
MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

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Old 03-04-2014, 02:44 PM   #57
Sip_16's Arena
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

Originally Posted by Mitchrapp
Because it's not realistic. For a game who wants realism I don't understand it. If a created player throws LH he shouldn't even have the option of playing 3B or MIF. And this is about a left hand throwing CF put in at 2b for whatever reason. Hopefully not in place. Maybe I misunderstand..
It would be unrealistic if these guys "couldnt" play anywhere on the field, very very very unlikely but say a few guys got injured in a game and the only guy left on the bench was left handed and had to go play 2B (again very unlikely) would he put on a right handers glove like previous The Show games would make happen? i dont think so... since there is no generated LH infielders than its at your own discretion to put these guys there probably with terrible results.
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Old 03-04-2014, 03:20 PM   #58
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

Originally Posted by Mitchrapp
Because it's not realistic. For a game who wants realism I don't understand it. If a created player throws LH he shouldn't even have the option of playing 3B or MIF. And this is about a left hand throwing CF put in at 2b for whatever reason. Hopefully not in place. Maybe I misunderstand..
Let's simply look at real life, the current Show games, and the upcoming 14.

Are there LH 3B and MIF in real MLB? No.

Are there LH 3B and MIF in the current Show games? No.

Are there LH 3B and MIF in The Show 14? No.

Is it possible for a LH player to see time at 3B or MIF in real MLB? Technically, yes, but extremely rare.

Is it possible for a LH player to see time at 3B or MIF in the current Show games? Yes, if the user decides to, but only after the player in question magically become a RH thrower to accommodate the move.

Is it possible for a LH player to see time at 3B or MIF in MLB 14? Yes, if the user decides to. Otherwise, it won't happen. It bears repeating but the game WILL NOT generate such players.

You are talking about realism, but if anything, it's more realistic now...at least at it's core. If you don't go beyond that, it doesn't change your experience other than ensuring that your last lefty on the bench doesn't conveniently possess the ability to become ambidextrous at your command.

If you are concerned based on it being possible for someone to make a career LH 3B or MIF or someone being able to take their LH CF and put them at 2B, then you're technically right about realism, but only in instances where someone chooses to use it that way. You don't, so who cares how others play?

It's akin to arguing against 30 team control or player editing since they can be used for unrealistic purposes. Or if I said it shouldn't be possible for the Cubs to win the WS (I mean, there's at least been instances of LH 3B or MIFs in the last 100+ years...sorry Cubs fans ).

In other words, the game isn't any less the simulation it was before hand, it just gave users yet another option to further tailor their subjective experience (while subtly enhancing the core experience as well). It's actually a win-win (albeit a relatively inconsequential one for most of us).
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Old 03-04-2014, 03:25 PM   #59
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

I agree that it is realisitic to have the ability to put a LH player at 3B, 2B or SS. BUT only when no other RH infielders are available on the bench.

I feel it is unrealistic though to have this available in the editor as regular everyday LH 3B, 2B and SS just do not exist. No matter how many LH infielders exist in lower levels (little league, high school, etc) it's just is not a thing in MLB. I'm assuming its available in the editor, so if it isn't disregard this paragraph.

In the end though this won't affect me unless its available in the DD editor, I hope not. I'd hate to see opponents with LH infielders, even if it is a detriment animation wise.
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Old 03-04-2014, 03:36 PM   #60
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

Originally Posted by Mitchrapp
Because it's not realistic. For a game who wants realism I don't understand it. If a created player throws LH he shouldn't even have the option of playing 3B or MIF. And this is about a left hand throwing CF put in at 2b for whatever reason. Hopefully not in place. Maybe I misunderstand..
I do not understand the last few of sentences, but here is the article that put this on my radar:

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
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Old 03-04-2014, 04:12 PM   #61
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Let's simply look at real life, the current Show games, and the upcoming 14.

Are there LH 3B and MIF in real MLB? No.

Are there LH 3B and MIF in the current Show games? No.

Are there LH 3B and MIF in The Show 14? No.

Is it possible for a LH player to see time at 3B or MIF in real MLB? Technically, yes, but extremely rare.

Is it possible for a LH player to see time at 3B or MIF in the current Show games? Yes, if the user decides to, but only after the player in question magically become a RH thrower to accommodate the move.

Is it possible for a LH player to see time at 3B or MIF in MLB 14? Yes, if the user decides to. Otherwise, it won't happen. It bears repeating but the game WILL NOT generate such players.

You are talking about realism, but if anything, it's more realistic now...at least at it's core. If you don't go beyond that, it doesn't change your experience other than ensuring that your last lefty on the bench doesn't conveniently possess the ability to become ambidextrous at your command.

If you are concerned based on it being possible for someone to make a career LH 3B or MIF or someone being able to take their LH CF and put them at 2B, then you're technically right about realism, but only in instances where someone chooses to use it that way. You don't, so who cares how others play?

It's akin to arguing against 30 team control or player editing since they can be used for unrealistic purposes. Or if I said it shouldn't be possible for the Cubs to win the WS (I mean, there's at least been instances of LH 3B or MIFs in the last 100+ years...sorry Cubs fans ).

In other words, the game isn't any less the simulation it was before hand, it just gave users yet another option to further tailor their subjective experience (while subtly enhancing the core experience as well). It's actually a win-win (albeit a relatively inconsequential one for most of us).
Okay thanks. Then I guess I did misunderstood..
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Old 03-04-2014, 07:41 PM   #62
tnixen's Arena
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

Originally Posted by nemesis04
The ball location indicator which is that spinning baseball icon is no longer fixated to the exact location where the ball will land. Now it will take a moment to show up and it will keep moving so you have to continually adjust your fielder to make sure you are under the ball properly. It works really well in those suspense type home runs where the icon could show up before the warning track and you think you will make the catch but the icon will keep drifting back and before you know it the ball is just over the fence. It is definitely a nice change of pace ands some dimension to catching flys in the outfield.
This sounds awesome and should make fielding even more fun and realistic too. It kind of sounds a little bit like how fielding was in that very old game Tony Larussa baseball from what I remember. In that game for example if there was a lot of wind you would see the little ball indicator say in center field and by the time the ball was about to hit the ground the ball indicator would move all the way to left field thanks to the wind which in turn of course made the catch harder. So what looked like a routine fly ball for my center fielder turns out to be the left fielders ball.

Last edited by tnixen; 03-04-2014 at 08:39 PM.
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Old 03-04-2014, 10:15 PM   #63
Mitchrapp's Arena
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

This might seem obvious but I thought I'd ask anyway. Completely removing advancement goals..does that mean 3 homeruns in the next 4 series is gone?
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Old 03-04-2014, 10:47 PM   #64
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Re: MLB 14: The Show Fact Sheet What's Hot/Not

Originally Posted by Mitchrapp
This might seem obvious but I thought I'd ask anyway. Completely removing advancement goals..does that mean 3 homeruns in the next 4 series is gone?
I thought they said not removed, but re-tooled???
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