
NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

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Old 10-25-2013, 04:53 PM   #225
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Man this some bullcrap i was looking forward to association mode on the next gen.
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Old 10-25-2013, 04:57 PM   #226
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by VDusen04
Yikes, that seems a bit harsh. For whatever it's worth, 2K13 was the first 2K I recall forcing me to create an overarching MyPlayer with a fictional system that attempted to force its way into every mode (VC). I remember making MyPlayers in other games, but I feel as though there was still a dividing line between the exploits of the MyPlayer and other more realistic modes.

I find the MyPlayer GM to be very, very silly. For me, it seems as if it'd stand as a constant immersion killer. Don't we all have certain things about NBA 2K we wish to keep authentic in hopes of prolonging immersion? Wouldn't it be strange if the head coach of each team you played as was a cyber version of yourself, instead of seeing the Mark Jackson and Mo Cheeks roaming the sidelines?

Can the game still be enjoyable while using a made up general manager? I don't doubt that. But for all the talk we get about how 2K's always listening and looking to improve their modes based upon community feedback, wouldn't it make sense for the displeased parts of the community to voice their opinions on the idea of fake GMs leveling up while lessening the ability to customize and control one's franchise experience?

And surely, at this point it's easy for everyone to get ahead of themselves. A lot of folks are being negative without having played the product. Similarly, some people are certain this game is the second coming... without having played it. Thus far, portions of the game have been revealed and this community has weighed in with their opinions based upon what they've seen. Some of those opinions are positive. Some negative. And a bunch in-between. Therein lies the nature of message boards.
You and I normally see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. This one isn't one I don't think haha. My thing is the guys that are kind of going overboard with the outrage. Making declarations about what's missing before we even know if it's actually missing. Acting like having to create a GM is this huge issue when it was apart of the game already. In the last few years they've taken it out, yes but we created GMs back in the days of the fake owners that would fire you days. Like 2K8, you make your GM, pick a team and you have the fake owners with the tyrannical, entrepreneur and fan favorite personalities yadda, yadda. Before 2K11 people generally considered 2K8 the best of the series. College Hoops 2K8 people talk about it's greatness to this day and it's Legacy mode. To start that mode whether a open legacy or not, you created your guy and then went into the mode and yet the sky is falling now for the same elements.

It's just crazy to me to see the freakout about "RPGs" and all this other stuff when that's all it's ever been really.

Last edited by King_B_Mack; 10-25-2013 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 10-25-2013, 05:12 PM   #227
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
and this view of immersion should work both ways....while you think MyPlayer GM Is silly, I think the desire to play as R.C Buford is equally silly....

Making phone calls to other owners is viewed as an unnecessary "RPG" element to some, but to me it's just as immersive and realistic as your desire to add back the D-League,,.

People become immersed in different ways...the problem comes in when people view their idea of immersion as priorities instead of their personal taste...
Even more immersive would be calling up the actual GMs of the team as the actual GM of your team. At the very least they should allow more than one MyPlayer so your GM can look the part and not be a tatted out 20's something.
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Old 10-25-2013, 05:23 PM   #228
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
and this view of immersion should work both ways....while you think MyPlayer GM Is silly, I think the desire to play as R.C Buford is equally silly....

Making phone calls to other owners is viewed as an unnecessary "RPG" element to some, but to me it's just as immersive and realistic as your desire to add back the D-League,,.

People become immersed in different ways...the problem comes in when people view their idea of immersion as priorities instead of their personal taste...
The difference, of course, would be that R.C. Buford is, in fact, the GM of the San Antonio Spurs. My fictional, made-from-scratch MyPlayer is not. So when I speak to immersion, I am referring to being able to create a sense of belief that this simulation basketball game is grounded in realism.

Originally Posted by Sundown
Even more immersive would be calling up the actual GMs of the team as the actual GM of your team. At the very least they should allow more than one MyPlayer so your GM can look the part and not be a tatted out 20's something.
I concur.

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
You and I normally see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. This one isn't one I don't think haha. My thing is the guys that are kind of going overboard with the outrage. Making declarations about what's missing before we even know if it's actually missing. Acting like having to create a GM is this huge issue when it was apart of the game already. In the last few years they've taken it out, yes but we created GMs back in the days of the fake owners that would fire you days. Like 2K8, you make your GM, pick a team and you have the fake owners with the tyrannical, entrepreneur and fan favorite personalities yadda, yadda. Before 2K11 people generally considered 2K8 the best of the series. College Hoops 2K8 people talk about it's greatness to this day and it's Legacy mode. To start that mode whether a open legacy or not, you created your guy and then went into the mode and yet the sky is falling now for the same elements.

It's just crazy to me to see the freakout about "RPGs" and all this other stuff when that's all it's ever been really.
If you're singling out a very small number of posters who are going above and beyond merely citing their displeasure (and their logical reasoning for displeasure) with the apparent direction of the new mode, then I suppose I can see where you're coming from. But I suppose it depends what your definition is of "freaking out". The information released on MyGM suggests a funny direction. People have responded. Some love it. Some do not. Those feelings will either change as more info is released or become re-affirmed.

As for the previous create-a-GM, I must admit I barely remember it because it was hardly at the forefront of Association. Somewhere along the lines, I recall being able to create my own Joe Dumars and selecting a face that looked vaguely like him. Then that was it. The only time I'd see him was if I happened to check some sort of report card sub-menu. So again, in that case, I think our imagination kept us immersed back then. That would be in sharp contrast to being continuously reminded that Joe Dumars would not be running my team in 2K14. Instead, it appears I'd receive very regular reminders that my team is being run by a made-up character.

It may sound weird, but I'm thinking it might feel more realistic to run an Assocation in 2K13 and assume with my imagination that Joe Dumars is running things versus having it hammered into my head over and over that the Detroit Pistons are being manned by a made up schmo looking to level up by selecting correct speech paths.

Last edited by VDusen04; 10-25-2013 at 05:35 PM.
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Old 10-25-2013, 05:28 PM   #229
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
and this view of immersion should work both ways....while you think MyPlayer GM Is silly, I think the desire to play as R.C Buford is equally silly....

Making phone calls to other owners is viewed as an unnecessary "RPG" element to some, but to me it's just as immersive and realistic as your desire to add back the D-League,,.

People become immersed in different ways...the problem comes in when people view their idea of immersion as priorities instead of their personal taste...
Aaaand that's why there should be as many options available as reasonably possible. Nobody feel impeded upon.

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Old 10-25-2013, 05:32 PM   #230
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by SteboSSK
Are you someone who goes deep into an association fails to barely play one year and moves on to something else. Serious question.
I play a long time if it's interesting. I don't really like the 2k association as it is now. It's very boring to me. This new mode sounds very entertaining. I don't want to control all the teams. It takes too long.
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Old 10-25-2013, 05:44 PM   #231
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by VDusen04
The difference, of course, would be that R.C. Buford is, in fact, the GM of the San Antonio Spurs. My fictional, made-from-scratch MyPlayer is not. So when I speak to immersion, I am referring to being able to create a sense of belief that this simulation basketball game is grounded in realism.

I concur.
Well that was my point...(and Sundown has a great idea BTW)

That's something that would help YOUR immersion, while 2k could get the Spurs entire FO scanned into the game, and I couldn't care less...

It's really just a matter of preference...my argument is that nobody's is "the right way"
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Old 10-25-2013, 05:45 PM   #232
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by VDusen04
The difference, of course, would be that R.C. Buford is, in fact, the GM of the San Antonio Spurs. My fictional, made-from-scratch MyPlayer is not. So when I speak to immersion, I am referring to being able to create a sense of belief that this simulation basketball game is grounded in realism.

I concur.
And I can understand the trouble some folks have with HOW 2K presented MyGM-- with Chris's silly MyPlayer complete with stars shaved into his head.

Regardless of how well MyGM implements the immersion aspects (and I think they look promising and somewhat realistic), there's a tone 2K marketing set that's not quite right. They seem to be going for the "tight tight tight" demographic that wants to model themselves after a hip hop/basketball team owning mogul and not so much Bob Myers franchise savior, or Daryl Morey, chubby start nerd.

Because some of the tone seems driven by appeal to this demographic, we get oversights like being able to make multiple MyPlayers and there are probably 5 of us here that actually want to play as old guys no one knows.

Like I've said before, I think 2K is schizophrenic, in that there's this VC/casual/popularity driven thrust within 2K's leadership-- and then there's this sim/hoops nerd base within their dev team. Sometimes the marriage works. Sometimes it doesn't. I think things work best when the popular and fantasy stuff doesn't override the nerd stuff, but in fact compliments it-- ie, MyPlayer in 2K11 with combine, summer league, and D-league. They just need to allow it to be turned off for folks without the patience for it.
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