
Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

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Old 04-14-2013, 08:41 PM   #25
tical2399's Arena
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Originally Posted by WFColonel56
Its cool to have an opinion about the GC program. But an opinion on something that you know nothing about isnt a very valuable opinion if you get what I am saying.

Making assumptions and criticizing what they do based on your own frustrations with EA is extremely flawed logic. They can only bring the thoughts, ideas, critiques to EAs door. It is up to the devs to take care of it.

How is any of this fair?????

How is any of that fair?... To talk **** to them based on an opinion that is formulated on something that he knows nothing about.

Posts like that is why GC didnt come here before. And yet nobody seems to care.
I'm not concerned with if they come here or not. But EA and the people who have been/currently are GC have stated on the record MANY TIMES that the GC program is a way for EA to communicate with and get feedback from various communities.

If that is what it is intended to do, as all parties have stated in various press releases and at events, then they need to actually do that. Its not a one way thing where EA puts out info and the GC repeat it in public (events, posts of these forums, etc), without our feedback being presented in public.

The reason it's fair is because EA said that was the role of the GC program. IF they had said it's just a reward for our most loyal and outspoken fans, then I think most of us would let it go at that. However since it has been stated by both parties to be one of many official ways to communicate directly with the devs then they need to do that.

If you take on the role of GC then they need to do their job (voluntary I know) and do the things that EA and the GC themselves said it was created to do.
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Old 04-14-2013, 08:54 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by WFColonel56
How about you build your authority in the gaming community and get an interview with a dev and you can ask all of the hardball questions that you want to.

NONE of the gamechangers owe you what you are asking for here. All they owe anybody is to bring their own communities observations, point of view, and ideas to the devs to improve the game. They represent their own community members. As long as they take care of their duties they are good to go. ANYTHING EXTRA, IS EXTRA

If I were a gamechanger or a person conducting the interview I would tell you to kick rocks with open toed sandals. They dont owe you a podcast. They dont owe you a blog about the features. And they damn sure dont owe you answers to your questions about features. They do what they do out of the kindness of their heart and to inform the community as much as possible about the happenings. NOT TO MENTION THEY HAVE DAY JOBS

Dont direct your frustrations with EA toward the gamechangers or people who direct interviews. Its childish, if you want to vent at least vent at the right people.

Like I said, if you want to get the devs on public airwaves and ask hard questions all you have to do is build up your authority in the gaming world.
Actually they do. They owe me, they owe you, they owe everybody who plays EA sports games.

Why? not because I said so, but because EA and the GC themselves have said many times that the GC role is to represent the community and clue the devs into the pulse and desires of the audience.

This is not me saying that, look up any interview about the GC program and they say things like that all the time, so don't go saying i'm just making up what a GC is supposed to be.

That being said, I don't need to get my game cred up and ask myself. I expect him and the other GC to do it as that's what they signed up for.

You cant take all the good that comes with being a GC (trips to studio, free copy, other swag) but none of the bad such as having to ask the tough questions that the community have been begging you to ask, because you don't want the EA PR folks mad at you.

This is not be bashing the GC just to bash them. I'm mad because I like many want vast improvements to the games and EA doesn't provide them. Ok, fine, the least and GC can do is ask on the record why XYZ hasn't been implemented and not let them off the hook until they answer.
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Old 04-14-2013, 08:56 PM   #27
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by tical2399
I'm not concerned with if they come here or not. But EA and the people who have been/currently are GC have stated on the record MANY TIMES that the GC program is a way for EA to communicate with and get feedback from various communities.

If that is what it is intended to do, as all parties have stated in various press releases and at events, then they need to actually do that. Its not a one way thing where EA puts out info and the GC repeat it in public (events, posts of these forums, etc), without our feedback being presented in public.

The reason it's fair is because EA said that was the role of the GC program. IF they had said it's just a reward for our most loyal and outspoken fans, then I think most of us would let it go at that. However since it has been stated by both parties to be one of many official ways to communicate directly with the devs then they need to do that.

If you take on the role of GC then they need to do their job (voluntary I know) and do the things that EA and the GC themselves said it was created to do.
Nowhere does it say the exchange of feedback is public....Positive or Negative

So you want them to tell the devs in private (community day, over email, skype, etc) the issues in the games. And then you want them to tell the devs off over public airwaves just so YOU feel nice and cozy inside knowing that they know the worlds objections about the games. Even though these are the same objections presented to them 5 months ago

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Old 04-14-2013, 09:09 PM   #28
BV11's Arena
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by WFColonel56
Nowhere does it say the exchange of feedback is public....Positive or Negative

So you want them to tell the devs in private (community day, over email, skype, etc) the issues in the games. And then you want them to tell the devs off over public airwaves just so YOU feel nice and cozy inside knowing that they know the worlds objections about the games. Even though these are the same objections presented to them 5 months ago

In a way I get where he is coming from, in that he wants this game to be exposed publicly so that the public can see that EA is being told what is wrong with the game and what needs to change, and in turn maybe put more pressure on EA to deliver.

The thing is, by now EA undoubtedly knows what the public, and guys like us want in the game, and what improvements they need to make. The problem is that they never seem to actually make many of those improvements for whatever reason. Be it the limitations of the consoles, laziness on EA's part, who knows EXACTLY the reason.

I'm not sure why he is acting like he knows what the Gamechangers are/aren't telling EA though. I have read many many times different GCs telling EA what needs to be fixed, and it lines up with most of the stuff you see repeated here that people want fixed.

Last edited by BV11; 04-14-2013 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:13 PM   #29
tical2399's Arena
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Originally Posted by WFColonel56
Nowhere does it say the exchange of feedback is public....Positive or Negative

So you want them to tell the devs in private (community day, over email, skype, etc) the issues in the games. And then you want them to tell the devs off over public airwaves just so YOU feel nice and cozy inside knowing that they know the worlds objections about the games. Even though these are the same objections presented to them 5 months ago

Nowhere does it say feedback is public? REALLY? So you're sitting there with a straight face I assume and saying that all of those posts and interviews/podcasts where the GC tell us how awesome the build they just played is, is not public???

So they can tell us in public how awesome the game is shaping up to be, but they can't tell the devs in public that the community is not happy and wants XYZ?? Right.
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:47 PM   #30
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by tical2399
Nowhere does it say feedback is public? REALLY? So you're sitting there with a straight face I assume and saying that all of those posts and interviews/podcasts where the GC tell us how awesome the build they just played is, is not public???

So they can tell us in public how awesome the game is shaping up to be, but they can't tell the devs in public that the community is not happy and wants XYZ?? Right.
AGAIN they dont HAVE to post ANYTHING.

After EA let out the features on like the 2nd the game changers could have just done nothing. They could have literally left us with no info other than the 1 page of ultra vague description that EA put out.

Out of the kindness of their heart and taking up their free time a lot of GC have answered questions for hours on end on their own community or twitter or written blogs to give the community more insight than that 1 undescriptive page that EA put out.

If they didnt say anything about the features you would be whining about how they arent doing something else that they arent required to do.

Like I said if you want to be the guy to grill the devs on the public airwaves either become a GC yourself or build up your authority in the gaming world to get an interview.
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:50 PM   #31
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by tical2399
Nowhere does it say feedback is public? REALLY? So you're sitting there with a straight face I assume and saying that all of those posts and interviews/podcasts where the GC tell us how awesome the build they just played is, is not public???

So they can tell us in public how awesome the game is shaping up to be, but they can't tell the devs in public that the community is not happy and wants XYZ?? Right.

We've have said publicly that parts of the game do need serious attention. We don't decide what does and does not get put into the game.

However, like I said way back at the beginning of this thread, we have guys from the Sim Standard and TraditionSportsOnline.com that preach simulation and have voiced their concerns and ideas with the devs through emails, public youtube videos, and attending community events. These are just 2 examples of what the Game Changers are all about.

We as Game Changers give our best effort to deliver feedback that the community has given us to the developers, what they do with it all is EA's decision. But trust me man we push our ideas, visions, and concerns day in and day out.

Like I've said, we are fans too. We want what the community wants too.
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:57 PM   #32
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by tical2399
I'm not concerned with if they come here or not. But EA and the people who have been/currently are GC have stated on the record MANY TIMES that the GC program is a way for EA to communicate with and get feedback from various communities.

If that is what it is intended to do, as all parties have stated in various press releases and at events, then they need to actually do that. Its not a one way thing where EA puts out info and the GC repeat it in public (events, posts of these forums, etc), without our feedback being presented in public.

The reason it's fair is because EA said that was the role of the GC program. IF they had said it's just a reward for our most loyal and outspoken fans, then I think most of us would let it go at that. However since it has been stated by both parties to be one of many official ways to communicate directly with the devs then they need to do that.

If you take on the role of GC then they need to do their job (voluntary I know) and do the things that EA and the GC themselves said it was created to do.
I feel you 100%, you are just being less PC about it than some would want. No need to go back and forth about though, the same points have already been raised many times. This thread here;
is a perfect example of the candor I think many have been wanting from EAGCs, that seemed to have not been out there in the past. Also, as it has been stated many times, not every EAGC is the same and they also should understand that if someone only knows the program by way of certain individual EAGC, that's how they will view the program as a whole.

Last edited by Big FN Deal; 04-15-2013 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Quoted the wrong poster.
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