
Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

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Old 04-14-2013, 02:49 PM   #17
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by tical2399
The reason I say you never say it to them is because on any radio show or podcast that the GC are part of none of you EVERY say it on those public airwaves.

You may say it to the devs at events, but what I'm saying is why don't the GC who have actual radio shows ask on those shows and put the rep in the hot seat and make him give an honest non scripted answer on why they ignore the hardcore fundamentals you preach about.

You say you said it at the last event, why not ask them on the air so their answer is on the record. You claim I've never met any of you, and that is true, but to be honest who cares. The fact is some of you have shows/podcasts and I've NEVER heard that question asked EVER.
How about you build your authority in the gaming community and get an interview with a dev and you can ask all of the hardball questions that you want to.

NONE of the gamechangers owe you what you are asking for here. All they owe anybody is to bring their own communities observations, point of view, and ideas to the devs to improve the game. They represent their own community members. As long as they take care of their duties they are good to go. ANYTHING EXTRA, IS EXTRA

If I were a gamechanger or a person conducting the interview I would tell you to kick rocks with open toed sandals. They dont owe you a podcast. They dont owe you a blog about the features. And they damn sure dont owe you answers to your questions about features. They do what they do out of the kindness of their heart and to inform the community as much as possible about the happenings. NOT TO MENTION THEY HAVE DAY JOBS

Dont direct your frustrations with EA toward the gamechangers or people who direct interviews. Its childish, if you want to vent at least vent at the right people.

Like I said, if you want to get the devs on public airwaves and ask hard questions all you have to do is build up your authority in the gaming world.

Last edited by WFColonel56; 04-14-2013 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 04-14-2013, 04:01 PM   #18
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Or a person can apply to become a GCer on the the CGer's website and fill out an application.

That's why I questioned if the interviewer was a CGer because we were discussing this podcast, I've only listened to a few minutes of the last GCer podcast and they were just asking questions back and forth without a developer on the podcast.

The last podcast was too long for me, over 1 hr long.

Last edited by roadman; 04-14-2013 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 04-14-2013, 04:44 PM   #19
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by WFColonel56
How about you build your authority in the gaming community and get an interview with a dev and you can ask all of the hardball questions that you want to.

NONE of the gamechangers owe you what you are asking for here. All they owe anybody is to bring their own communities observations, point of view, and ideas to the devs to improve the game. They represent their own community members. As long as they take care of their duties they are good to go. ANYTHING EXTRA, IS EXTRA

If I were a gamechanger or a person conducting the interview I would tell you to kick rocks with open toed sandals. They dont owe you a podcast. They dont owe you a blog about the features. And they damn sure dont owe you answers to your questions about features. They do what they do out of the kindness of their heart and to inform the community as much as possible about the happenings. NOT TO MENTION THEY HAVE DAY JOBS

Dont direct your frustrations with EA toward the gamechangers or people who direct interviews. Its childish, if you want to vent at least vent at the right people.

Like I said, if you want to get the devs on public airwaves and ask hard questions all you have to do is build up your authority in the gaming world.
This "owe" stuff works both ways, so seeing as EAGC don't owe anyone anything, which they don't, then no one owes them anything either. Posters like the one you quoted, are free do and state whatever they see fit about the program or anything else, within the TOS. Can't have it both ways, if a EAGC or anybody else for that matter, wants to pull the "I speak for myself or my select group not you" card, of course those not represented by them will not support them or what they do. The EAGC program is not above reproach and people having an opinion about it or those participating in it, is their right, just like with anything else.
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Old 04-14-2013, 05:09 PM   #20
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
This "owe" stuff works both ways, so seeing as EAGC don't owe anyone anything, which they don't, then no one owes them anything either. Posters like the one you quoted, are free do and state whatever they see fit about the program or anything else, within the TOS. Can't have it both ways, if a EAGC or anybody else for that matter, wants to pull the "I speak for myself or my select group not you" card, of course those not represented by them will not support them or what they do. The EAGC program is not above reproach and people having an opinion about it or those participating in it, is their right, just like with anything else.

I just feel it took the thread off topic, as this isn't a CGer podcast, but that's my opinion.
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Old 04-14-2013, 05:31 PM   #21
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by roadman
I just feel it took the thread off topic, as this isn't a CGer podcast, but that's my opinion.
I feel you Road and I won't go too much into this, being off topic myself by doing so. If Mr Haumiller is stating things in an interview that someone listening to doesn't agree with and/or would like to have their voices heard about, the EAGC is seen and often touted as that outlet. There are pros and cons to that being the case so it's unreasonable for anyone to expect the good without the bad.

Not directed at you Road but just a general question, if that poster had praised the EAGC program for helping get something in-game mentioned in the interview, would that be seen as off topic?
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Old 04-14-2013, 05:36 PM   #22
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

I don't like this whole balancing of fun vs realism in terms of casual vs hardcore. Here are two ways to look at this, at least in my opinion:

1) The casual fan won't be turned off by adding more realism to the game. The casual fan is buying the game most likely to have fun with buddies, or to play as his favorite school on the lowest difficulty level in an attempt to make happen what he would like to see transpire in real life.

The hardcore fan on the other hand, wants the game to replicate what he has played or to replicate what he understands through television and being involved in the game to be part of it.

IMO, you won't lose the casual crowd making the game more sim/real.


2) Options. It's simple...give us options. If you play on Freshman or Varsity level then you get a more "arcarde/fun" experience. You play All-American or Heisman, the more about the fundamentals of football you need to understand to be successful.

There are other games that provide options that cater to a vast array of fans/gamers. No reason EA football should be any different.

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Old 04-14-2013, 05:45 PM   #23
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal

Not directed at you Road but just a general question, if that poster had praised the EAGC program for helping get something in-game mentioned in the interview, would that be seen as off topic?
I answer with another question.

Around these parts, and yes, I'm starting to go off topic a bit too, do you hear much of any praise for something in-game mentioned in any interview or podcast by CGers?

To answer your question, yes, I would personally feel it's off-topic, positive or negative. This wasn't a GCer podcast, it was a podcast via OS from another website owner.
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Old 04-14-2013, 05:45 PM   #24
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Re: Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: Episode 19 with NCAA Football 14 Producer

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
This "owe" stuff works both ways, so seeing as EAGC don't owe anyone anything, which they don't, then no one owes them anything either. Posters like the one you quoted, are free do and state whatever they see fit about the program or anything else, within the TOS. Can't have it both ways, if a EAGC or anybody else for that matter, wants to pull the "I speak for myself or my select group not you" card, of course those not represented by them will not support them or what they do. The EAGC program is not above reproach and people having an opinion about it or those participating in it, is their right, just like with anything else.
Its cool to have an opinion about the GC program. But an opinion on something that you know nothing about isnt a very valuable opinion if you get what I am saying.

Making assumptions and criticizing what they do based on your own frustrations with EA is extremely flawed logic. They can only bring the thoughts, ideas, critiques to EAs door. It is up to the devs to take care of it.

How is any of this fair?????

I'd love for a GC to tell an EA rep that we as a community dont give a damn if every pure casual up and leaves, because there will always be enough hardcore fans out there to more than sustain the series. In fact, making it more hardcore will probably make it MORE popular.

But you won't tell them any of that. You guys don't want to ruffle any feathers, you want to keep your free sneak peaks at the game, you want to keep your (i suspect) free copies of the games, etc. I just wish the GC would ACTUALLY speak for the community instead of just pretending to as EA sanctioned message filters.
How is any of that fair?... To talk **** to them based on an opinion that is formulated on something that he knows nothing about.

Posts like that is why GC didnt come here before. And yet nobody seems to care.
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