
MLB 14 The Show Review (PS3)

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Old 04-05-2014, 01:25 AM   #33
underdog13's Arena
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Re: MLB 14 The Show Review (PS3)

Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I would be very curious for you to expand on what you mean by "more dynamic" because this games franchise mode is so deep, immersive and can be extremely dynamic as baseball is a long season and lot's of story lines emerge over the course of one year let alone a multi year franchise.

I get such a vast variety of games…….it's incredible….where as a game like Madden has so much sameness week to week in it's core gameplay (I do love M25 though so props to EA for a solid effort on M25) compared to a game like The Show or NBA 2K for that matter.

Curious though on your feedback on that.

One thing that I think is lacking in the show franchise is a way to read about just general mlb news. Don't know if you have played ootp but they have a tons of news about injuries, accomplishments going around in the league. Or something like madden where they have a Twitter feed to bring the news.
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Old 04-05-2014, 01:59 AM   #34
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Re: MLB 14 The Show Review (PS3)

Originally Posted by underdog13
One thing that I think is lacking in the show franchise is a way to read about just general mlb news. Don't know if you have played ootp but they have a tons of news about injuries, accomplishments going around in the league. Or something like madden where they have a Twitter feed to bring the news.
Oh yeah I have OOTTP for my I-Pad.

I have a feeling on the PS4 in a few years……we will be getting a tour de force of presentation…..dynamic presentation about our franchise. More room, more powerful processor etc.

I hear ya. And i don't disagree. It can definitely use some life in that way. A weekly wrap up show would be insane.

I remember the news papers and they had some attempt at a more living and breathing….but I think the games resources went far more to gameplay.

I think news and things of that nature are great. I am no game developer in the least bit….I know zero about that stuff….I just play them. But I have to imagine all of the resources went to core gameplay…..because my god…..the game plays like a freaking baseball lovers dream.

So I am sure more in depth dynamic features will be coming our way over the next few years. Because the gameplay is spot on for the most part.
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Old 04-05-2014, 04:46 AM   #35
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Considering how easy it could of been for Sony to go the 2K route & release a near identical version of the previous years version whilst focusing on Next Gen, I think it's great that the developers have invested so much in this years game.
I'm an Offline gamer so the Online issues are of no concern to me. It's a shame not more has been done in regards to the commentary. This has been a constant complaint with the game but one that doesn't seem to be getting adressed.
I would of given it a 9 myself.
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Old 04-05-2014, 11:00 AM   #36
tanchl's Arena
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A review should be taken for what it is. If you're buying a new car or wanting to eat at a new restaurant, for example, and you just don't have any personal baseline information, you seek out a review and go from there. Anybody that has ever played an inning of the Show shouldn't even have to look at a review; you should just know that regardless of the year, you're in for a quality experience. Yes, I read this review, but not for anything but something to read out of curiosity.

I pshaw any talk about stale commentary for it is rather easy to turn off the commentary in varying ways. I personally keep Matt and silence the other two. Sometimes I silence Matt and provide my own commentary.

Not too many products you can count on year after year anymore; The Show is one of them. It's a 10 every year for me.
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Old 04-05-2014, 11:14 AM   #37
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Re: MLB 14 The Show Review (PS3)

Originally Posted by tanchl
I pshaw any talk about stale commentary for it is rather easy to turn off the commentary in varying ways. I personally keep Matt and silence the other two.
This is exactly part of the problem, though. Silencing the other two does not:

- Fill the voids of when those two are talking (instead it's just nothingness in the commentary in those sections).

- Remove any times that Matt is talking to/responding to Steve and Eric.

Now you might respond in saying that the first point still sounds fine with those gaps, and that the second point doesn't happen very often... and that is inherent to the entire issue here.

Let's say that we didn't like John Kruk and Steve Phillips when we're playing MLB 2K, and there was an option for us to lower their volume so we did. Now we're listening to Gary Thorne, and it would sound so weird for the same two reasons, only this time it would be solidified. That game's commentary track has them talking to each other all the time, and their flow together is pretty nonstop.

Now I don't think I should praise that game's commentary beyond what is good about it, because honestly they repeat lines all the time as well... but there is this certain flow in the lines and the way that it is stitched together that you simply could not "silence the others" and the commentary would still flow at an acceptable pace like you can in The Show. The fact that The Show allows commentators to be muted and we take accept that advantage means something still might have to be done about the commentary, whether it actually ever will or not.

Although, that is only a small point in the review, and this review extends beyond commentary talk. I just had to get my two cents in on that, because normally I'm rather hush-hush about the commentary in general. I personally don't mind it in that I listen to it all and never mute them, but the immersion factor there could certainly go up, if for no other reason than we've heard the same people for quite some time now. I'm glad that Campbell and Hudler are out of the booth, though.
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Old 04-05-2014, 11:29 AM   #38
Pdubya64's Arena
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Yeah... commentary - the (video) age old dilemma.

I don't know that there is any definitive answer other than bringing in a new "crew" every so many years. I actually kind of miss Soup Campbell at times, though his last year was less than stellar- but the man knew Baseball.
It's pretty expensive to record the hours and hours of lines needed for the game times three guys. But, even if they could just add a new small set of situational responses in the instances where currently only one exists it would be a big improvement. Sure there is a limit to file size at some point though.
It doesn't ruin the game for me, but a change would be appreciated.
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Old 04-05-2014, 12:55 PM   #39
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My biggest with the show is how stale franchise is. The games are great, but where is the news? Why do I always feel like I am playing in a bubble and not in a league? Madden actually does this better then the show. There is no feeling or connection to you being in a league in the show. Even just a news/twitter feed would help immensly. Right now feels like I am playing, and everyone else is in a diff league.
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Old 04-05-2014, 01:49 PM   #40
ty5oke's Arena
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Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I would be very curious for you to expand on what you mean by "more dynamic" because this games franchise mode is so deep, immersive and can be extremely dynamic as baseball is a long season and lot's of story lines emerge over the course of one year let alone a multi year franchise.

I get such a vast variety of games…….it's incredible….where as a game like Madden has so much sameness week to week in it's core gameplay (I do love M25 though so props to EA for a solid effort on M25) compared to a game like The Show or NBA 2K for that matter.

Curious though on your feedback on that.
Basically comparing to OOTP. Since playing that and FM over the past 4 years or so, sports console gaming just hasn't cut it much for me.

I need immersion, weekly shows, highlight cut-out to other games, running storylines, etc... I shouldn't have to go searching through multiple screens to make up my own storylines.
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