
Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

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Old 08-15-2013, 11:29 PM   #881
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

My receivers can burn right by CB's. All I have to do is change the route to run straight up field. This works every time when CB's are trying to jam my receiver.

I had this problem in madden 13 and tested it on the demo on all madden difficulty and it's still there. Anyone notice this and know if EA will address this? Slider adjustments really didnt help last year. The "fix" was to turn up interceptions to 100%. This just barely helped.

Any response would be awesome. Thanks!
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Old 08-15-2013, 11:42 PM   #882
ghettogeeksta's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by RGiles36
I got a similar feeling, but more about the AI learning and adjusting. I've been dying for that to find it's way in Madden for five years now.

All of this. The presentation is just demoralizing at this point, with M12 being the lone bright spot this entire generation. Most people don't care to go into that level of detail as you did, but props for taking time out to do that.

I'm just at a loss of words with the presentation this entire generation.

Honestly, I operate under the assumption that gameplay will get better & better over the years. I believe that.

But I wonder if there will ever be a full commitment to broadcast presentation. This half-hearted and stiched together version of a broadcast has been frustrating and exhausting. We barely have presentation options for pete's sake. Is Madden the only sports game where you can't toggle the amount of instant replays?

I really don't mean to sound like the evil GC. I've been waiting a long time for the presentation to rival what I enjoyed years ago in that other game, and save for M12, it never comes close .
They have been touting this Human Like Intelligence for next-gen, it's one of the big features of the Ignite Engine so I guess they are going to back it up or they will catch heat from the media and public about this feature not delivering since it's one of the stand out features, but well see.

Last edited by ghettogeeksta; 08-15-2013 at 11:59 PM.
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Old 08-16-2013, 12:25 AM   #883
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Why is it always wait until next year with EA? I swear they do this stuff purposely and it's all marketing. I play the show and there aren't these AI issues. NBA 2k13 also doesn't have nearly the AI issues either.

This has been my major complaint with EA football for the last 25 years. So I'm supposed to believe and applaud them for finally getting it when other games don't have these issues? What will be missing next?

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Last edited by celtics6; 08-16-2013 at 12:29 AM.
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Old 08-16-2013, 12:29 AM   #884
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Played two games on the XBOX360. From what I can see, looks like they tighten the graphics and it runs smoother then M13.

So far I like it! I pre-ordered the PS4(MLB The Show reason) and Madden25 for it so I hope it is just as good or better for the new consoles.
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Old 08-16-2013, 02:31 AM   #885
Ampking101's Arena
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Originally Posted by celtics6
Why is it always wait until next year with EA? I swear they do this stuff purposely and it's all marketing. I play the show and there aren't these AI issues. NBA 2k13 also doesn't have nearly the AI issues either.

This has been my major complaint with EA football for the last 25 years. So I'm supposed to believe and applaud them for finally getting it when other games don't have these issues? What will be missing next?

::Golf clap::
I think one of the things us fans forget (and even I am guilty for it). The game of football is a very different game than say Football (Soccer), Hockey, Basketball, and even Baseball. One thing all these other sports have in common (save for baseball) is that all the players do very similar things. Take basketball for example, yes you have different positions but is a Point Guard really all that different than a forward (this also kind of applies to soccer as well)? I'm not talking logistics, I'm talking about the fact that all of them technically have the same job, which is shooting and guarding the ball. The only real difference in the games are ratings. Now with soccer you have the goalie which has a slightly different job/mechanic which is solely to defend the goal (this is also similar to hockey).

Now with baseball it's a little closer comparison. You have an "offense and defense" on the field. The pitcher has one job, the batter has another, you have basemen, and outfielders (though those last two can basically be programed together). However not all of them are involved in every plays, you don't have a ton of different types of pitches (I'm not talking stylistically just program wise), and you only need a number of catch animations for both infielders and outfielders.

Now in football we have a number of jobs. We have the quarterback, we have the wide receivers and runningbacks, we have blockers, we have tightends and fullbacks (who double as multiple positions), we have defensive backs, we have rushers, and we have line backers who double as rushers and defensive backs. All of this on every play, while all being in view at all times, and having everyone do their job correctly.

All that to say, I think we are a little too harsh on EA and Tiburon. While I think that they could better than they have, we are all equating it the 2k football game. Well let's be honest 2k found the golden code when they were around, EA wasn't so lucky especially when it comes to current gen and it's not exactly like they can steal the code, and with only a year for development between each release, it makes it that much harder....

The PS3 invisible bug I equate to "not all games port equally" (as stated in an earlier post of mine).

The disappearing features from year to year IS suspect but with EA it seems to be a lose-lose. Countless years I've seen people complain that something isn't in the game, EA puts it in next year (albiet not always perfect), they get complaints all year about it, they take it out, same people complain it was taken out (search for QB Vision Cone for an example).

Sorry to kind of go of topic but I think we all forget these things. Do I still think EA is a bad company? Yes. Do I think they could do better? Definitely. Do I think they deserve as much of a hard time as we give them? Not quite cause looking at the demo of Madden 25 I can see that they are at least trying.

Now come Madden 16 (or 27 or whatever they call it) I'll revisit this post and hopefully I won't be disappointed in at least slightly defending them.

Last edited by Ampking101; 08-16-2013 at 02:35 AM.
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Old 08-16-2013, 02:36 AM   #886
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

I already posted this in another thread but why can't shutdown corners like r. Sherman stop a curl route in man 2 man coverage. I can literally run the same play and route and complete it 90-100% of the time! Mind you I have all madden and cpu pass reaction and coverage maxed at 100 and user pass block at 0. This has been an issue for years. Why has it been ignored?
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Old 08-16-2013, 03:10 AM   #887
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Well I just fired up the demo for a quick confirmation on a concern I had about player differential and sure enough it's present. Anyone can feel free to try it out themselves, I played with the Packers(me) vs Seahawks(cpu) and subbed out the starting TE for an Offensive lineman. Sure enough he ran routes just as crisp as if it were Finely. Granted he could NOT make plays on the ball or catches like Finely but as far as the release off the line, route running and YAC, any difference was negligible.

There was one play where the TE/OL was wide open on a horizontal out towards the sideline, due to two receivers going deep vertical, he caught the ball and turned it up field along the sideline as if he were an agile light on his feet skill position player, not a 300+ pound lineman.

Also, the foot planting was definitely a needed addition but it seems to be generic and superimposed with little to no regard for player height, weight or applicable ratings. So it seems that like in M13, IE is just about adding physics for certain collisions or contact, not about bringing physics to how the entire game is animated and plays out. Kudos to anyone that is enjoying the demo and will enjoy the retail but I just can't overlook this stuff anymore.

I hope all these word games and slight of hand stop with Madden on the new consoles. Now I wonder if the fluid movement touted for Ignite Engine is something that will impact the entire game or will it be more of the same.
I've got some bad news for you if you expect this to change soon.

Look at Fifa...they sell the game as if the players have individuality...they don't nearly have as much as EA want us to believe. If you play PES...although and inferior game on an inferior engine...the player individuality is superb. Player individuality in FIFA has been a problem for decades.

The PES games on PS2 had better player individuality than what FIFA has now with all their marketing hype and fancy names.

EA will probably never go the realistic player individuality route...it's too sim and will frustrate the casual gamer probably too much.

It's a pity...a NFL game has so much potential.
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Last edited by R9NALD9; 08-16-2013 at 03:45 AM.
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Old 08-16-2013, 03:21 AM   #888
swac07's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Tried the demo...it was ok. The players felt like they had no weight to them[ tackles and general contact] imo,its like I was playing with nfl balloon players and that really bothered me. Lol even my brother [who doesn't really play sports games] walked in on me playing and said "why does everything seem real "floaty" with the players?"I can say the game looks good though especially during instant replays, but the presentation and crowd noises are still very cut and dry like previous versions. I'll pass on it again this year...maybe next gen will spark my interests.

Oh and EA might wanna tone down the injuries lol it's horrible right now

Last edited by swac07; 08-16-2013 at 03:32 AM.
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