
Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

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Old 03-07-2013, 11:12 AM   #281
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Re: Anybody having problems seeing the ball in day games?

Originally Posted by cbrown119
I have been playing the show since '10, and have just begun playing '13.

I don't know if its me, but I am having an unusually difficult time picking up the ball during day games. Not batting, but from the defensive aspect.

Once the ball is hit, its during the transition from pitching (pitching default camera - analog) to the defense - infielders mostly. I don't if it is my imagination or not, but there seems to be a split second flash when transitioning from pitching that confuses me and I end up totally misjudging the play...one time, this is embarassing to say, I thought it was a fly ball to the LF when it was actually a ground ball to 3rd.

I don't think its the game at all.....I think I am just having problems with the brightness during day games this year. I was in exhibition mode Cardinals vs Nationals - day (obviously).

I don't have these problems with '12. Well, except picking the ball up (as a batter) in Cleveland during the day until the shadows covers the mound.....

Is there a way to adjust the brightness? If so, which setting would I change? To me, I would not know the difference between gamma, anti-alising???...xrays....I probably adjust the wrong setting and end up making more stupid plays..


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Not sure how familiar you are with your PS3 settings, but in the Video Settings on the XMB, there is a setting called Super White (HDMI). You could toggle that off, and it should help a bit. Some TVs have this same setting too.

Sorry for the off-topic post, so I guess I should leave an impression too...

The first one is more of a little thing (literally), but Jose Altuve's player model cracks me up! I wonder if they used a certain Move Controller-toting developer for his mo-cap... I keed, I keed lol

Another change that is really becoming my favorite, is the removal of the CPU's psychic abilities and the way that they play more human-like. Seeing them misplay balls off the wall or running to the wall on homeruns is just lovely. My cousin, who doesn't get deep into the details of the game even notice this and mentioned it to me yesterday. It really is a thing of beauty!


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Old 03-07-2013, 11:17 AM   #282
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by stealyerface
I understand that, and we have talked about this at length in the past iterations of the game.

I remember when they added the words, "Collision Avoidance" and had some neat animations like when the baserunner who was thrown out at first was making his way back to the dugout, and does the "side-step avoidance" move with the first baseman. That's cool, and was a nice touch.

In a perfect world we would get the collisions from World Series Baseball... oh that's right form 1999, when the guys would run into one another, and have just brutal collisions that even on the Genesis, looked awesome.

In a non-so perfect world, and I am going to come right out and say it:

Players who absolutely pass through one another, in the gen baseball game, is lazy. In my double play example, Cano crossed over the bag and I purposely slid Ortiz to the third base side of second base, as that is where Cano was going to have to end up (in real life) to turn the pair. I was correct, and I slid feet first towards Cano, and Ortiz slid through him. As in, no "avoidance" no detection, no break up animation, just traded molecular space, and blended together and it is quite possible that Cano could be pregnant with Ortiz's kid. Same with the pop up to the pitcher. The pitcher was highlighted to make the play, but we all know pitchers cannot catch, so I switched to Middlebrooks, to let him make the catch, and he ran right through Clay Bucholz... Bucholz never even side stepped or was animated out of the way.

So yes, we have had the discussion, and I am in agreement that they have no plans to make player collsions part of their game, but I think it is only fair to ask why.

They don't have to answer, but we are allowed to inquire as to why this is overlooked.

Just think about how awesome it would be, and what we would be talking about, if when there was a fly ball in the gap, and you took control of the right fielder, and saw the cpu-controlled centerfielder on a dead run towards the landing spot, you had to quickly press a button for the "call off" which would then start the animation of the called-off fielder peeling off and away from the catch region???

An occasional morph is bound to happen, but geez louise, guys running through each other in 2013 is really a bummer.

There needs to be some sort of collision detection at the very least in some key areas where contact naturally occurs which is on the base-paths and home plate. I am not a fan for just seeing fielders ramming into each other and falling down but it would be nice to see true take out slides, collision interaction at home-plate and even some interaction on close plays at first.

Last edited by nemesis04; 03-07-2013 at 11:20 AM.
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Old 03-07-2013, 11:20 AM   #283
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by Millennium
To follow up on the base running:

Think about it as real life. If you are running to a base with the intention of getting there as quickly as possible, you run in a straight line. That is great for beating a throw, but awful for rounding.

If you have the base easily acquired and are thinking about the next base, you round. You lose some distance, but it is more than made up for in retaining speed.

I believe this update to baserunning is intentional this year in The Show. You have to plan to go to the next base. The best proof is to set your baserunning to auto Or watch the CPU running. I haven't witnessed them stumble/slow down yet because they are always rounding at the proper times.

You need to preload your next base, just like you have to preload a throw. Awesome addition, in my opinion.

This is a good write-up and all and I agree completely (was just re-preaching this to the high school softball team I coach), but I've been pre-loading my next base since MLB 06: The Show. Even on a pop-up to the infield, I do it. That's actually when I noticed the slow run around the bases.

Note: I didn't notice it on the Vita version.
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Old 03-07-2013, 11:33 AM   #284
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Animators are not cheap. It seems The Show does not invest a TON of money into their animators. It will be interesting to see how they make a PS4 game because a lot of this old stuff is going to have to go. A new engine should really make things a lot easier to implement. Animation like ND does in their games for baseball would be amazing.
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Old 03-07-2013, 11:41 AM   #285
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by stealyerface
I understand that, and we have talked about this at length in the past iterations of the game.

I remember when they added the words, "Collision Avoidance" and had some neat animations like when the baserunner who was thrown out at first was making his way back to the dugout, and does the "side-step avoidance" move with the first baseman. That's cool, and was a nice touch.

In a perfect world we would get the collisions from World Series Baseball... oh that's right form 1999, when the guys would run into one another, and have just brutal collisions that even on the Genesis, looked awesome.

In a non-so perfect world, and I am going to come right out and say it:

Players who absolutely pass through one another, in the gen baseball game, is lazy. In my double play example, Cano crossed over the bag and I purposely slid Ortiz to the third base side of second base, as that is where Cano was going to have to end up (in real life) to turn the pair. I was correct, and I slid feet first towards Cano, and Ortiz slid through him. As in, no "avoidance" no detection, no break up animation, just traded molecular space, and blended together and it is quite possible that Cano could be pregnant with Ortiz's kid. Same with the pop up to the pitcher. The pitcher was highlighted to make the play, but we all know pitchers cannot catch, so I switched to Middlebrooks, to let him make the catch, and he ran right through Clay Bucholz... Bucholz never even side stepped or was animated out of the way.

So yes, we have had the discussion, and I am in agreement that they have no plans to make player collsions part of their game, but I think it is only fair to ask why.

They don't have to answer, but we are allowed to inquire as to why this is overlooked.

Just think about how awesome it would be, and what we would be talking about, if when there was a fly ball in the gap, and you took control of the right fielder, and saw the cpu-controlled centerfielder on a dead run towards the landing spot, you had to quickly press a button for the "call off" which would then start the animation of the called-off fielder peeling off and away from the catch region???

An occasional morph is bound to happen, but geez louise, guys running through each other in 2013 is really a bummer.


Short answer is that it is a vey "expensive" feature. It takes a few cycles to process the collision detection, handle the IK reactions, and not to mention the AI/Logic changes that would need to be coded to handle these situations. If you like more than 30 frames a sec, it would be difficult (if not impossible to achieve) given this generation of hardware and everything else going on in the game currently to get the type of collision you are talking about. World Series Baseball is a different game with different code/features on a different system.
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Old 03-07-2013, 11:55 AM   #286
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

I appreciate the honesty and thank you for the answer.

I suppose if the design team asked me if I had to choose between lifelike animations in the field, lifelike envioronments, and a tru and accurate representation of the actual game, versus players running into one another every few games, I would choose for the more accurate gameplay, which incidentally, I am thrilled with.

So, I shall cease and desist on my Collision Detection Brigade...

Until next year.

Thanks again,

"Ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know"....GD
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Old 03-07-2013, 12:26 PM   #287
Openroad_7's Arena
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Played my 2nd online League game, went into my Pitching Rotation, didn't see my #1 Pitcher's stamina reduced in any of the screens, I was able to see the reduction in the pitchers selection screen when selecting my pitcher for the current game.
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Old 03-07-2013, 12:44 PM   #288
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Anyone else notice the diversity in wild pitches this year? I appreciate the diversity in all senses of the word, but it's kind of funny when it flies out so far that the pitcher is the one who gets the ball. Fooled me so much that the pitcher caught me between first and second (since I thought it would be a good time to go, shooting so far from the catcher and what not).

I appreciate that it's possible to sky fly balls off low pitches in this year's game. I just crushed one 410 feet in Coors Field (still didn't go out of the park) and it was literally below the strike zone. I'll post a pic when my game is done.
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