
NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

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Old 08-26-2013, 12:45 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by TeeDogg
I wouldn't mind seeing another Jordan themed release for next gen. 2K15 hint hint
Me either...I appreciate nostalgia in sports....I'm up watching NBA tv classic games...the chi vs bos 2009 playoff game 6 epic overtime battles...a rookie D rose with an athletic bulls young bulls team...2K should do some modern classic teams like 08 celtics, 06 heat, 2011 Mavs, 09 lakers, 04 Pistons, 01 Lakers, 97 Heat, 98 Pacers
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Old 08-26-2013, 02:29 AM   #106
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

one thing

why does the miami heat user always have late release with his shots?!!!

Shot releases should be like in 2k11. Everyone has their own.
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Old 08-26-2013, 03:18 AM   #107
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Re: 9 Minutes of 2k14 footage. Heat v Spurs

Originally Posted by mauro78
@4:15 Love the series of hesitation with the ball of LJ6...
Yep looks like they put his signature travel "Crab Dribble" in the game.
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Old 08-26-2013, 03:52 AM   #108
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

If they got rid of some classic teams that's fine. We don't need 8 different Jordan teams, one is perfectly fine.
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Old 08-26-2013, 07:48 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by PepsiRacer4
If they got rid of some classic teams that's fine. We don't need 8 different Jordan teams, one is perfectly fine.
I would keep 3...88, 92, 96...don't need ROY Jordan
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Old 08-26-2013, 10:21 AM   #110
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

Originally Posted by juicey79
I would keep 3...88, 92, 96...don't need ROY Jordan
Man, I enjoyed having young Jordan (that was his 2nd year in '86). It was fun to have the spindly, thick(er) haired version to contrast his later development.
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Old 08-26-2013, 10:42 AM   #111
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I have also played the game and my experience was a little different. There are also people who have watched video's and say they spacing seems improved.

The problem is that in a real game spacing get's messed up all the time but people expect that. In a video game one guy doesn't do what you want ALL the time and we proclaim spacing is bad.

There are actual NBA sets where guys are not all exactly 15 feet apart. LOL basketball can be ugly sometimes.

Here is another issue IMO. Some people what the AI teammates always moving and always cutting and never standing still. They consider that great spacing.

Others want the AI constantly maintain 15 feet separation and let them create and play off of them.

These ideas are at odds with each other so one person's see's spacing and another person feels like hey there is not enough cutting for visa versa.

The system to create spacing is in there and it was adjustable when I played how i played it seemed to work nicely.

Also I'm sure there are just as many examples of good spacing that one could point out but if were wanting the AI to be perfect then there will always be (in this game anyway) examples where it could be better. That does not mean it has not been improved.

Now either they messed it up after I left LOL, or something else is going on.
Czar, firstly I just want to say.... HUGE fan of your work. Appreciate the acknowledgement.

Its hard to argue your points..... one thing that I did take from it was when you said real basketball can be ugly. I totally agree with this..... but I cant help but think about this highlighting human error. Human error does happen in the NBA, but I can't help but be sceptical about its existence coded into a video game.....then you said something about a system in there to allow for spacing to be created. This was very interesting to myself and perhaps a few others. Is this like what we have seen in previous versions? (I must admit I didn't play with those sorts of options as much as I should have). Or is this a new tweaking ability you speak of?

I suppose my preference would be (in the instance of Chalmers cutting into Anderson's attempt to post, for example) for less to happen. Sometimes I think less is more and I guess I would prefer to have the ability to control a cut (ala NBA 2K11's send a player to the basket ability) than to have it happen on its own and be out of my control......I guess that's my preference and I am just one guy though..... so fairs fair.

The other point about that would be, if it were a hard cutter, slasher who did it as opposed to Chalmers - surely his tendencies would see him ready to catch and shoot instead......

But you made a valid point about how these are only some instances I suppose.

I look forward to some of the insights - hopefully they will highlight a bit more of what's done. I don't dispute improvements have been made, I guess they just aren't as apparent in these vids as I would like....

Last edited by MarkWilliam; 08-26-2013 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 08-26-2013, 02:47 PM   #112
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

Originally Posted by ffaacc03
Without going into specifics Da-Czar, have you played a next gen build ? And if so, did it really draw your attention besides graphics ? Again, dont need specifics, dot want you to get into trouble, as we will get them around octuber I guess.

Also, since you have been related to the development process, do the next gen consoles really enhance and ease the adding of more content ? like more tendencies, ratings, sliders, settings, animations, signature, playbooks, sounds, modes, etc ?

Momentarily, could we finally be in for just adding to the game instead of taking things out or doing exchanges, based solely on memory space (ram & hard drive) ? Given that the 2 next gen consoles are now featuring blue ray discs, more than quadruple the amount of ram and other features, one could guess 2K could really put more content, but leaving aside 1 year cycles and getting used to new technology, have they been/were (I assume they would eventually be) able to do so ?

All these questions arise in relation to the prospect of accomplish some of the things cited on this thread: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...miss-most.html and on this post: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...post2045089338

Sorry for derailing the thread a bit and would understand if an answer cant be given due to the uncertainty surrounding the nature of my post.
I have, as you would imagine with Beluba trolling me I can't say much about it. They are still pushing current gen.

The dev's are definitely breathing a deep sigh of relief with the added headroom on next gen. There much fewer... in fact I don't recall hearing any of the usual questions or concerns about capacity it was all about what can they accomplish with the time they have.

Dudes were feeling creative. It just a matter of how they finish. Can they leave it in the over long enough ? Do they leave it in too long and burn it ? Do they over salt it ? Will they properly taste test it ?

All the ingredients were there is just a matter of how they cook it.

So this should be a really fun generation of games because I like were they decided to start from in year one. As with anything more time with any system is going to yield better results but your getting a full effort on both consoles this year. IMO.

What I played is at least 6-8 weeks old and that is plenty of time for things to change greatly in either direction.

It was def lovely to look at tho
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