
NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

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Old 08-24-2013, 11:44 PM   #65
KyotoCarl's Arena
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Originally Posted by MarkWilliam
I'm sorry but I need to get this off my chest.... is this how it went down?

2k Sports Studio (post release of 2K13).

Ok back to work lads - we need to finalize the control stick how we wanted - now the pro stick.

Next, we HAVE to improve the defense (this means adding blocks - nothing to do with actual strategic improvements) New animations and mo-capping starts for this....

Then, we want to add a new mode - Path to Greatness.... bring back Crew also.

Ok what else for profits....? Oh I know, we need more sales in Europe. Euro League, YOU'RE IN!

Ok and we're done!!

"But sir, we forgot the spacing issues"

OH CRAP! Well we better just say we've fixed it or no one will buy it......

Now I want to be clear that I really REALLY appreciate 2Ks existence and the hard work they do. But one cant help but wonder who is putting the items on their big black board of priorities these days....

End result, here we are today.... watching vids like this. Is this possible? We're at a point where saying it aint so wont even do.....we NEED to SEE that this isn't the case.....
Have you seen the videos? Have you played the game?

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Old 08-24-2013, 11:53 PM   #66
MarkWilliam's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
Have you seen the videos? Have you played the game?

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Well obviously I haven't played the game......

I have seen the videos of course. Lets take this one for example (and my gripe here is spacing to be clear);

0:27 - Parker should have cut directly to the basket
3:07 - Green should have stayed in the corner. Also, the spacing in general on this possession (by the CPU CONTROLLED Spurs) is just plain BAD
3:54 - Chalmers, again stay put in the corner
5:25 - Cole has lost his mind and decided the crowding the paint while Anderson is trying to score is a good idea....what is he doing!?!?
Following Spurs possession - Again, just plain bad spacing. I count 3 guys with 4 feet of each other on the perimeter

So yes, I have seen this vid. And every other one. My point is, I read of spacing fixes. I don't see them......

Snippet from DaWolf's great hands on yesterday
"Another thing I didn’t see a lot of improvements in was the floor spacing. You can tell that they were trying to address the issue (which has plagued the series for years) and the faster passes and jump shots did help a bit – but the main problem with help defense being too one-dimensional and defensive recovery being too quick still exists. Also the teammate AI doesn’t space the floor well enough when penetrating. On one occasion I had Parker of the spurs on Chris Bosh in the post & paint and no Spurs player came to help."

Last edited by MarkWilliam; 08-24-2013 at 11:59 PM.
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Old 08-25-2013, 03:41 AM   #67
quehouston's Arena
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I LOVED the slight contact on Tony Parker's layup attempt at 1:54. Looked very smooth. I just wish we could get video of a halfway decent player playing though, its hard to judge the game off of mediocre gameplay.
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Old 08-25-2013, 04:01 AM   #68
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I was very critical when i'have seen the Euroleague video gameplay, you know my comments about it. But here i'm more optimistic.
First of all, the smooth. Players and gameplay are really really really smooth, very fluid. And there are no more those ubeareble players bump when the players collide when the ball is stop. For me the players bumps collide ruined a lot Nba 2K13
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Old 08-25-2013, 07:23 AM   #69
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Re: NBA 2K14 Video - San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat (9 Minutes of Gameplay)

Originally Posted by MarkWilliam
Well obviously I haven't played the game......

I have seen the videos of course. Lets take this one for example (and my gripe here is spacing to be clear);

0:27 - Parker should have cut directly to the basket
3:07 - Green should have stayed in the corner. Also, the spacing in general on this possession (by the CPU CONTROLLED Spurs) is just plain BAD
3:54 - Chalmers, again stay put in the corner
5:25 - Cole has lost his mind and decided the crowding the paint while Anderson is trying to score is a good idea....what is he doing!?!?
Following Spurs possession - Again, just plain bad spacing. I count 3 guys with 4 feet of each other on the perimeter

So yes, I have seen this vid. And every other one. My point is, I read of spacing fixes. I don't see them......

Snippet from DaWolf's great hands on yesterday
"Another thing I didn’t see a lot of improvements in was the floor spacing. You can tell that they were trying to address the issue (which has plagued the series for years) and the faster passes and jump shots did help a bit – but the main problem with help defense being too one-dimensional and defensive recovery being too quick still exists. Also the teammate AI doesn’t space the floor well enough when penetrating. On one occasion I had Parker of the spurs on Chris Bosh in the post & paint and no Spurs player came to help."
I have also played the game and my experience was a little different. There are also people who have watched video's and say they spacing seems improved.

The problem is that in a real game spacing get's messed up all the time but people expect that. In a video game one guy doesn't do what you want ALL the time and we proclaim spacing is bad.

There are actual NBA sets where guys are not all exactly 15 feet apart. LOL basketball can be ugly sometimes.

Here is another issue IMO. Some people what the AI teammates always moving and always cutting and never standing still. They consider that great spacing.

Others want the AI constantly maintain 15 feet separation and let them create and play off of them.

These ideas are at odds with each other so one person's see's spacing and another person feels like hey there is not enough cutting for visa versa.

The system to create spacing is in there and it was adjustable when I played how i played it seemed to work nicely.

Also I'm sure there are just as many examples of good spacing that one could point out but if were wanting the AI to be perfect then there will always be (in this game anyway) examples where it could be better. That does not mean it has not been improved.

Now either they messed it up after I left LOL, or something else is going on.
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Old 08-25-2013, 08:33 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by MarkWilliam
I'm sorry but I need to get this off my chest.... is this how it went down?

2k Sports Studio (post release of 2K13).

Ok back to work lads - we need to finalize the control stick how we wanted - now the pro stick.

Next, we HAVE to improve the defense (this means adding blocks - nothing to do with actual strategic improvements) New animations and mo-capping starts for this....

Then, we want to add a new mode - Path to Greatness.... bring back Crew also.

Ok what else for profits....? Oh I know, we need more sales in Europe. Euro League, YOU'RE IN!

Ok and we're done!!

"But sir, we forgot the spacing issues"

OH CRAP! Well we better just say we've fixed it or no one will buy it......

Now I want to be clear that I really REALLY appreciate 2Ks existence and the hard work they do. But one cant help but wonder who is putting the items on their big black board of priorities these days....

End result, here we are today.... watching vids like this. Is this possible? We're at a point where saying it aint so wont even do.....we NEED to SEE that this isn't the case.....
is this next gen video? this video looks great to me. it looks very fluid. GO 2k!!!!
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Old 08-25-2013, 08:59 AM   #71
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I like that the lean layup animation is gone. Parker did actual layups around the defender.
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Old 08-25-2013, 09:25 AM   #72
jtswag187's Arena
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Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I have also played the game and my experience was a little different. There are also people who have watched video's and say they spacing seems improved.

The problem is that in a real game spacing get's messed up all the time but people expect that. In a video game one guy doesn't do what you want ALL the time and we proclaim spacing is bad.

There are actual NBA sets where guys are not all exactly 15 feet apart. LOL basketball can be ugly sometimes.

Here is another issue IMO. Some people what the AI teammates always moving and always cutting and never standing still. They consider that great spacing.

Others want the AI constantly maintain 15 feet separation and let them create and play off of them.

These ideas are at odds with each other so one person's see's spacing and another person feels like hey there is not enough cutting for visa versa.

The system to create spacing is in there and it was adjustable when I played how i played it seemed to work nicely.

Also I'm sure there are just as many examples of good spacing that one could point out but if were wanting the AI to be perfect then there will always be (in this game anyway) examples where it could be better. That does not mean it has not been improved.

Now either they messed it up after I left LOL, or something else is going on.
I think its just how horrible the user is, he's taking post fadeways with mario chalmers, however I dont know what difficulty that is but it looked realistic how he was getting blown out
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