
NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

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Old 10-25-2013, 01:41 AM   #153
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Originally Posted by LRBTODAY
I understand that people are upset, but I thought people wanted a change with Association Mode?
I don't think all people wanted change just for the sake of change. Removing the ability to control all 30 teams is a change, but that doesn't mean it matches up with the authentic improvement requests people have listed ad nauseam.

Strangely, I do not recall "force my MyPlayer to become GM and introduce leveling up (and maybe VC) to Association" making the cut on too many Association wishlists. But I agree it's a tough spot for these folks (and those who subject themselves to reading the complaints). It's one of those positions where you want to show thanks for someone paying attention to your mode, but then you're also kind of like, "Welllll that's not really what I was looking for... how did you even come to such a conclusion?"

Originally Posted by Sundown
Sheesh. People have asked for Association to get some love and finally when it gets some SERIOUS, SERIOUS love, they fly off the handle and assume the worst.

Sure, 2K hasn't talked about changes they've asked for. Yes, MyGM has story elements to it-- but it will likely make Association *more* popular, and if it becomes 2K's other main mode other than MyPlayer, it *will* draw attention to its bugs and flaws and it *will* receive attention under the hood. Hopefully.

Association guys got more love through MyGM than Crew this year.

Just think about that for a moment.
Again, I'm not sure this is what Association nuts had in mind when they composed detailed and realistic-based wishlists for what they hoped to see from Association in the future. I think a lot of folks are glad to see Association get some attention, it just might not be what they envisioned. As you said, it sort of seems like the story aspect is the big push behind this mode, all while removing a fair bit of freedom by disallowing the ability to control all 30 teams.

Also, in regards to making the mode more popular thus allowing more of the changes we'd like to see, I'm not sure if that'd be the case. If the mode succeeds in terms of popularity (or monetary gain) I feel they'd just go deeper into the fantasy create-a-GM rabbit hole.

Originally Posted by Sundown
Actually some people are. Some are complaining that they dislike anything that feels like RPG or has "My" in it, and that they don't want to play a game with consequences outside of the actual basketball play.

For some reason, there really aren't many who say, "you know, this sounds really great, but I still need A, B, and C." The complaints are mostly formed like "I don't want 'My', I don't want 'Sims', and keep your RPG out of my basketball. Your new features are somehow destroying my game because in my mind they're completely incompatible to sim and customization for some reason. Give me back my stark spreadsheets."

There are varying shades to this, but that seems to be the thrust of many complaints.
I admit, I have an issue with the "My" movement, largely because it doesn't seem to be complementing other modes, but overtaking them altogether. It appears the modes in next generation 2K allow for us to either A) Create a fake player from scratch and play through a fantastical storymode B) Create a fake team and play them against other fake teams or C) Create a fake GM where one must level up to succeed.

Asking with honest to goodness sincerity, can you kind of see where that all might not vibe with a lot of gamers? Particularly those looking for an experience that might allow them to immerse and feel as though they're controlling something that truly resembles the real life NBA?

MyPlayer began to feel a little overbearing in 2K13, with being forced to create a player the moment the game started up, then having virtual currency rear its ugly head and whatnot. Still, there was a split between the MyPlayer realm and the reality portion. 2K14 on next gen looks like it's working on just about pushing the reality portion completely out the door (Season Mode being the lone survivor).

I'm having a tough time articulating my feelings on this matter, as you can likely tell, but I feel RPG implementations don't always necesarily make a game feel more realistic, even if the RPG events technically have the same label of things that may occur in real life. To be completely forthright, my fake GM sitting down in a generic conversation with a potential free agent wearing a terrible suit might actual harm immersion more than help.

Last edited by VDusen04; 10-25-2013 at 01:49 AM.
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Old 10-25-2013, 01:48 AM   #154
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

I just want to play games and manage my roster. All this other stuff I really don't have time for or interest in.

I really want to play this game, but I'm honestly weighing whether it's worth the investment of time this new association mode looks like it's going to need. Seems like everything they added is actually going to detract from the immersion for me.

Last edited by dubplate; 10-25-2013 at 01:52 AM.
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Old 10-25-2013, 01:52 AM   #155
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This sounds great. I'm very excited to play 2K14 on Xbox1. Next gen is getting better sounding everyday!
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Old 10-25-2013, 02:23 AM   #156
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

I was never the type to control more than one or two teams in Association mode. However, I thoroughly enjoyed being able to WATCH/PLAY any game on the schedule on any given night in Association Mode. As long as I can still do that than I see myself loving this new "franchise" mode.

I also need to know the scoop on editing rookies and draftclasses in this new mode? I get a lot of enjoyment in making my own rookies to be drafted in. Sometime they are real players coming out of college, other times (most) they are fictional players that I just want to see how they match up...again, if I can still do this then all is well and bring it on, but if not, then 2K has dropped the ball.
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Old 10-25-2013, 02:28 AM   #157
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

I'm interested in what was said in the interview and think that some gamers are just resistant to change. What MyGM seems to be doing is further implementing NBA processes and attention to detail, into in-game team management. I like the perspective to try to add more depth and personal investment into player management versus the hurry up to rush through this stuff to get to the games mentality. I think once they add multi player with online capabilities to this mode in the future, this mode could be something very special.

That said, I'm not naive enough to expect every aspect of MyGM to be ideal the first edition or even in the early years but I feel like it has potential. I think once the community gets their hands on MyGM, the vocal factions can help transition this mode into something solid over the years. I think the key to this mode will be do the repetitive tasks get boring and tedious quickly or are they implemented well enough and fleshed out over time so that they add to the overall immersion.
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Old 10-25-2013, 02:46 AM   #158
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

The RPG elements sound fun as hell to me.

My concerns, though, are the non-user AI logic and custom rosters/sliders/draft classes.

If the AI logic is improved for trades/free agency/lineups/etc., the lack of multi-users won't bother me.

Custom rosters/sliders/draft classes should be in for MyGM, but you never know. I'll be outraged if those aren't available to be brought into the mode.
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Old 10-25-2013, 02:57 AM   #159
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

Based on the info we've heard so far, My GM sounds similar to the likes of MVP Baseball and Madden 05's Franchise/Owner Modes; modes that either were never translated to current gen or stripped down to the bare essentials. I for one am glad to see them return after a long hiatus. Just hope its implemented correctly.
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Old 10-25-2013, 03:08 AM   #160
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Re: NBA 2K14: My GM Interview, Hands-On Impressions, More! (Next-Gen)

I'm not liking the sound of this, hopefully there is an option to turn this rpg nonsense off. I just want to control one team over multiple seasons without the worry of getting fired and being forced to use another team.

This is not what I had in mind when picturing a revamped association mode. I can't believe 2K thought this was a good idea.
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