09-15-2013, 05:50 AM
"For instance in Madden online versus, your opponent picks the 90+ rated Seahawks which leads you able to pick only a handful of comparably ranked teams in order to remain competitive. In Ultimate Team however you and your opponent are each able to hand pick your own roster of talent from the players you have collected through opening packs and buying on the auction house.
This makes the game between you and your opponent a test of skill of player versus player and play style versus plays style; as opposed to a math equation of predetermined overalls and existing mismatches. Madden is used in this example, but this the case in terms of the benefits across every sport which carries the mode."
Except, and I say this as someone who was top div for FIFA UT and logged hundreds upon hundreds of games, you still have games between very imbalanced teams so this point really doesn't hold up at all and furthermore, you enter the game having no idea who the opposition has. At least if somebody picks the Seahawks on you, you know who they have and can pick appropriately, but in UT you have little idea what you are coming up against and when I played Madden UT the hip thing to do was load up a starting lineup of weak players so your rating looked low in the pre-game lobby, then the game would load up, opposition would pause and suddenly in comes all of the superstar players.
When you are coming up in UT you can often run into stacked teams (admittedly these people are usually terrible thus why they have strong teams but are still sitting in 10th division) but still you are playing with a team of bronze guys against a team of gold guys. Once you progress further, you will still regularly come up against teams that are much better than yours given the time it takes to solidify a dream line up.
Of course with FIFA Seasons you don't get to see who your opposition is choosing now anyway, though it is at least balanced.