
NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

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Old 08-20-2013, 03:24 PM   #145
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Sundown
I like avoiding the shot button altogether. Tapping shot then going to shot stick doesn't flow. Pro stick should be Pro stick, not Pro-everything-but-pump stick.
Lol! I use both and I guess I'm trained to use them both in appropriate situations. But I hear what your saying.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:28 PM   #146
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Yeah that sounds right.

Czar, is off hand passing in? Meaning, is there a penalty for passing with the non-dominate hand? Ala dribbling? Also are layups affected by off hand?
It wasn't. I talked to them about this but the issue was will regular users understand why some passes are not on target simply because of the hand he passed with ? Even though all other visible elements indicate it should have been a good pass.

So for non hardcore users there is no way to really communicate that to the user. So the time to implement vs bang for buck at that time didn't make much sense. Don't know if that changed or what since I left.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:30 PM   #147
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by bumpyface
It amazes me how as soon as 2k releases info about the newest gimmick erybody get hype. I ain't heard nothing about any of the gameplay issues being addressed. What about the horrible rebounding, the passing? I've heard nothing about adjustments to core basketball fundamentals being tweaked. SMDH.
Dribbling and shooting are gimmicks in a BASKETBALL game ?
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:33 PM   #148
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
So, wait... if you tap the stick to the non-ball hand, let the stick get back to a neutral position, and then quickly hold it in the same direction (essentially a double-tap, but with the second tap being held), is that how you do a crossover pullup?

And if I'm moving right and hold the right stick left (or any direction), I'll just do a normal pullup?
I think what is confusing you, and I by no means am saying I can clear it up for you, Is that in the past you had shot controls, and dribble controls, and some moves that were actually shots.

This year you have dribble moves, and you have shots. There are no moves that are actually shots.

You do your moves and then you decide to shoot, then you shoot. Nothing is done for you. You want a dribble left pullup... Then dribble left, and pullup.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:42 PM   #149
alabamarob's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Sundown
My only concern is how fast we can do a pump fake. Sometimes you want to do a quick pump and drive. It's almost a tap itself. Do shots get off slow because of the hold to trigger mechanic?

Maybe this is solved by command queuing, where a hold before your player receives the ball will cause him to go into the shot animation so you can still do a quick pump.

We also need to pump quickly in the paint. Wonder if there's context sensitive timing, where pumps in the paint are triggered faster and taps don't as easily trigger inappropriate dribble moves.

I bet one of the biggest challenges was tweaking the timings so that dribble moves, pumps, and shots all have timings that are intuitive and distinct, and yet can be executed so that none of the hold timings make a move or shot slower than the fastest that it can be done.

I am on the opposite side of this. I think pumpfakes should be slower. An "upfake" is actually a fake shot not simply moving the ball from waste to chest like previous 2k games.
I agree with you in regards to responsiveness but not speed.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:44 PM   #150
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
It wasn't. I talked to them about this but the issue was will regular users understand why some passes are not on target simply because of the hand he passed with? Even though all other visible elements indicate it should have been a good pass.

So for non hardcore users there is no way to really communicate that to the user. So the time to implement vs bang for buck at that time didn't make much sense. Don't know if that changed or what since I left.
Is this not common sense? Do users now understand why they missed a layup while going off hand (lefty usually)... does this even apply to 2k? (off hand lays)

Wouldn't that same thought process apply for dribbling? Why did he lose the ball/get ripped, even though he was going off-hand. Do users understand that? I mean there is a rating for OHD... so why not just apply that concept.

Since in player creation you have to select a dominate hand (what is this for? dribbling only) and pretty much anyone who has dribbled a basketball in real life knows that ya off hand is not as good.

As for implementation... I was thinking Off hand lay, off hand pass. Now as for getting casuals to know... make it one of those in-game pop ups when it happens.. (ya know... "wondering why that pass was off target...")

But overall I hear ya tho fam.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:46 PM   #151
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I think what is confusing you, and I by no means am saying I can clear it up for you, Is that in the past you had shot controls, and dribble controls, and some moves that were actually shots.

This year you have dribble moves, and you have shots. There are no moves that are actually shots.

You do your moves and then you decide to shoot, then you shoot. Nothing is done for you. You want a dribble left pullup... Then dribble left, and pullup.
Right, this is what I figured. So basically, to chain a dribble move into a shot, you just initiate the dribble move with the tap, and then hold the stick to shoot before the animation ends?

Also, does this mean sig gathers are gone? What will the mean for the CPU? Will they actually utilize dribble moves and pull-ups chained together? One thing that bothered me about 2K13 is not having to worry about the CPU pump-faking off the dribble, and now, if they can't even shoot immediately after dribble moves...


Last edited by RyanFitzmagic; 08-20-2013 at 03:49 PM.
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Old 08-20-2013, 03:46 PM   #152
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
It wasn't. I talked to them about this but the issue was will regular users understand why some passes are not on target simply because of the hand he passed with ? Even though all other visible elements indicate it should have been a good pass.

So for non hardcore users there is no way to really communicate that to the user. So the time to implement vs bang for buck at that time didn't make much sense. Don't know if that changed or what since I left.

Have you got any other stories of prevented upgrades to the game due to 2K catering to the "Green Release should always mean SWISH" crowd?
(As a matter fact, what about catering to the "there is no defense, but on-ball D" crowd?)

I'm guessing it means that Lamar Odom is going to be equally as good finishing with his right as his left?

I just don't understand this. PES has distinguished between the strong foot and weak foot of a soccer player and all players have a degree in weakness from 1 to 8 since the PS2 days. Why can't these casuals just figure it out themselves?

Last edited by Optik; 08-20-2013 at 03:48 PM.
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