
Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

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Old 11-20-2013, 10:07 AM   #329
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by Tommyklaid
I'm about 8 full games in since launch...

...and I was one of first to post my impressions, and I'm having an absolute blast with this game. It takes a bit to get used to going from CG to NG, but it just *feels* so much better, the AI is smarter, etc...

I am seeing a bit too many interceptions by both myself & the CPU...I have both set to 3, but it's still too high...granted INT'S are warranted due to horrible decisions.

Gonna wait a bit until I start a C-Franchise, but I am lookin' forward to it.

Solid product IMO!
See when you post things like this... it makes me want to post all the glitches I encounter EVERY GAME. way to many for this to be called a solid product.
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Old 11-20-2013, 10:44 AM   #330
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Played a game last night that left me really impressed with the CPU. Played at Seattle as Washington. They were clearly the better team. But there were some awesome play calls by the CPU. Several times they called plays that I would've never expected based on my time with CG.

Here is one example: 3rd and goal from the 2 yard line. The formation screen shows them with (if I remember correctly) 2 RB, 2 TE, 1 WR in a game they were winning 19-7. So I am thinking run. So I go to my 5-3-2 goal line package. Ready for any inside run. They run a speed option, with no one to secure the edge, Wilson makes an easy pitch for the TD.

If I were playing a user that is a call I would expect, but never have I seen a "cheeky", smart call like that from the CPU. Maybe its placebo, maybe its the "additional calculations" on next gen I don't know, but that call was big as I made a little comeback and lost 21-26. If they had settled for the FG there I could've gone for 2 point conversions on my last two TDs in hope of forcing OT.


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Old 11-20-2013, 12:28 PM   #331
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by N51_rob
Played a game last night that left me really impressed with the CPU. Played at Seattle as Washington. They were clearly the better team. But there were some awesome play calls by the CPU. Several times they called plays that I would've never expected based on my time with CG.

Here is one example: 3rd and goal from the 2 yard line. The formation screen shows them with (if I remember correctly) 2 RB, 2 TE, 1 WR in a game they were winning 19-7. So I am thinking run. So I go to my 5-3-2 goal line package. Ready for any inside run. They run a speed option, with no one to secure the edge, Wilson makes an easy pitch for the TD.

If I were playing a user that is a call I would expect, but never have I seen a "cheeky", smart call like that from the CPU. Maybe its placebo, maybe its the "additional calculations" on next gen I don't know, but that call was big as I made a little comeback and lost 21-26. If they had settled for the FG there I could've gone for 2 point conversions on my last two TDs in hope of forcing OT.
To Piggy back on this, I was playing the 49'ers and they were up by six with under two minutes left. It's 4th and 2 and they are on my 45 yard line. I had two timeouts left and typically I would expect the CPU to punt the ball as they are up by six, under two minutes left and out of field goal range. I go into a punt return formation and they come out in I-formation. so I freakout and call a T.O. and they come out in a punting formation and then try to go for it.

I was the Saints, so they made me burn a T.O. and it's almost as if they realized that with the Saints offense and 1:45 left on the clock up by six they were better off trying to get the first then to give the ball back to my offense.
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Old 11-20-2013, 01:08 PM   #332
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Bought Madden for the first time in about 6 years, it wasn't great, wasn't bad.

It was the most enjoyable Madden experience I can remember having. But having played NBA 2k it just didn't come across as truely "Next Gen". The player models to me look like PS3/360 player models, there's no photo realism like you see in NBA 2k or will see in MLB the Show. They still look cartoonish. The player movement & physics still aren't there. They're better, but they still aren't there. There's no real fluidity to the movement, you can still feel guys react to animations.

I'm using NBA 2k as a reference because to date I have not played a more realistic feeling sports game. They built that game from the ground up. As much as it is similar to it's current gen game in style, it still feels better because the animations for more realistic, the movement is more realistic, guys aren't just changing directions on a dime with no pause, guys don't just fall over from the slightest touch, there is weight to the the players that you can feel in the controls. Madden doesn't have that feeling to it's players. You don't get the feeling of weight or momentum in the movement because the animations aren't there.

It's still an enjoyable game but if this is the trend it's going to be I probably won't buy it anymore. At this point there's really for me only 2 sports games worth buying and that's NBA 2k & MLB the Show. Those games are good enough to occupy my time year round while I found myself getting bored with Madden easily because the on the field wasn't as good as the off the filed is. The Owner Mode stuff is amazing, I just wish the game didn't feel like an upgraded port from the current systems.

I feel like if they just build off this the game will never be what we hope because they will just continue to build on canned animations and not true momentum or physics to the players the way NBA 2k has been able to nail.

I enjoyed it more than Madden's of the past but I don't know if I see myself playing it THAT much more.

Last edited by JerseySuave4; 11-20-2013 at 02:48 PM.
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Old 11-20-2013, 01:51 PM   #333
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by Jetpac
See when you post things like this... it makes me want to post all the glitches I encounter EVERY GAME. way to many for this to be called a solid product.
So you don't think its a solid product. Fantastic. Some other poster thinks it is? Fantastic. It is an impressions thread. You can post yours w/o going into every thread and try to combat anyone who likes the game. You want to post all the glitches you encounter? Do it, we have an entire thread just for that. You continue to post in this manner you will not be posting long.


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Old 11-20-2013, 04:24 PM   #334
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Some impressions after a season of CCM:

The Good:
  • This is pretty clearly the best Madden game I've ever played.
  • I went 3-13 with the Jaguars in my first year. Got the first pick, and had to choose between a long-term project at QB, or a sure thing that didn't have nearly as much upside. Not too many differences in drafting between CG and NG, but the logic definitely seems better.
  • Gone are the days where you are stuck playing against the stupid CPU. In both Madden and NBA 2K, I've been outsmarted on numerous occasions.
  • The line play is fantastic.
  • Crowds/Sidelines look much better.
  • Crowd noise is better.
  • The game is actually a pretty noticable graphics upgrade. I'm still surprised every time I put the game in and play.
  • WR/DB interaction is definitely better.
  • Zones are tighter.
  • More throws are hitting the ground. From a general standpoint, the field just seems much bigger. Which is a huge + for me.
  • Sliders work much better.
  • I've seen a variety of injuries. In my first season, I had Jockel, Forsett, Branch, and Sanders go down for significant time. Also had a few other minor injures.
  • CPU playcalling logic is a lot better.

The Bad:
  • The sidelines are still not where they need to be, but it's better. I'd imagine this game is no where close to reaching it's potential.
  • The presentation is just not good at all. Repeated lines, lines used out of context, no halftime show, no score updates from around the league, etc. just take aware from the overall immersion.
  • The animations are better, but there absolutely NEEDS to be signature styles next year. My rookie QB shouldn't have the same throwing motion as Peyton Manning. Doug Martin shouldn't run the same way as Ben Tate.
  • The CPU offensive line breaks down pretty easily if there is a user controlling a D-Lineman. Sliders help, though.
  • Post play stuff needs to look better. Players are still kind of robot like after the play, unless it's a cutscene.

Overall, I'm very surprised at how much I'm enjoying Madden. The fact that a new one will be rolling around the corner in seven months has me drooling. Like I said, the game doesn't seem anywhere close to reaching its potential yet, so if you're expecting a ridiculous leap forward, you probably won't get it until '15 or '16. Still, this is the first solid game of football out of the box since APF 2K8.
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Old 11-20-2013, 04:37 PM   #335
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by N51_rob
So you don't think its a solid product. Fantastic. Some other poster thinks it is? Fantastic. It is an impressions thread. You can post yours w/o going into every thread and try to combat anyone who likes the game. You want to post all the glitches you encounter? Do it, we have an entire thread just for that. You continue to post in this manner you will not be posting long.
Please give me reference in which I went in to EVERY THREAD and combated anyone who posted something positive. Would a "in my opinion" have been better after that sentence, sure. Ill work on that, but don't try to make me an example over something that is clearly not violating any rules. Threatening me with posting privileges instead of inboxing me to properly voice your concerns only prove that you want to showcase your authority. This is a video game and a community one cant live without the other. I respect everyone here, if anyone feels differently I apologize that is not my intent. If you want to ban me. Fanastic. Wouldn't bother me in the least.

Last edited by Jetpac; 11-20-2013 at 04:42 PM.
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Old 11-20-2013, 05:53 PM   #336
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Probably the worst line play I've seen while playing. The rest of it was just funny. Anyways. Dropping into coverage with a CB blitz. The RT and RG whiff and look awful doing it.



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