
EA Sports UFC Hands-On Impressions

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Old 03-12-2014, 01:22 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by hakeemdaprince
Thank you Beans that's the point I'm trying to drive.Guys get all huffy over imperfections and forget what the point of gaming.Don't get me wrong I want balance.I don't think it's fair to think a computer can replicate the infinite amount of movements the human body can make.As long as the AI is strategic and unpredictable I'm good.That I believe is achievable in any genre (arcade/sim).
Answer this question. What's wrong with wanting a video game to replicate an infinite amount of realistic movements? If anything, it just shows how far developers are really willing to go. Those guys that "get all huffy over imperfections" are called simulation gamers. That's what they appreciate, simulation style gameplay. They aren't the typical casual that plays COD all day, they prefer actual realism and appreciate the art of a genre. Judging from your posts, I can tell that you are not in that demographic. You somehow prefer arcade/sim games which is completely your opinion thus making the point you tried to make a completely bias statement. If you like that genre, more power to you. Just don't come and bash others for their preferences while you try to make yours seem like a fact.
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Old 03-12-2014, 01:41 AM   #10
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Re: EA Sports UFC Hands-On Impressions

The ground game is impossible to get realistic. You either have to make it all done by the cpu where you just press a button and based on position and skills vs other person timing and skills some outcome happens.

They can't do enough animations to give you full control over each limb with a button.

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Old 03-12-2014, 06:00 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by hakeemdaprince
What you mean realistic that's the problem with games now.People like you want it to be real go watch tv cuz developers are trying to blur the lines and it's taking fun out of sports games.Before patches games looked crappy but were fun.Unless you want to get on Kickstarter and create your own game,you're either going to have choppy or animation heavy movements.
Thank You. This is exactly whats wrong with nba2k. Instead of developers making the game fun and giving the player COMPLETE control, they simulate the game so much that the player has little control over the events that take place on the screen. Early in the video game era, the developers wanted to make games that were FUN to play, now they seem hell-bent on just trying to make the games as realistic as possible. Reaslistic is good, but not when its at the expense of the FUN-FACTOR. I'm so sick of 2k and the likes of it. They got all the tats, and celebration, but when I pick up the stick I feel like the damn game is playing me.
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Old 03-12-2014, 06:05 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Beantown
I wouldn't consider myself just a "casual" MMA fan, but ****, man, I'll be that guy - I'd prefer the "arcade realism" that games like Fifa (which I think is the best realism representation in sports gaming), or The Show, bring. I'm not trying to spend fifteen hours learning how to move the stick just right so my character's foot plants at the exact right angle. I want to play a video game and at the end of the day, that's what most people want.

Now, I don't mean I want an arcade game. I want a realistic game, but I still want a game, not a simulator. If that makes sense. And it probably doesn't...it's late.
First of all I agree with you 100%, but why do we have to be considered casual? Another question, how do you really define SIM? Is sim simulating the gaming experience as it would happen in real life? For example, I'm playing against someone in nba2k in a ranked matched. They chose the Heat and I chose the Bobcats. This individual has absolutely no basketball IQ whatsoever but because more than not in real life the Heat would SMASH the Bobcats, the AI alters the game so that I end up losing. Is that Sim?
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Old 03-12-2014, 08:10 AM   #13
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Re: EA Sports UFC Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by bumpyface
First of all I agree with you 100%, but why do we have to be considered casual? Another question, how do you really define SIM? Is sim simulating the gaming experience as it would happen in real life? For example, I'm playing against someone in nba2k in a ranked matched. They chose the Heat and I chose the Bobcats. This individual has absolutely no basketball IQ whatsoever but because more than not in real life the Heat would SMASH the Bobcats, the AI alters the game so that I end up losing. Is that Sim?
of course that scenario is not sim....that's called bad and lazy programming. An example of Sim is if 2 same skilled players play a game and one use the heat and one use the bobcat....the guy using thr heat should win 9 times out of 10 with a lot of blowouts.

the 2 most successful sports games to me are nba 2k and the show....both represent their respective sports very well in the realism department. 2 most realistic also the 2 most successful franchises...go figure

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Old 03-12-2014, 09:30 AM   #14
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Re: EA Sports UFC Hands-On Impressions

In same boat as you Beantown.
Hopefully there are sliders to make it as sim as possible for the hardcore.
For me, I want it to be fun and I want lots of stoppages.

I'm hoping to hear more about career mode.
I really hope it's not the same career mode we've had to endure since Genesis days;
Build fighter, train, add points, fight, add points, move up rankings ladder.
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Old 03-12-2014, 11:35 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by JDrew8
Answer this question. What's wrong with wanting a video game to replicate an infinite amount of realistic movements? If anything, it just shows how far developers are really willing to go. Those guys that "get all huffy over imperfections" are called simulation gamers. That's what they appreciate, simulation style gameplay. They aren't the typical casual that plays COD all day, they prefer actual realism and appreciate the art of a genre. Judging from your posts, I can tell that you are not in that demographic. You somehow prefer arcade/sim games which is completely your opinion thus making the point you tried to make a completely bias statement. If you like that genre, more power to you. Just don't come and bash others for their preferences while you try to make yours seem like a fact.
Well it's nothing wrong with trying to achieve that and I did notice you said "strive". The problem is, the nextgen consoles light years behind let's keep it real. It will 15-20 yrs til they can make a game like that. I'm an 80s baby and I remember simulators were mostly PC. Consoles were usually adapted ARCADE games except for RPGs. Simulators usually had no action just words. Towards the end of the PS2 era is where I believe is when the confusion began. Its when developers start flirting with SIM type modes in sports games. After that they implemented realistic VISUALS and then gamers like you started jonesin for more. When all they were trying to do was make our experience better by making players more recognizable (see TECMO BOWL).
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Old 03-12-2014, 03:57 PM   #16
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Re: EA Sports UFC Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by Money99
In same boat as you Beantown.
Hopefully there are sliders to make it as sim as possible for the hardcore.
For me, I want it to be fun and I want lots of stoppages.

I'm hoping to hear more about career mode.
I really hope it's not the same career mode we've had to endure since Genesis days;
Build fighter, train, add points, fight, add points, move up rankings ladder.
Same here. I want KOs and submissions to be fun and actually happen.

I also want the sliders to make it sim if we want.

Purely sim games don't sell. Sorry to the guys in this thread, but a game that targets the purely sim crowd tends to fail. It's a small audience.
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