
EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

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Old 05-21-2014, 09:22 AM   #65
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Re: EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

If someone got into the latest sports car and floored it, lost control and drove off the side of the road, would we say the handling in that car sucked?

Now I'm not saying this is the Ferrari of MMA games, but the user has a lot to do with how it looks like it plays.

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Old 05-21-2014, 10:07 AM   #66
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Re: EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
If someone got into the latest sports car and floored it, lost control and drove off the side of the road, would we say the handling in that car sucked?

Now I'm not saying this is the Ferrari of MMA games, but the user has a lot to do with how it looks like it plays.

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Exactly. Any and every game can look arcadey depending on how you play it especially a fighting game. I dont play like that so I'm not concerned about that. Also we have no idea what difficult level or settings they were playing at.
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Old 05-21-2014, 10:14 AM   #67
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Awesome pre ordering when i get watch dogs. I hope it has better game modes then ea mma though
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:00 AM   #68
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Liked what I saw. Hope Madden looks this good.
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:09 AM   #69
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Re: EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
If a guy throws punches at a normal rate, there is no issue with speed. But if he does it at a very high rate, then speed is an issue. This is something Hayes Inc. refuse to consider. Any fighter would be sucking wind with this rate of aggression. They have to penalize it with a heavy blow to stamina if someone decides to throw punch and kicks galore.

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This was the same problem when I went to Fight Night Champion community day. We expressed our concerns on stamina burning to Brian and they tweaked it where it felt fantastic. There was a risk/reward for throwing hell bent looking for a knockout. Throw a multi-punch long combo and your guy would be sucking wind back pedaling trying to recover if he didn't finish his opponent. Then the game released and it was nothing like what we got to play and test in Canada.

Now Brian told us straight up, "its a game and it needs to be fun" so to a extent they don't want to go a "simulation" route. I believe the same carries forward with this combat game under his belt also.

I'll say this, EA MMA looked very similar but that game featured a ton of depth and strategy when playing online (before the button hookers found how to break game). So if people go in knowing it won't be a true simulation but a mix of realism and "gaminess" then I believe they won't set themselves up for being disappointed.

If people go back and watch the fight, notice how they are parrying strikes. Now I know this is not the most realistic thing, but in EA MMA this brought in a strategy element so people would not throw wildly. If you got caught on the button from a parry punch then shut the door you getting KOed. The Aldo guy is the only one really throwing like mad, while the Pettis guy is picking his shots and parrying his attacks. It is how he almost ended the fight early from a parried punch.

I think the strategy elements will be there to slow it down just based on user stick control. Online if I face a kid who runs in throwing nonstop, I can promise I will get many wins from parrying a shot then landing that brutal punch for the KO/TKO.

Last edited by Phobia; 05-21-2014 at 11:19 AM.
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:24 AM   #70
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Re: EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
If someone got into the latest sports car and floored it, lost control and drove off the side of the road, would we say the handling in that car sucked?

Now I'm not saying this is the Ferrari of MMA games, but the user has a lot to do with how it looks like it plays.

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HAHA - Dave if I knew of a way to like this more than once, I would do it.
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Old 05-21-2014, 12:08 PM   #71
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Re: EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

Originally Posted by Phobia
This was the same problem when I went to Fight Night Champion community day. We expressed our concerns on stamina burning to Brian and they tweaked it where it felt fantastic. There was a risk/reward for throwing hell bent looking for a knockout. Throw a multi-punch long combo and your guy would be sucking wind back pedaling trying to recover if he didn't finish his opponent. Then the game released and it was nothing like what we got to play and test in Canada.

Now Brian told us straight up, "its a game and it needs to be fun" so to a extent they don't want to go a "simulation" route. I believe the same carries forward with this combat game under his belt also.

I'll say this, EA MMA looked very similar but that game featured a ton of depth and strategy when playing online (before the button hookers found how to break game). So if people go in knowing it won't be a true simulation but a mix of realism and "gaminess" then I believe they won't set themselves up for being disappointed.

If people go back and watch the fight, notice how they are parrying strikes. Now I know this is not the most realistic thing, but in EA MMA this brought in a strategy element so people would not throw wildly. If you got caught on the button from a parry punch then shut the door you getting KOed. The Aldo guy is the only one really throwing like mad, while the Pettis guy is picking his shots and parrying his attacks. It is how he almost ended the fight early from a parried punch.

I think the strategy elements will be there to slow it down just based on user stick control. Online if I face a kid who runs in throwing nonstop, I can promise I will get many wins from parrying a shot then landing that brutal punch for the KO/TKO.
This is why I'm happy to be an old fogie who rarely plays online. I dont have to worry about the exploits. Whether its been the THQ UFC series or EA MMA or Fight Night, Ive always gone online once and realized immediately that its not for me. Too many unrealistic fights. Too many exploits. Too many people only using the top fighters or maxed out CAFs.

The best impression I've read was from Fox Sports.com where the author said he was using Mendes against Aldo (CPU) and that he had trouble hitting Aldo because of the CPU's use of movement and speed. If EA is telling the truth with its "FighterIQ" advertising and CPU fighters fight like they do in real life I will be in heaven. The first person I'm fighting is Machida. If he's counterpunching, throwing a low amount of strikes and moving around...I will be in heaven. If he's coming straight forward and attacking like he has in every other UFC game, I will be the first person to **** on this game.

My expectations are lower than most too. People seem to hate Fight Night Champion but it is the only reason I still have a 360. Through slider tweaks, Im able to make a realistic enough game and thats all I want.
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Old 05-21-2014, 12:57 PM   #72
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Re: EA Sports UFC Gameplay Video - Jose Aldo vs. Anthony Pettis

Originally Posted by Phobia
This was the same problem when I went to Fight Night Champion community day. We expressed our concerns on stamina burning to Brian and they tweaked it where it felt fantastic. There was a risk/reward for throwing hell bent looking for a knockout. Throw a multi-punch long combo and your guy would be sucking wind back pedaling trying to recover if he didn't finish his opponent. Then the game released and it was nothing like what we got to play and test in Canada.

Now Brian told us straight up, "its a game and it needs to be fun" so to a extent they don't want to go a "simulation" route. I believe the same carries forward with this combat game under his belt also.

I'll say this, EA MMA looked very similar but that game featured a ton of depth and strategy when playing online (before the button hookers found how to break game). So if people go in knowing it won't be a true simulation but a mix of realism and "gaminess" then I believe they won't set themselves up for being disappointed.

If people go back and watch the fight, notice how they are parrying strikes. Now I know this is not the most realistic thing, but in EA MMA this brought in a strategy element so people would not throw wildly. If you got caught on the button from a parry punch then shut the door you getting KOed. The Aldo guy is the only one really throwing like mad, while the Pettis guy is picking his shots and parrying his attacks. It is how he almost ended the fight early from a parried punch.

I think the strategy elements will be there to slow it down just based on user stick control. Online if I face a kid who runs in throwing nonstop, I can promise I will get many wins from parrying a shot then landing that brutal punch for the KO/TKO.

This is just the kick in the nuts. You can only have fun while throwing 100 punches and 200 kicks per round i guess.

I would be on board with arcadey feel if the grappling just looked better.
Also the two users controlling the fighters did a terrible job of "showcasing" the game as the first reveal.

Last edited by dghustla; 05-21-2014 at 01:01 PM.
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