08-01-2013, 04:27 PM
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Texas
Re: Which Fixes and Tweaks Are Needed For NBA 2K14? Post Them Now For 2K Team-Up
You want a tweak for 2K14? I've got a tweak for you.
Give us the ability to have different MyPlayers again!
Seriously, this is how it's done in EVERY OTHER SPORTS GAME, including NBA 2K11 and 2K12! You start a file, make your player's body, fit him with the accessories you've bought or unlocked, and start the game. It should be that simple.
But noooo, we had to have ONE MyPlayer name and look for EVERY MyCareer file we had.
And if we wanted to change it, it would affect every other file.
Say I make a center named Sam Conway (not my real name, just a generic name for reference), whose social-media handle would be @SamConway.
But later, I decide "hey, what if Brazilian legend Oscar Schmidt played in the NBA? Would he have become the great scorer he was in his homeland?" So I start up a file to play as Schmidt, and...
...it's the same body as Sam Conway. And is named "Sam Conway." Which I cannot change in the "MyCareer: The Creation" screen (which I can't back out of, by the way--fix that too!).
So I go to the MyPlayer menu on the left, change the body and name appropriately, and start the new file. A lot of trouble, but at least I'm playing out one of many what-if scenarios I've had in my head for a while.
But sometime, a few weeks later, I try to go back to my center, right?
And...he's named Oscar Schmidt. And looks like Oscar Schmidt. And his Twitter handle is @SamConway.
Dude...guys...you had it right the first time. I get that you were trying to get a jump on the pirates and hackers and all that who would break the game with 7'2" players with 99 in every stat, but you caused more harm than you prevented!
Just let us have different MyPlayer names and bodies, and I'll be fine. Even the minor things, like being unable to block dunks, I would be fine with if you just fixed THAT issue.
Yes, I know there's a workaround--just make a second PSN/Xbox Live profile and such. But that just doesn't feel right to me...it feels like I'm committing fraud or something. I shouldn't have to do this just to be able to play as different MyPlayers.
Hopefully, more info comes out on the new Path To Greatness mode, and it will shed some light on this. Because if it remains the same as last year, where you can only have ONE name and ONE look, I will be very, VERY disappointed.
And that will suck, since I had sooo much fun with NBA 2K13 apart from that--huge improvement from 2K12. I'm fine with the Virtual Currency system instead of Skill Points...but PLEASE, fix this!