12-09-2013, 02:24 PM
OVR: 10
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Re: Powerstar Golf Review (XBox One)
I know this is an arcade golf game and doesn't pretend to be anything but; however, I've got to tip my hat to the developer for at least throwing in these Rival mode challenges. I wish that developers of all golf games would pick up on this idea and have a database ("cloud" if you wish) of recorded golf rounds for gamers to play against. However, don't tell us what final score the recorded round was before we play against it. Let the round unfold shot-by-shot, based on the order of play rules of golf.
EA Sports had something like this up through Tiger 12 (I believe that's where it ended anyway) with their "Gamernet" 18 hole challenges. You could play against a recorded round and it would sequence the order of play just as if you were playing live against the player who recorded round. The problem was that you knew what score they shot prior to the round and it took all the mystery out of it.
Why not just have a selection of rounds to choose from where all you know is that golfer's average score for the given difficulty level, and the course and weather conditions? I think something like this would take off, even though for my money it would still take a back seat to live multiplayer play.