
NBA 2K14 on Next-Gen Extended Impressions

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Old 11-23-2013, 03:15 PM   #25
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VDusen04's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 on Next-Gen Extended Impressions

From the article:
I've quickly learned that not needing Internet to play on the new generation of consoles is an absolute farce.
Are you saying whoever said the internet wouldn't be needed for the next generation of consoles was lying? Or are you saying it's lame that the internet is needed for nearly every aspect of 2K, even those that seemingly shouldn't need the internet?

Either way, I definitely do not like the idea of my offline experiences being largely dictated by my online connectivity.
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Old 11-23-2013, 04:01 PM   #26
wferguson05's Arena
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I am an online 12min Hall of Fame simulation baller and I feel like 2k has abandoned me as player. First of all there is no presentation value online for what is a game based on its beauty accolades. No highlights after the game like in 2k10 where you could see the type of game you had. There also aren't any highlights for the player of the game, just a screen showing you the player and the stats. Finally I can actually look at the stats for players other than starters after the game but I would really like the highlights feature back.
Now to the actual gameplay fails. Calling timeout should be simple, its something thats been done by the Select/Back button for years, however on this next-gen version they have opted for the camera angle change. WHY? I know what camera I want when I start the game and normally players don't change that throughout the game. I shouldn't have to pause the game to call a timeout.
Quick options have become mediocre at best in this version. Doing simple things like quick substitutions has been made difficult because you cannot see the fatigue level of the players in the quick sub menu. Most of these basic features were available to me on 360 and I would think you would expand upon and not water down the options on a system with more power and a higher disc capacity for that matter.
I understand there are those online guys who could care less about watching their highlights at the end of the game or even calling a timeout manually. Shoot, they probably don't even sub their starters either, however don't punish the guy who does. I don't like to play the computer because they cause you to try to "beat the game" rather than play good basketball so I play online against humans and would like to experience the same presentation value there as I would offline.
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Old 11-23-2013, 04:39 PM   #27
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Let me clarify. All of the modes except NBA Today work without internet, but if you start a quick game through NBA today and lose your connection during the game you will have to start over. Sorry for the confusion.
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Old 11-23-2013, 09:18 PM   #28
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It bothers me so bad that they took out Association mode for MyGM mode, and then made my GM soley to run one team, so I can't have anyone to compete with in MyGM with me
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Old 11-23-2013, 09:19 PM   #29
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Also, how in the hell did they find it ok, to not have the Lebron mode in next gen, he's the cover athelete, and isolated to current gen?
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Old 11-23-2013, 11:32 PM   #30
GMG24's Arena
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Pretty LONELY on xbox one since my friends barely gt one....

anybody wanna link up??
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Old 11-24-2013, 02:56 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by wferguson05
I am an online 12min Hall of Fame simulation baller and I feel like 2k has abandoned me as player. First of all there is no presentation value online for what is a game based on its beauty accolades. No highlights after the game like in 2k10 where you could see the type of game you had. There also aren't any highlights for the player of the game, just a screen showing you the player and the stats. Finally I can actually look at the stats for players other than starters after the game but I would really like the highlights feature back.
Now to the actual gameplay fails. Calling timeout should be simple, its something thats been done by the Select/Back button for years, however on this next-gen version they have opted for the camera angle change. WHY? I know what camera I want when I start the game and normally players don't change that throughout the game. I shouldn't have to pause the game to call a timeout.
Quick options have become mediocre at best in this version. Doing simple things like quick substitutions has been made difficult because you cannot see the fatigue level of the players in the quick sub menu. Most of these basic features were available to me on 360 and I would think you would expand upon and not water down the options on a system with more power and a higher disc capacity for that matter.
I understand there are those online guys who could care less about watching their highlights at the end of the game or even calling a timeout manually. Shoot, they probably don't even sub their starters either, however don't punish the guy who does. I don't like to play the computer because they cause you to try to "beat the game" rather than play good basketball so I play online against humans and would like to experience the same presentation value there as I would offline.
To call a timeout during the game push the L1 and R1 simultaneously, took me a while, couldn't figure it out, decided to read the manual and realized that some other small things have changed as well.
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Old 11-25-2013, 05:16 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Bryzine21
Let me clarify. All of the modes except NBA Today work without internet, but if you start a quick game through NBA today and lose your connection during the game you will have to start over. Sorry for the confusion.
This is the worst bug in the 2k14...I'm 2 min left in the 4 qtr...lose connection...kicks me out. WTF!!! Also you can't start a Quick Game without going through NBA Today when you have an active connection. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not seeing it.
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