
Owner Mode in Madden 25 Connected Franchise?

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Old 04-22-2013, 01:51 PM   #25
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Re: Owner Mode in Madden 25 Connected Franchise Confirmed?

Originally Posted by roadman
Packers don't have one, lol.

Mark Muphy by default?

Maybe for Packers owner the 12th fan or something like that.
I want to believe this has more to do with General Manager responsibilities than anything else, in which case it might make more sense for Ted Thompson to be in the game.

Alternatively, they could call me up, I'm a Packers' stockholder.
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Old 04-22-2013, 02:09 PM   #26
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Re: Owner Mode in Madden 25 Connected Franchise?

I wish I could go back and see how owner mode worked in the old Maddens again. I remember the owner mode in MVP Baseball was both extremely frustrating but very rewarding if you were successful (I was also pretty young back then, so I probably didn't know that much about how to be successful lol).

It would be kinda cool if you could do "Fan Appreciation Day" (pretty sure it was in the old Maddens) and have like a towel giveaway or something and they'd show a cut scene before the game of everyone waving towels and mention that there was a giveaway before the game or something like that. Or if you raise ticket prices too high, fewer people show up and the commentators mention that, etc.

Also, the old uniform editor (the one where you could actually choose the NFL team logos along with a lot of generic logos) would be nice to have back, though I thought I remember hearing that there was some sort of copyright issue with that or something.
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Old 04-22-2013, 02:55 PM   #27
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i loved the tony bruno show. he was like Collin cowheard and it was a very good show. Also loved how when you get a player with a crazy last name like Craig Krenzel former Ohio State national title winning QB. The announcers during the game would not say his name. But tony Bruno did when i broke a record for most passing yards in a game. so that was cool. Keep twitter and the bruno show. Madden looking very good so far though.
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Old 04-22-2013, 03:44 PM   #28
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Re: Owner Mode in Madden 25 Connected Franchise Confirmed?

Originally Posted by brettmickey
If this turns out to be what we think it will be, what will happen if I get to the 20th year of my franchise as the Bills? Will Ralph Wilson be like 113 years old????
This is interesting really.

Will we see "Ralph dies" popping up on twitter? Then a random new owner buying the Bills and deciding to move them to Idaho?

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Old 04-22-2013, 04:08 PM   #29
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Re: Owner Mode in Madden 25 Connected Franchise?

I was a 2K head back in the day, so remind me--what was so great about owner's mode?

I know that you could sort of...improve your stadium (I think?) or set season ticket prices. But what else could you do that is remembered so fondly that we cannot do now in CCM?

Change unis? Build new stadiums? Other things? For some reason, all I remember was the Tony Bruno show, which I liked, but I didn't play a whole lot of Madden games once the first 2K game dropped.
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Old 04-22-2013, 04:13 PM   #30
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i'd be lamar hunt and show people how to be a superbowl winning owner.
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Old 04-22-2013, 04:31 PM   #31
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Re: Owner Mode in Madden 25 Connected Franchise?

Owner mode would be nice to have back since Madden2007 ps2 days. But I hope that means I can still control the HC stuff and players in the game as well. Owner mode is only so fun and then it becomes boring fast. But adding this would be very big indeed. I've missed it for many years now. But please for the love of God please let them fix the cap glitch bug that is in the offline off line CCM. That needs to be address as well. I would love to once again to be able rebuild staduim or move my team to a state and fix ticket and food prices and stuff like that. Also to play as Panthers owner JR. Nice to play as a old man.
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Old 04-23-2013, 07:37 AM   #32
infemous's Arena
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Sounds promising but I hope they focus on the real important aspects of Owner Mode or any career mode and that is the creation of a backroom staff, the development of a roster (so fixing progression) and realistic contract negotiations.

The loss of OCs, DCs, QB Coaches and all staff members (as well as some official coaches, I mean, really?) really impacted the longevity of CCM for me. Likewise, seeing coaches get fired for losing in the NFC Championship, or Coaches leaving teams after winning Superbowls to coach another team etc. was really frustrating to see. A real coaching carousel with backroom staffs would be HUGE.

I liked the XP approach to progression but felt that it placed too much of an emphasis on drafting players and playing them immediately as well as them already coming out with certain (expensive) skills highly rated. I'd like to see your coaching staff really having an effect on players' ability to earn XP and progress, and with a real fleshed out traits system to differentiate players within gameplay as well as their ability to fit within your scheme.

Realistic contract negotiations (both with staff and players) would be crucial, including things like making a contract top or back loaded, certain incentives, re-structuring of contracts and just better CPU AI to know who to give that long term deal (Why re-sign 34 year old Running Backs and let Matt Ryan go? EVERY YEAR) that is based on production as well as their importance. I'm sick of seeing 26 year Old QBs in their prime being let go and replaced with 3 QBs in the resulting draft.

Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent.

Basically, I'm cautiously optimistic for what the mode can bring, but it needs certain things in order for it to work in my eyes, or have any merit.

Maybe owners could just be playing a role as you are a coach though? Part of the negotiations for your new contract or determines how they manage the team? Some owners are trigger happy with firing coaches, others are more stable, some may want marketable players (Tebow for Jax for example) while others are dedicated to winning? Would make each job different and every coach face different issues.
Could be implemented like the board in Football Manager....
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