05-07-2014, 01:21 PM
Just started!
I agree with everyone that's posted so far for the most part. The batting timing is horrible, pitching is ABSOLUTLEY insane!!!! I can not stand the ball floating to the plate that's begging for my opponent to crush it into the next state, although on his end when the game finally recognizes that he made a hefty hack at the meaty pitch, it's already the next inning. The warping players and warping balls in play I know can be fixed with time but damn how long do we have to wait???? I was so excited for this years version because I had copped my ps4 when they first came out but I had to go ahead and buy the ps3 version because I was that excited. Needless to say I was very disappointed in online play and now will be waiting to purchase my ps4 copy until I know all the kinks are worked out and us fans of the show can have a relaxing yet competitive matchup in online rated match play. Anyone with details as to when the next patch will be available and what it might fix please comment!!! Or where I could possibly find more info.