
Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

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Old 04-26-2013, 04:55 AM   #25
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by jp7588
So, last year, holding the stick all the way up would cause your player to accelerate at his maximum rate, correct?

Now what does holding the stick all the way up do? Does it accelerate toward max speed, just at a slower rate? I can't really foresee a scenario in which I'm going to achieve maximum speed without using the acceleration boost.

How often in football does a player reach his max speed without "turning on the jets"? I understand the difference, it just seems like an arbitrary distinction to me. Sure, now you can reach max speed without the boost but who would do that and why?

In the old games, when you come around the corner, see a hole you want to burst through or need to close the gap on a ball carrier you hit the sprint button.

Now, with the acceleration boost, I imagine the application will be the same. It's TECHNICALLY different but, as I understand it, it's practically the same. Press this button to go faster.

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You can blame the marketing department for repackaging terms, and what not, but there is a distinction between this new system and the old auto sprint/sprint button option we've had for years. While they both serve the purpose to get a player to run at full speed, there is one area where the "new" acceleration burst differs from what we used to have, and it is what EA should be trying to get across rather than just the speed aspect of it.

In past games you could hold sprint button down and run around the field at your top speed for an infinite amount of time. Nobody every tired out during the play, the fatigue never kicked in until the play was over, and even then it varied from game to game on how well it actually worked (whole other issue). With this acceleration button, as well as the ball carrier moves, the fatigue happens during play, as well as after the play. Hitting your full speed now has a cost. If your player doesn't have the stamina to stay at his top speed then you can see instances where he may get caught from behind because he ran out of gas, or perhaps you have to make better use of when to utilize a player's quickness in order not to tire him out before you can break free. This seems to be what they are trying to do with the new mechanics, and even though their marketing department seems to be stuck in the XTREME era the concepts behind what they are doing are sound on paper.

Now how it actually is executed remains to be seen, but if you read between EAs marketing terms there is some promise to the mechanics they are trying to implement this year.

Last edited by baller7345; 04-26-2013 at 04:59 AM.
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Old 04-26-2013, 02:01 PM   #26
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

If this game had good animations the new burst/acceleration would probably look so much cooler. Just watching a back burst through the line on certain plays would be awesome. As it stands it probably just looks like he slides quicker with a gimpy running animation, lol. I just don't understand why everything in this game besides tackles looks so bad and stiff.

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Old 04-26-2013, 05:35 PM   #27
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Cool Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Honestly, these are all steps in the right direction whether they are marketed correctly or not and even whether they are implemented 100% correctly or not. I enjoyed '13 much more than '11 & '12(and I've been pretty critical of '13) and these sound like improvements to me. Even if they aren't perfect I am expecting to enjoy '25 even more than '13.
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Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
You're doing it wrong EA
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Old 05-01-2013, 06:52 PM   #28
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by baller7345
In past games you could hold sprint button down and run around the field at your top speed for an infinite amount of time. Nobody every tired out during the play, the fatigue never kicked in until the play was over, and even then it varied from game to game on how well it actually worked (whole other issue). With this acceleration button, as well as the ball carrier moves, the fatigue happens during play, as well as after the play. Hitting your full speed now has a cost. If your player doesn't have the stamina to stay at his top speed then you can see instances where he may get caught from behind because he ran out of gas, or perhaps you have to make better use of when to utilize a player's quickness in order not to tire him out before you can break free. This seems to be what they are trying to do with the new mechanics, and even though their marketing department seems to be stuck in the XTREME era the concepts behind what they are doing are sound on paper.
I think what I don't understand is why isn't this just captured in the SPD/ACC/STA ratings?

Why do we need a "speed burst" if the player is already accelerating to his ability? Why do we need a way to a make player accelerate beyond his ability or even at the max of his ability? If I don't want my guy to go full speed - shouldn't that already be dictated by how I use the stick to move him?
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:15 PM   #29
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Originally Posted by KBLover
I think what I don't understand is why isn't this just captured in the SPD/ACC/STA ratings?

Why do we need a "speed burst" if the player is already accelerating to his ability? Why do we need a way to a make player accelerate beyond his ability or even at the max of his ability? If I don't want my guy to go full speed - shouldn't that already be dictated by how I use the stick to move him?
If we treat these players like cars, as we are here, then the speed and accel become potentials and the stamina remains gas and gas effeciency. On speed burst, the burst would be liken to nitro.

I like the concept but stereotypically, this brake/accelerate function should have a negative concequence for accelerating and braking at the same time as well as for poor steering or ill advised accelerates.

We are playing in the body of the player so these movements should play out like the body of a vehicle.

*Hitting a corner too hard could tilt you
*Being upended should flip you
*Bursting forward too hard (when fatigued) could cause you to stumble and fall like a fatigued (put-put) engine

I see this as missed target if the player vehicles lack their proper physio dynamics. It is the engine of IE that is supoosed to cater these outcomes on their own. Objects do not need to make physical contact with other moving (or stationary) objects to fall or to be shifted - there are infinite possibilities.

I am all for a racecar cockpit dynamic but EA is only half there if they skim the succulents of physics.

I hope nXGen the engine can live up to its title standards and deliver beyond just contact:contact physics but phyics also imposed by the object itself and from forces outside the object that are unable to be objectified.

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Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 05-01-2013 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:22 PM   #30
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by KBLover
I think what I don't understand is why isn't this just captured in the SPD/ACC/STA ratings?

Why do we need a "speed burst" if the player is already accelerating to his ability? Why do we need a way to a make player accelerate beyond his ability or even at the max of his ability? If I don't want my guy to go full speed - shouldn't that already be dictated by how I use the stick to move him?
The way I understand it is if you hold down the LT your player will run at 80% if you hold down LT and I think RS he will run at full speed. There's a detailed breakdown on Espn http://espn.go.com/blog/playbook/tec...riers-run-free

Last edited by jpdavis82; 05-01-2013 at 10:30 PM.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:03 PM   #31
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Returning to your point, KB, could you elaborate on your allusion to the governance of ratings?

Im starting to grasp the validity in acceleration but I am def clear on stamina and more so on speed. I would like to hear your insight on Accel though.

If I dont accelerate the player I can still drive him with the left stick which means he is already in motion. Im starting to understand the key to your point.

Is there a neutral point you are hinting at? In a driving game, I cannot initiate forward or reverse progress until I put my foot to the pedal.

In this event the drive pedal is Left Stick. I think you are saying the auto-sprint may be gone but auto-accelerate still exists and should be next to be removed? My only claim to that Is that players are set in motion at the set of the whistle.

I really want to see the truth between that grey area and I think you got it in your crosshairs that efforts are being duplicated. This is why I use the vehicles for comparisons and figures for speech.

If we did rerwrite the right trigger assignment, what could its new function be? But more interestingly, is that what some are suggesting? I see it as a way for us to command when to accelerate or sprint and the ratings determine the potential - it could become pressure sensitive *shoulder shrug*

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Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 05-01-2013 at 09:42 PM.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:58 PM   #32
Trick13's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by KBLover
I think what I don't understand is why isn't this just captured in the SPD/ACC/STA ratings?

Why do we need a "speed burst" if the player is already accelerating to his ability? Why do we need a way to a make player accelerate beyond his ability or even at the max of his ability? If I don't want my guy to go full speed - shouldn't that already be dictated by how I use the stick to move him?
The "need" for "speed burst" is still there. The sticks on both the PS3 and 360 are not nearly advanced enough to allow for differences in speed - I have tried this over and over and over in practice mode - offense only - and the sticks are not "resistant" enough, nor are they sensitive enough.

NFL football is not always played at 80/100, especially RBs vary speeds behind the LOS to "set-up" blocks or "wait" for the play to develop. That's why you hear football analysts say "So n So showed great patience on that play..." or "he saw a lane and then man he hit another gear".

Now if we had controls (L stick in particular) that featured far more tension - think "Hard Driving" at the arcade - then the ratings and sticks would be enough. And I would be all for the removal of "sprint" as a button. As is, according to some accounts, M25 will be the first Madden to have CPU players hit full speed. Well, that took forever and now we are talking about them trying to program CPU players to use variable speeds appropriately???

I hope we eventually get where you are talking/dreaming about, but I don't see it being accomplished any time soon.
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