
Forza Motorsport 5 Review (XBox One)

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Old 12-03-2013, 01:48 PM   #17
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allBthere's Arena
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yeah, it reads as if the reviewer hasn't played a previous forza game. There are also quite a few grammar and spelling mistakes making it seem ESL.

The constant comparisons to horizon are completely off base. Strange read.
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Old 12-03-2013, 10:38 PM   #18
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I thought Horizon was considered a disappointment and was the weakest in the series by the majority. I'd like to see a sequel though only with more cars and a much larger map.
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Old 12-04-2013, 05:34 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by allBthere
yeah, it reads as if the reviewer hasn't played a previous forza game. There are also quite a few grammar and spelling mistakes making it seem ESL.

The constant comparisons to horizon are completely off base. Strange read.
Nope, I have only played every Forza game that has been released. As for the grammar and spelling mistakes, that's why we have an editor. As a writer, it is sometimes hard to find mistakes, even when you look over your work multiple times.

The constant comparison to Horizon is because that game shows how you can take the Forza gameplay, add some atmosphere and life, and make a great game. Forza 5 completely lacks the latter. Sorry if I don't praise every single Forza Motorsport game that releases.
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Old 12-04-2013, 06:23 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by VisceralBishop
Nope, I have only played every Forza game that has been released. As for the grammar and spelling mistakes, that's why we have an editor. As a writer, it is sometimes hard to find mistakes, even when you look over your work multiple times.

The constant comparison to Horizon is because that game shows how you can take the Forza gameplay, add some atmosphere and life, and make a great game. Forza 5 completely lacks the latter. Sorry if I don't praise every single Forza Motorsport game that releases.
I wish you hadn't taken offense to the other post, because I just don't think you explained your position thoroughly enough if you had really played all the other games. The main line Forza games and Horizon were completely different so it was just a little odd. I'd like to see Forza do a lot more with the career mode (so essentially we agree) but it should never go anywhere near Horizon in my opinion. In my opinion, a very good and accurate review overall and you covered the bases.
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Old 12-07-2013, 11:46 AM   #21
Goodydog's Arena
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"Lifeless is the best word to describe everything surrounding Forza 5. The gameplay is stays the same, but it lacks the overall personality of previous iterations, especially Forza Horizon; and it gets rather tedious after hours of playing."

This is the "crux" of the issue that I have with the review/reviewer. My question is "lifeless compared to what?" ...I don't want to seem disingenuous, so I'll get straight to my point: I hope that you are not impyling that GT 5 possesses more "life" than Forza 5, because if that is the case, you would be displaying "bias" at best and incompetence at the worst. I say this because between the two major console sims (meaning GT vs Forza, which would be the appropriate genre for comparison), arguably the Forza series has displayed more "life;" so my question is, "what is this thrilling, exhilarating sim-style racer that exudes so much life?"

To be critical is fair as long as it is logical/rational criticism. I am just trying to understand the "rationale" behind the criticism; so again, "lifeless" compared to what?
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Old 12-07-2013, 01:46 PM   #22
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like Jonathan responded I'm dazzled that any one able to make $9765 in one month on the internet. website link............ JOBS81.COM
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Old 12-07-2013, 08:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Goodydog
"Lifeless is the best word to describe everything surrounding Forza 5. The gameplay is stays the same, but it lacks the overall personality of previous iterations, especially Forza Horizon; and it gets rather tedious after hours of playing."

This is the "crux" of the issue that I have with the review/reviewer. My question is "lifeless compared to what?" ...I don't want to seem disingenuous, so I'll get straight to my point: I hope that you are not impyling that GT 5 possesses more "life" than Forza 5, because if that is the case, you would be displaying "bias" at best and incompetence at the worst. I say this because between the two major console sims (meaning GT vs Forza, which would be the appropriate genre for comparison), arguably the Forza series has displayed more "life;" so my question is, "what is this thrilling, exhilarating sim-style racer that exudes so much life?"

To be critical is fair as long as it is logical/rational criticism. I am just trying to understand the "rationale" behind the criticism; so again, "lifeless" compared to what?
It's lifeless compared to past games in the series, which is in the paragraph you quoted. It says "it lacks the overall personality of previous iterations." That is based off my time with the game, from the soundtrack to the way the career mode is setup.
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Old 12-08-2013, 08:12 AM   #24
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Re: Forza Motorsport 5 Review (XBox One)

This is a question from someone who hasn't played Forza 5, nor even owns an XBox One; but is is possible to filter the Drivatars such that you only race against trusted friends of comparable driving skill? I would think that if it is possible to do so, it would alleviate most of the reviewers complaints about them, provided that after the game has sampled enough data, the Drivatars are reasonably reflective of their driving behaviors? Has anyone noticed that Drivatar behavior improves over time?

I hate to admit this, but as small-minded as this sounds, I'm sitting out an XBox One purchase because it's not compatible with my current Fanatec based racing cockpit. I'm mostly in to racing and golf games and the One is the only console that has an answer to both needs (although PowerStar Golf is more arcadish than what I want to play long term) at present.

I'm holding out small hope that an adapter solution will come out for the current Fanatec hardware, but it will take a huge concession that I don't think Microsoft is anywhere near ready to make at this point. If DriveClub releases for the PS4 next year, and current-gen Fanatec support is there, there's no doubt what will be my first next-gen platform step will be!

Last edited by OnlookerDelay; 12-08-2013 at 08:14 AM.
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