
Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

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Old 04-25-2013, 10:36 AM   #17
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roadman's Arena
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Re: Run Free with Madden NFL 25 All New Precision Modifier

Bezo, I think we'll need to wait for NG for better OL/DL WR/CB interactions, just my gut feeling.

Game Informer posted this article which states better OL/DL physical contact or something like that.


better physical contact between the offensive and defensive lines
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Old 04-25-2013, 10:55 AM   #18
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Re: Run Free with Madden NFL 25 All New Precision Modifier

Originally Posted by BezO
I'm happy to see foot planting has been introduce. It does worry me that they specifically mention 45, 90, 135 & 180 changes in direction. Does that mean there are no animations for anything in between?

Acceleration burst? I'm guessing the difference between this & speed burst is that it's short lived. Is speed burst in the game or does a full push on the stick = sprint?

Precision modifier sounds cool if the normal foot planting works. I was hoping for controls similar to 2K BB where you can pull off moves with just the sticks & modify from there. But if the foot planting works and allows for cuts & jab steps, there's actually 3 layers of moves instead of 2.

Sounds like they only did half the job with the blocking. Good that they worked on the assignments & recognition, but what about the animations? Engaged player mobility? How will all this new running look with all the blockers/defenders patty caking, stuck in mud?

And I hope they took the eyes off the back of blocker's heads so they're not changing directions with the RB they can't see.

I read this in the UTC (Under the code) preview
While we are still talking offense I figured I would go ahead and touch on this a bit. Blocking animations have been added to and improved to ensure the correct assignment is adhered to at the proper time.
What new Blocking animations were added?
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Old 04-25-2013, 12:01 PM   #19
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Re: Run Free with Madden NFL 25 All New Precision Modifier

Originally Posted by roadman
Bezo, I think we'll need to wait for NG for better OL/DL WR/CB interactions, just my gut feeling.

Game Informer posted this article which states better OL/DL physical contact or something like that.


better physical contact between the offensive and defensive lines
I'm thinking NG too.

Better physical contact? New blocking animations? Without specifics, I'm interpreting that as "slightly tweeked".

Hopefully EA will realize that these isolated improvements work against the overall results. You can't give RBs new moves & improve the blocking assignments and not give the defense the engaged mobility it needs. How does a strong side OLB or weak side DE contain if they can't move?

It still sounds like EA hasn't moved beyond Tecmo-style blocking.
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Old 04-25-2013, 12:42 PM   #20
jp7588's Arena
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Originally Posted by kbomb1upc
The old "speed burst" and the "accelerator button" are actually different.

If you didn't press "speed burst" you would only run about 90% of your top speed. When you did press it you would run 100%.

The way I believe the new "accelerator button" works is if you never press the button will eventually get to 100% of your top speed. When you press the button you will get to 100% of your top speed faster.
So, last year, holding the stick all the way up would cause your player to accelerate at his maximum rate, correct?

Now what does holding the stick all the way up do? Does it accelerate toward max speed, just at a slower rate? I can't really foresee a scenario in which I'm going to achieve maximum speed without using the acceleration boost.

How often in football does a player reach his max speed without "turning on the jets"? I understand the difference, it just seems like an arbitrary distinction to me. Sure, now you can reach max speed without the boost but who would do that and why?

In the old games, when you come around the corner, see a hole you want to burst through or need to close the gap on a ball carrier you hit the sprint button.

Now, with the acceleration boost, I imagine the application will be the same. It's TECHNICALLY different but, as I understand it, it's practically the same. Press this button to go faster.

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Old 04-25-2013, 03:44 PM   #21
ghettogeeksta's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

They forgot one major area..... the running it's self, it still looks unrealistic/like they are skating, stiff, hump back, and they still carrying the ball like a loaf of bread, hopefully this will be fixed next-gen.
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Old 04-25-2013, 04:13 PM   #22
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by jp7588
So, last year, holding the stick all the way up would cause your player to accelerate at his maximum rate, correct?

Now what does holding the stick all the way up do? Does it accelerate toward max speed, just at a slower rate? I can't really foresee a scenario in which I'm going to achieve maximum speed without using the acceleration boost.

How often in football does a player reach his max speed without "turning on the jets"? I understand the difference, it just seems like an arbitrary distinction to me. Sure, now you can reach max speed without the boost but who would do that and why?

In the old games, when you come around the corner, see a hole you want to burst through or need to close the gap on a ball carrier you hit the sprint button.

Now, with the acceleration boost, I imagine the application will be the same. It's TECHNICALLY different but, as I understand it, it's practically the same. Press this button to go faster.

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I could be completely off base here but I think this "new" mechanic has more to do with CPU/AI than traditional User interaction. In M13, I don't think a CPU/AI player was capable of building up speed or utilizing the sprint. With this mechanic it seems that now CPU controlled players can more organically build up speed, so like on a streak route a CPU WR can actually hustle and if a User switches to control them, they can't get an additional "sprint" like before.

I probably doing a poor job of explaining it but in M13 CPU players never seem to be hustling, they just had one gear. I think this may provide a more visual hustling effect to the other 20-21 CPU players in M25. Also "sprint" was more like a gas pedal in M13, where as in M25 it seems to be more like a quick nitro boost. I think a good way to describe it might be the run mechanic in Skyrim, if you have ever played that.
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Old 04-25-2013, 08:37 PM   #23
infemous's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I could be completely off base here but I think this "new" mechanic has more to do with CPU/AI than traditional User interaction. In M13, I don't think a CPU/AI player was capable of building up speed or utilizing the sprint. With this mechanic it seems that now CPU controlled players can more organically build up speed, so like on a streak route a CPU WR can actually hustle and if a User switches to control them, they can't get an additional "sprint" like before.

I probably doing a poor job of explaining it but in M13 CPU players never seem to be hustling, they just had one gear. I think this may provide a more visual hustling effect to the other 20-21 CPU players in M25. Also "sprint" was more like a gas pedal in M13, where as in M25 it seems to be more like a quick nitro boost. I think a good way to describe it might be the run mechanic in Skyrim, if you have ever played that.
I think you bring up a great point about whether or not non ball carrying players can access the same speed control...

If I'm controlling my LB and I see the HB about to cut outside, can I go from my 80% speed running downhill to 100% to close the angle and lay the lumber?
Can my CB running at 80% in Man Coverage see an overthrown ball and accelerate to 100% and close the ball down to make a play on it?

Will a WR be able to do the same thing as a CB (with the ball in the air)??

Consider me worried.
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Old 04-25-2013, 09:47 PM   #24
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 - Looking at Five Major Areas in the Running Game (MyMaddenPad)

Originally Posted by infemous
I think you bring up a great point about whether or not non ball carrying players can access the same speed control...

If I'm controlling my LB and I see the HB about to cut outside, can I go from my 80% speed running downhill to 100% to close the angle and lay the lumber?
Can my CB running at 80% in Man Coverage see an overthrown ball and accelerate to 100% and close the ball down to make a play on it?

Will a WR be able to do the same thing as a CB (with the ball in the air)??

Consider me worried.
My point was/is that I don't think the CPU players could reach 100% speed in the past because they couldn't/didn't access the sprint button or left stick. In M25 it seems that reaching 100% speed will be a natural progression of players being in motion. I doubt that CPU players utilize the speed burst but it has been stated by an EAGC that a User controlled defender can speed burst to 100% to close out the ball carrier.

As far as Users switching to control CPU players, I would think how fast the players were moving just before the switch would determine if the User can speed burst with them or not, as it should be, imo. For example if a User were to switch to a CPU WR or DB streaking/hustling deep down field at 100%, they likely won't be able to speed burst but if that same player is not already hustling/running at 100% speed then the User can speed burst if switching.
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