
Which Fixes and Tweaks Are Needed For NBA 2K14? Post Them Now For 2K Team-Up

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Old 08-02-2013, 05:06 PM   #137
cthurt's Arena
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Re: Which Fixes and Tweaks Are Needed For NBA 2K14? Post Them Now For 2K Team-Up

Originally Posted by Taer
  • PC support - 2k not even pushing out a patch for the PC was disappointing.
  • Rotation and substitution logic revamped: The choices made by the ai in 2k13 have no relation to reality in many circumstances. In example, bench players are never given garbage time, and starters are never rested; even if a team is up by 20 with 2 minutes left in the game.
  • Contact where it happens in real life and no contact where it doesn't. Two bigs in the paint fighting for position and getting all tangled up is good. A wing player attempting to move and position stopping to create contact as he runs through the crowd only frustrates.
  • Spacing and help defense that makes sense. 2k13 had more ai overreaction and lack of awareness then any title I've played since 2k10.
  • Injuries and fouls were error-filled messes in MyPlayer and Association. For example, players were being left on the floor with 3+ fouls in a quarter in non game-winning situations. Injuries were not working on a consistent and realistic manner at all.
  • MyPlayer bugs that existed for years need to be addressed: The various issues with the all-star game are examples. One such is after playing in the all-star game, your rotation minutes for your normal team is all screwed up.
  • Less emphasis on offensive flashy gimmicky play (ally-ops for 2k13) and more emphasis on solid basketball play-making.
  • Top tier players in their respective categories need to have a consistent edge over their colleagues. A top tier blocker should be worth the bigger better contracts in association and myplayer.
  • Defensive counters to every offensive animation.
  • Passing logic needs to be recoded. Adding a min-game where I need to hit several buttons just to try to ensure that a pass is an acceptable pass and not a mess-up is not a solution to an awefull situation in the first place.
  • MyPlayer ai rotation adjustments needed: Minutes per Game should be capped at 35 unless it is a "must-win" situation like a game 7 in the finals.
  • Various MyPlayer goal bugs need to be fixed: when certain goals were assigned, the players were no longer substituted out - even if they played the entire game from that point.
There are a lot more things but these are a start.
Almost everything you named in this was the main reason why i didnt paly much 2k13 this year i was hoping most of these issues would be fixed in the patch but it wasnt and hopefully they will be fixed in 2k14 or i will be having another year without much 2k play.
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Old 08-02-2013, 05:19 PM   #138
jayman504's Arena
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Re: Which Fixes and Tweaks Are Needed For NBA 2K14? Post Them Now For 2K Team-Up

Please for the love of god PLEASE!!! Fix when I'm driving to the basket...having any of my players run into my path stopping me from proceeding. It like the CPU having 6 players on the court VERY ANNOYING
"I'm so lonely....I paid a hobo to spoon with me"
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Old 08-02-2013, 05:19 PM   #139
spectro's Arena
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Re: Which Fixes and Tweaks Are Needed For NBA 2K14? Post Them Now For 2K Team-Up

in myplayer change it so i dont play the whole game getting 40 something minutes
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Old 08-02-2013, 05:53 PM   #140
lockdownD's Arena
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Re: Which Fixes and Tweaks Are Needed For NBA 2K14? Post Them Now For 2K Team-Up

I would just like to know if some of the most frustrating gameplay elements were fixed/improved at all for 2k14:

Player movement

Are the player movement animations quicker/more responsive? Or do you still feel held back at times by the animations? Is player movement more precise and do you feel like you have more control or is there still what feels like sliding/skating/floating on the court?

Defensive animation delay examples: Simply trying to turn around, close out on shooters, or in the defensive stance trying to keep up with another human ball handler dribbling back and forth can be very challenging due to the delayed/sluggish animations.

Bumping animations without the ball was it toned down? I felt like I was literally in a bumper car in 2k13 with all the annoying bumping animations that held you back from simply moving or jumping inside the paint at times.

Was the extremely annoying automatic walking animation removed from the game, when you try changing directions quickly on defense?

Contact/Collision Physics

Have the contact/collision physics and animations on defense been improved a lot more?

On dunks, up 'n' unders, and other combo moves, does defensive positioning matter this year or are you still slid, pushed, moved back just so the dunk or move can complete?

On occasion can a great shot blocker actually block a dunk with his hands?

On-ball defense are the contact animations still there were your defender will sometimes slip and fall to the ground allowing the ball handler to pass?

Do ball handlers warp by your on-ball defender still at times?

What about when you run into the ball handler inside the paint from the side/back does your defender still sometimes do that animation where he puts his arm against his chest as if he just had a heart attack and stops dead in their tracks?

What about on defensive contact inside the paint on layups and other moves in the air are defenders forced sometimes into animations where the defenders body goes completely limp and you can't move for a couple seconds afterwards?

Are ball handlers still able to recklessly turbo and keep ramming into on-ball defender without at least picking up their dribble or lossing the ball more?


Is there still excessive bobbling of catches to open cutters or players standing wide open?

Do receivers still sometimes get slid further back or get pulled farther away from the basket unrealisticly?

Is the ball thrown behind the cutting receiver still too much?

Is passing logic any better? For instance most passes thrown into the paint are bounce passes even if there is heavy traffic leading to turnovers/kicked balls.

Are full court passes over defenders heads still completed too much?

Is passing speed increased any more or are there still too many floaty passes?


When trying to boxout is your players movements more precise? In 2k13 I felt like I was floating/sliding too much when trying to boxout.

Does the CPU boxout any better and actually jump when they should for rebounds?

Does it look and feel like players can actually grab rebounds any better without so much unnecessary tipping at times and balls going off hands or other body parts?

Are there still kicked balls when going for rebounds?

Are players more aware of loose balls and able to go after the ball any better?

CPU A.I. Movements and Spacing

Is the A.I. Movements on the court more logical and intelligent? In 2k13 the A.I. made a lot of unnecessary cuts and movements which led to them just getting in your way or clogging up the paint.

Do CPU off-ball defenders still get stuck or glued to their man too much and unable to react quickly to ball handlers going inside the paint?

Are CPU defenders still able to close out unrealisticly too fast on the perimiter on catch and shoots?

Rewarding good decision making/skill more

In 2k13 the goal was to make the game more accessible both on offense and defense – promoting over dribbling and rewarding too many bad shot selections (contested and fadeaway shots especially when combined with signature skills is rewarded just as much as someone taking wide open shots). Pretty frustrating on defense when you don't feel like your being rewarded enough for playing great defense. Has any of this been improved in 2k14, so that bad decision making & shots is actually punished more or is the game continuing its trend of being casual friendly?

On defense with the addition of auto-contest people can contest and block shots automatically without even timing their jumps. On defense has the auto-contest been toned down or taken out, so that people have to actually time their jumps themselves to play better defensively?


Has blocks on pump fakes been removed?

Has the following gimmicky/arcade features introduced in 2k13 either been toned down or removed?

Self Alley-Oops

Signature Skills

Step Back Eurostep Move
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Old 08-02-2013, 06:03 PM   #141
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The guys say a lot of gameplay issues have been resolved.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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Old 08-02-2013, 06:19 PM   #142
zello144's Arena
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Fix the glitch at the end of My Career where after you win the finals and try to advance to the next season the game Freezes its very annoying and frustrating.
Let us able to sim all of our games in My Career because some people just play 1 season and it gets boring sometimes playing all of the games sometimes you just want to get to the playoffs.
With Contract negotations make them similar to MLB the show let us negotiate the number of years and the amount of Money like the show It would help if we could add an agent to negotiate contracts and endorsements.
Speaking of endorsements give us more options instead of Nike and Jordan now I know sometimes its hard to get other companies but give us Adidas at least.
Now I like Speaking to the GM but another good option would be speaking with the Coach where you can discuss minutes and strategy.
If our coach is fired let us help the GM search for a replacement we should have impact on who we hire.
Give me the last game atmosphere like MJ and then give us a Number retirement Jersey.
Bring back the Draft combine or Rookie showcase make them optional also allow us to go undrafted and pull of a Jeremy Lin.
If we have a few breakout games let us start something like linning
and thats about it... for now
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Old 08-02-2013, 09:22 PM   #143
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graphics need a major part of refixing... they need to fix the draft where you can adv the crap to the next user, fix the shots, def stance, dribbling, fix the dribbling, reach ins, jumping, blocking, **** i can keep going on! fix the game all 2ks have been all upgrades of themselves, I will be switching over to NBA Live 14 because right now it looks and sounds better
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Old 08-03-2013, 04:25 AM   #144
Just started!
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-Fix AI coaching in regards to substitutions logic. Everybody does not play in every game, and no player rated 55 should get any minutes but garbage time. The coach should sub based on match-ups as well.

-User team AI fast break defense has always been terrible. It doesn't exist. And on offense, well, Blake Griffin should never stop at the three point line on a fast break....ever.

-Lay off the bricked dunks. It occurs in every single game I play. This is the NBA mind you. Pros.

-Don't make the lob pass buttons a combination of the shoot and pass buttons. Why make that pass the two most important buttons in the game? Half the time my player would either shoot or pass it. It was much better as RT/R2+B/O. And If a player has a high pass rating he should be able to throw a lob regardless.

-Do not automatically program each position to a specific part of the floor. For example, If I substitute a SF in at PF, he should not automatically go to the box on offense. I may have four perimeter-type players in the game at once.

-I want to see the Awareness rating actually mean something. There needs to be an on-court visible disparity between players with high awareness ratings compared to low. I have never been able to notice it.

-If there are signature skills, then why have half of the ratings at all? Of course a player with high shooting ratings is a sharpshooter. A player with a high dunk rating, I'm pretty sure, is good at dunking. The point is that it is redundant to have the signature skills combined with the abilities a player already has.

-More realistic rebounding. A player shouldn't turn his back to the ball when he goes up for a rebound. It looks dumb when they're jumping backwards towards the ball. And enough with the palm-the-ball-out-of-mid-air rebound I see so often. I'll go up for a board with two hands and somehow the CPU would grab the ball with ONE hand and get the ball. That's not right.

-The shoe creator did not function properly. I like the concept but execution was terrible. Half of the logos were out of place and if I alter the shoe after I first get the shoe, it would show pitch black during the in-game "commercial" breaks featuring my shoe.

-On a personal note, enough with the name restrictions when creating a player. I am personally affected by this. In previous editions I did not encounter this issue. But for whatever reason, 2k decided to play big brother a couple years ago by stating your created player's name cannot contain "offensive" language, even if it is your REAL NAME. There was a player previously in the NBA with the same last name. FYI he was on the Vancouver Grizzlies back in the day if you can guess who I'm referring to. I make one up and go along with it so I can just continue with the game but this is absurd to me. I understand it but come on 2k. Grow up.

-Make fouls look like fouls instead of the same locked animation shot-put shot or absolutely nothing.

-An AI player should not automatically shoot as soon as he gets the ball in the paint.

-Daily roster updates. It is not that hard to turn to NBA TV and see whats going on. It would take weeks for the rosters to be correct at times through the updates. It only takes a couple of clicks a day 2k. 5 minutes max.

-Get each players shot animation to fit the real life counterpart. They have Eric Bledsoe's shot with a high leg kick when he really shoots a set shot. It's called video 2k. Use it.
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