if its not different in the retail version.
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Old 06-03-2014, 05:35 PM   #162
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Being able to play on a higher difficulty will shed some light on this.

Though i Can't really imagine the AI will be less agro. Just better at blocking and defending.

I just had a beaut of a one sided fight against jones. Despite slipping the initial punch and landing a wobble, jones continued to press. I parried the next two shots, landed a second wobble counter, blocked a headkick and hit a cross-LHook-RPowerHook combo for the KO.

It was not too dissimilar from Silva v Griffin. I feel as if the real jones wouldn't have done this. But then again i did score Gus v Jones1 3rounds-2rounds in favour of Gus.
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Old 06-03-2014, 05:39 PM   #163
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now For Xbox One, Soon For PS4

Originally Posted by jerk
I've got 15+ fights under my belt, finally got the controls down.
I really disliked the submission HUD at first but now that I know what to do I get great satisfaction out of submitting people.

Has anyone been able to throw elbows with jones out of side control? I've done it once or twice but don't know what button combination it actually is.

Speaking of ground game I hate how fast they stand you up. Especially when I'm in a dominate position (side control) and I'm doing some damage.

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Old 06-03-2014, 05:41 PM   #164
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

I played through the demo now on PS4 and I guess I played a little better. It's still going to take a while for me to get used to. I swear there is still a bit of input lag or animation lag going on. It just seems like the timing of things going on isn't exactly correct.

Also, is it safe to say there isn't really working to get a takedown in the game? Seems like it's just you get it or not and there's no area in-between. I may be totally missing something though.
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Old 06-03-2014, 05:43 PM   #165
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now For Xbox One, Soon For PS4

Originally Posted by ThaLiveKing
ok!! Thanks
No problem, when trying to escape, the goal is to fill an escape gate. If they never block you, you have an easy escape. once they block you, you can't fill that gate, until they stop blocking it, so you have to move and try to go out a different gate. If they hold you there long enough by blocking you, they can advance to the next stage of the submission and the gates are reset. Different factors, determine how quickly you get an advance prompt, and how many prompts are needed to finish the submission. For anyone struggling with the submission game on offense or defense, I hope this explanation helped.
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Old 06-03-2014, 05:51 PM   #166
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Re: EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Can anyone confirm/Deny that If one is holding a direction on the LS while defending a takedown it nullifies the defense attempt?

Quite often when my opponent grabs a leg im moving away. In the midst of this all i press RT/R1 + RS down to defend the takedown but fail everytime.

Judging by how the AI defends my own attempts, the window for defense is larger than other MMA games. I can be 50% of the way through a takedown anim. and the AI just stuffs me. Its not the same when I catch even a power takedown ~50% of the way through the anim.

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Old 06-03-2014, 05:51 PM   #167
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EA Sports UFC Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
I definitely see some flaws, but if you get on your horse, and use some sidesteps, and counters, the CPU does calm down a bit off the over aggression. They are still aggressive, but not full berserker mode as if you stand in the pocket and trade. I don't hate it. I wish the aggression was toned down, and like allbethere said, the way the move set is set up doesn't really make sense, and makes it difficult to pull off more basic combo's and makes it easier to use the flashiness. I am still going to get the game, and As I learn the controls and adjust, I am sure it will get better, But the flashiness is gonna be there everyfight, more frequently than most. I can deal with that, as long as the stamina stays as is, or gets even more strict. I actually think the stamina is done pretty well. If you throw too much, you definitely gas out. And if you gas out, what you throw isn't very effective, and slower.

I am torn because there are a lot of things I like, and a few things that irk me. But the things that irk me, irk me pretty bad, But what I like I like a lot. I want to play against another person to see how well fights can go. Tough to have friends to come over and play locally now though.
That is about the same for me.

I am so upset this game does not have a sprint button to go aggressive when your opponent is rocked. If I could ask them to patch one thing, that would be it. I can't believe that is not in this game.

It goes along with the time window you are given to capitalize. It's like with a TKO they stop too early.

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Old 06-03-2014, 05:55 PM   #168
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Let me start by saying that I love the UFC. I absolutely LOVED UFC 3 for ps3. To me, that game got the stand up game correct. It wasn't hard to learn and the player knew what move he was doing when he pressed a button. EA UFC is not UFC 3. Yes, some of the controls are similar, but that's where it stops. The ground game is downright aggravating. The submission system is terrible. The stand up game is a mess. The game looks incredible as far as visually. I'd imagine that in the retail version, when I get to turn off the HUD, I will at times be lost in the games realism. As far as gameplay goes, THQ already did the hard work and after 3 games, they nailed it. All EA had to do was build off of that last UFC game that THQ made and this would've been a home run. Perhaps one of the most mind blowing things is just how TERRIBLE Bruce Buffer's introductions are. There's NO energy, NO screaming, NO excitement that anyone who's ever seen a UFC ppv is accustomed to. I hope beyond hope that this demo was put together hastily and that the retail version will be fixed in at least some aspects. At the very least, I hope there's a day one patch to fix some things. If I could swap around controls, that would be a start to getting me to accept what they have done with this game. It is impossible to get in any kind of rhythm in the stand up game do to the fact that you have to hold L2 to bob and weave. There are no counter punches when you come out of the bob or weave, not to mention you are holding the button that is set for lower body attacks. The controls ruin this game for me. On the animations side, sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow, and sometimes it's on point. The flow of punches and kicks that I mastered in UFC 3 will sorely be missed in this game. I really expected more than just graphical advancement with this title. I'm going to buy it. I'm going to play it. Hell, I may even begin to like the controls once I learn them all... My point is that this is in no way, shape, or form what I expected from this game. It is, however, EXACTLY what I expected from EA Sports.
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