
NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

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Old 09-13-2013, 05:00 PM   #57
canesfins's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

So not only do the Knicks have a "big 3" they also have Kenneth Faried? jeez.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:02 PM   #58
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Underwhelming for your expectations?

So when was the last time 2K had a good Assoc mode in your opinion? Are you going to give them the same amount of time that you did Madden to come back with a 'legit' Assoc. mode? 6-7 years.

CCM still has major issues within it, just visit the Madden forum here and you'll see.

No one is forcing anyone to buy anything.

As for the oil change, ya I agree in premise, but not everyone can afford to buy a new tranmissions especially when the one they have isn't broken, just old and sometimes replacing the transmission in a 'old' car, doesn't make the car better necessarily... if your looking to buy a new car with a new transmission, new paint, new bells and whistles, just wait for Next Gen.
The last time 2k had a decent association mode was ESPN Basketball. The last Madden I bought was Madden 2008, Madden 25 is the first Madden I bought in 6 years for the reason I explained:

Their franchise mode is back & improved.

If 2k doesn't fix their mode I won't buy it just like I didn't with Madden.

It's underwhelming to a lot of people's expectations not just mine. No relocation, limited use as a GM, mediocre trade logic, predictable & crazy player growth, out of date interaction, not enough stats, not enough depth, boring FA's.

And why do people have to say no-one is forcing me to buy it? I'm not buying it but I want them to fix their product, they need to hear criticism, tough love. Not hold their hands and pat them on the head.

If I think the association mode & MyPlayer mode sucks, I go into detail why they suck and how they should fix it, a response shouldn't be well you're not forced to buy it.

Also CCM with it's flaws>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Association Mode in 2k.

And yes they do need a new car, Association Mode has been the same for 4-5 years with minimal improvements each year. That's like have a car with 200,000 miles but still driving it around. I'll see what they have to say for next-gen regarding Assoc. Mode, if it's still the same I'll just wait for NBA 2k16.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:04 PM   #59
alabamarob's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

Originally Posted by TUSS11

Rondo: crossover, crossover, crossover, crossover... "Can't get into the paint I guess. Here Avery, why don't you try?"

Brandley: crossover, crossover, behind the back, behind the back, behind the back... "Nope, I can't get in either." He proceeds to kick it out to Green but stays in the paint for the 3 second violation.

I honestly feel 2K has the worst A.I. in all of sports games. If the CPU isn't running a play, you're bound to see a sequence like the one above. Such boneheaded plays are the reason I can't play against the CPU.

I'm hoping they'll overhaul the A.I. for next gen because this nonsense isn't cutting it.
Other than Tyreke Evans I don't I have ever seen someone hit multiple moving behind the back dribbles in a half court set. Avery Bradley's handles are not on that level. But, this is what happens when they remove sig dribbling.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:06 PM   #60
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

At the end of the day, 2K has to make money off of these games. It's why they introduced VC and a means to pay real money to acquire it. And modes like this, gimmicky as you might call them, maximize on the casual gamer market.

This mode is very clearly not intended for the hardcore, wants to see realistic AI trade logic type of buyers. Those guys will buy the game regardless more or less.

And I'm as close to being the realistic AI logic type as it gets without actually being one, but with My Player? I never touch Association. After all, I would create players then go into Associations with them for a long time before it existed. Just never saw the appeal of playing it after that. But I know some people love it and want more. so we'll see how things develop.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:06 PM   #61
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

Still no sign of that 'branching a move to a jumpshot'. Is that really a thing or is it just literally just doing a crossover and shooting right after?

I'am kinda anxious to see/read more about it because taking out escape dribble shots is a big thing.

7.56 Varejao glitches on the floor.

Last edited by Vni; 09-13-2013 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:13 PM   #62
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

Sig dribbling was only animations... the dribble moves themselves were still determined by tendencies.

2Ks biggest problem is that the dribble tendency ratings are jacked way up across the board, so when the player gets into a situation they end up doing extra dribble moves due to the tendencies being jacked really high.

If they would just lower the dribble tendencies you would see less dribble moves being played out and you would see the CPU branch out of dribble moves to something else (cause when the CPU goes to look for something to do, it looks for the higher ratings, so if behind back is at 90, and pass out is 30, guess whats gonna happen first)
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:36 PM   #63
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

Originally Posted by Vni
I like how Deron actually speeds up as he comes off the screen at 11.30.

Looks like they really improved how plays flow.

e/ I really don't like how the AI still spam moves as it tryes to get to the rim.

15.12 Great box out by Howard. I wish that was more consistent.

15.30 Bounce pass looks like morph through the defender.
That irks me too. As if the AI doesn't know that simple moves can also be effective.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:38 PM   #64
TUSS11's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - Path to Greatness Gameplay

Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Sig dribbling was only animations... the dribble moves themselves were still determined by tendencies.

2Ks biggest problem is that the dribble tendency ratings are jacked way up across the board, so when the player gets into a situation they end up doing extra dribble moves due to the tendencies being jacked really high.

If they would just lower the dribble tendencies you would see less dribble moves being played out and you would see the CPU branch out of dribble moves to something else (cause when the CPU goes to look for something to do, it looks for the higher ratings, so if behind back is at 90, and pass out is 30, guess whats gonna happen first)
That makes sense. It would just be nice if there was more reading and reacting going on rather that the A.I. being driven by tendencies.
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