
NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

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Old 10-24-2013, 09:51 PM   #201
RocketTMac1's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
A key difference is the timing, like I mentioned before, NBA2k is adding a new but limited mode with the launch of a completely rebuilt version of NBA2k for new consoles, whereas Madden introduced their mode right when most Franchise gamers where hoping that mode was hitting its' stride. To put it another way, imagine NBA2k adding MyGM and removing Association from current gen NBA2k14, now that would be tragic and an apt comparison to what happened with CCM in Madden 13.

Another difference, in my bias opinion, is that given 2k's gaming quality and the fact that its' completely an offline mode, I expect MyGM to be a far better foundation than I found CCM to be in M13. I think taking a mode like MyGM and initially making it offline solo player, to work all the kinks out, then adding multi player, along with online capabilities later, is a better design choice than how CCM was implemented.

I think once next-gen NBA2k14 is released and all the broadcasting for various MyGM modes are shared using the capabilities of the new consoles, we will be giddy with anticipation for a multi player MyGM mode with online capability, in NBA2k15 or 16. I keep picturing weekly SportsCenter from NFL2k5 on steriods, whenever a read about the video highlights in MyGM, coupled with the broadcast capabilities of the new consoles, can't wait.
Now this explanation is the best that I've gotten and it makes sense. If this was what was said (without the comparisons to EA) I think this would have flown over better with majority of offline Association buffs like myself.
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Old 10-24-2013, 10:56 PM   #202
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Re: NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by SoundsLikeScone
Its just the same as how everyone yelled at the Crew people for it being their only thing and talking about it in every thread. Even if it a real gripe, it still gets tiring to hear about.
Huh? The news about the removal of 30 team control has been out ONE DAY! People cant complain for a
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Old 10-24-2013, 11:06 PM   #203
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Re: NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Huh? The news about the removal of 30 team control has been out ONE DAY! People cant complain for a
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Old 10-25-2013, 12:02 AM   #204
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Re: NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by thedc99
Dude association, season mode, playoff mode, and all that other mess is boring anyway. There are too many things that can make or break a game but i can promise if these systems were pushed back at th last minute, there would be an uproar. People don't care if you're not getting the next gen systems for WHATEVER reason. I came in this forum to read posts about what people thought about the gameplay vid, graphics, and modes that are actually in the game, not to complain about what's not. Go tot he Live forum to bash 2K dude because 2k supporters are tired of hearing it. People somehow think they are hurting 2k by keeping the current gen version, who cares they still have your money anyway. Half the ones saying they are not getting the NG, did not get it in time to buy THE SYSTEM or can't afford it so they bash everything about it (sad to say). Having all features in an old game will NOT make me keep that OVER the newest version. I know it seems odd, me complaining ABOUT people complaining, but this is for people supporting the NG if i'm not mistaking
Hahaha banned, good riddance troll.
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Old 10-25-2013, 02:52 AM   #205
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Hello community first time posting in here just wanted to express some thoughts on 2k and the awesome community that you all are building here. So I'll start with 2k from what I've seen so far visually the game looks gorgeous (as many of you have already stated). My expectations for this game graphically were exceeded kuddos to 2k sports for actually making IMO the best looking (quite easily I might add) of all the sports games. This is a significant jump from the current generation (obviously) and might have been enough to sell me on next gen on the strength. Which leads me to yesterday, we have been given a lot of information in the past two days to digest granted a lot of this information has given us just as many questions as answers which to some has caused great fustration and left others to speculate the execution and implantation of these new modes and features. I for one am excited by what I have heard so far player emotions having an effect on the game could be genius If done correctly, wing spans, foot planting etc. You can tell that 2k are really trying to innovate and blur the lines between gaming and reality. And for that we should applaud them they could of played it safe and they didn't. When the anger and dissapointment that some of you might have about certain features and game modes not making they're way to next gen subsides I think you will see this game for what it aims to be ambitious. From the list of features 2k is bringing a lot to the table this year when they could of been complacent which is something to respect. The omissions don't out weigh the additions that have been revealed nobody who is being honest could say that. Not to be overly critical but some of you are acting real girlish right about now with your comments. From the comments I've read so far OS has a really great passionate community that loves they're sports games and has high expections for them as you guys should but some of guys have unrealistic expectations and at first sign of those expectations not being met you turn into girls. From everything we know so far we are most likely looking at the best basketball of all time/one of the best sports games off all time. If you have already preordered a next gen system and are a die hard hoops fan like I am than this purchase is a no brainer. Now If you're not a die hard hoops fan or are on the fence about buying a next gen system just yet than maybe the reveal yesterday wasn't enough to sell you on the purchase or you need to hear more before making such an expensive investment I get it and makes total sense. All I can say is this basketball junkie has seen and heard enough already to be all in. Again great community some of you guys kill me with those gifs. Lol
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Old 10-25-2013, 02:58 AM   #206
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Damn that was way longer than I thought. My bad just been reading everybody's comments on the game for the past week and had a lot to say. I would like to add this I hope guys in 2k14 next gen don't suddenly become ******** when there is a loose ball like in 2k14 current gen you know kicking the ball around and not grabbing it and ****.
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Old 10-25-2013, 03:37 AM   #207
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This is what happens when they build it from the ground up. Be happy its not just a port, I would rather they start over from scratch and make everything work on current gen than just porting the game over getting better graphics but have the same issues as the last game. As long as they add it back in next year its fine
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Old 10-25-2013, 01:31 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by Melbournelad
Hahaha banned, good riddance troll.
dude what is a troll man. I have seen people use that on here when commening on someone's post. What does that mean???
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