10-31-2013, 12:07 AM
I have to disagree with Chris on a couple of points...
1)" Baseball being easy to replicate on a digital screen"
I guess if you're only talking graphics, then the response would be that this is because of the diverse lighting and stadiums in Baseball lends itself to a beauty that isn't replicated in any other sport.
But if you're talking gameplay, I have to strongly disagree. Baseball is so complex on so many levels.. even Hall of Fame Players and Managers still learn something new every time they go to the ballpark. Recreating that must be next to impossible.
2) Comparing the value of 13 to 12... I guess if you're from Oklahoma and raised on football, little things don't mean that much to you.
But in Baseball, even a thousandth of a percentage point over time can add up to a major adjustment. The difference between a .300 hitter and a .200 hitter is less than 2 hits a week..
That being said, the differences between 13 and 12 is two hits a week. If 13 is Wade Boggs, 12 is Omar Moreno..