05-07-2014, 12:32 PM
OVR: 3
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: STL, MO 314
I wouldn't say I'm disappointed in the graphics, however I guess I was expecting too much...I was expecting to be blown away. That's just not the case for me at least. That's not to say the graphics and the upgrades aren't noticeable, because they are. But, after seeing how far SCEA has taken this franchise on the ps3 with all the limitations they have/had, I was expecting more of a jump. Like when I 1st played 2k14 on my ps4 I was in total AWE over how BEAUTIFUL THAT GAME LOOKS! The game plays smooth as ever and once some kinks are ironed out the will but almost flawless. I'm just hoping in the future we see the breathe taking talent that I know SCEA is capable of.