Some of the best reviewed and best remembered sports games of the past two generations have been of the arcade variety. In fact, these titles were once a staple of the genre. I’ve spent the same amount of time playing
NBA Street,
NFL Street, the Midway titles, and
The Bigs as I have their AAA counterparts.
(For this article, I’m purposefully leaving out extreme sports and racing games, which often intentionally straddle the line between sim and arcade).
What makes these titles shine is their ability to capture what we like about sports -- gameplay, player ability, roster management, etc. -- in quick, hard-hitting doses. When playing an arcade title, I don’t care about slider adjustments or statistical realism; I just want to see how the next play unfolds and ultimately affects the scoreboard. In some ways, these games are the purest representations of sports available.
But yet, these titles continue to disappear from the marketplace. Why is this?
Read More - Arcade Games: Where Art Thou?