
MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

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Old 01-10-2013, 10:37 AM   #145
BrandH's Arena
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Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
Game releases on March 5th, so with 2K's history, first screen shot around Feb 20th and first video on March 4th.

With the demo March 15th.
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Old 01-10-2013, 10:58 AM   #146
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Re: MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

Originally Posted by nemesis04
I have no problem with them offering 2k12 with a fresh coat of paint, bug fixes, moving the Astros over to the AL and proper playoff set-up. I do have a problem with them charging $60 for it.
I agree 100%. In fact I jumped from 2K10 to 2k12 last year and didn't think it was all that different. I enjoyed both games, just not a ton of revolutionary changes over two years. So I wouldn't have expected a big change for 2K13 with a normal development cycle...and all indications suggest it was less than that.

I also would be content with updated rosters and basically a patched 2k12......but not for $60. I think I would be in the $20 neighborhood. If not, I'll carry on with 2K12 as I had been planning to do, and keep an eye out for a price drop.
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Old 01-10-2013, 02:04 PM   #147
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Re: MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Here is with Enhanced Graphics, Custom Accessories, Real Jerseys Mod and extreme detailed cyberfaces added. To make this game look real.

Not to mention complete stadium overhauls....

Enjoy!!! MLB 2k12 Modded Edition (BSHADOWS Exclusives)

If a 2k dev is seeing this....this is why the PC version is a must...

- screenshots -
The game looks a lot better in those screenshots, but no amount of modding can change the base style of their graphics like the player shapes and stuff like that.
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Old 01-10-2013, 03:19 PM   #148
bigdoc85's Arena
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Originally Posted by Cardot
I agree 100%. In fact I jumped from 2K10 to 2k12 last year and didn't think it was all that different. I enjoyed both games, just not a ton of revolutionary changes over two years. So I wouldn't have expected a big change for 2K13 with a normal development cycle...and all indications suggest it was less than that.

I also would be content with updated rosters and basically a patched 2k12......but not for $60. I think I would be in the $20 neighborhood. If not, I'll carry on with 2K12 as I had been planning to do, and keep an eye out for a price drop.
I am surprised you didn't think 2k12 was that much different. I found 2k10 nearly unplayable -- maybe it was just me but I like 2k11 and 2k12. I though 2k11 to 2k12 was a very minor upgrade.
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Old 01-10-2013, 04:40 PM   #149
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Re: MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

Originally Posted by bigdoc85
I am surprised you didn't think 2k12 was that much different. I found 2k10 nearly unplayable -- maybe it was just me but I like 2k11 and 2k12. I though 2k11 to 2k12 was a very minor upgrade.
I am a fairly casual baseball gamer, so I am sure that I am oblivious to many of the subtle mechanics. But with the upgrade to 2k12, for the most part I found the graphics to be simliar, the interface, the controls, the commentary not too far off from 2k10. I did notice hit variety was a little better, pitching a little tougher etc...nice incremental improvements. I liked them both.

What killed 2K10 for you?
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Old 01-10-2013, 04:55 PM   #150
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Re: MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

Originally Posted by bigdoc85
I am surprised you didn't think 2k12 was that much different. I found 2k10 nearly unplayable -- maybe it was just me but I like 2k11 and 2k12. I though 2k11 to 2k12 was a very minor upgrade.
The biggest change in 2K12 was the way pitches lost their effectiveness if you overused them. It created a necessity to really think out your strategy per hitter, and it was surprisingly realistic.

You had out pitches, and you had decide if you wanted to save it and show a hitter's favorite pitch by throwing out of the zone, or trying to get ahead in the count. It just did a good job of making you think like a pitcher and catcher.

This eliminated the ability to spam any pitch, as guys used to do to throw their perfect games. For me, this made what was already an awesome part of the game, really perfect. It's hard to consider this minor, in my eyes.

2K12 also fixed an issue where you could throw a breaking pitch high and still get a lot of movement. So when you get your curveball up now, there is less break and it is big time mistake.

Hitting was largely the same, but getting the check swing fixed was a significant improvement. The broken check swing in 2K11 really hurt the game, and I eventually just went to classic hitting.

Also, the fatigue in 2K12 was great for position players, but it was revolutionary for pitchers. By showing pitch counts, it made it managing your bullpen so good. Going one more inning with your starter could impact his next performance. And it forced you to really think out over an entire series who you wanted to bring in from the bullpen.

And it helped hitting, too. The Brewers came into town with a worn out bullpen, and I was able to work counts and really make them pay.

Part of why I see generated pitch counts as such a waste was that this was the first game in which you not only saw a realistic number of pitches, but if you didn't work the counts, both hitting and pitching, you would pay dearly.

This alone made 2K12 a really great upgrade from 2K11, in my opinion. The fatigue and bullpen management made this a, "Just one more game," type of game.
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Old 01-10-2013, 04:59 PM   #151
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Re: MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

Originally Posted by Cardot
I am a fairly casual baseball gamer, so I am sure that I am oblivious to many of the subtle mechanics. But with the upgrade to 2k12, for the most part I found the graphics to be simliar, the interface, the controls, the commentary not too far off from 2k10. I did notice hit variety was a little better, pitching a little tougher etc...nice incremental improvements. I liked them both.

What killed 2K10 for you?
2K10's biggest problem was a lack of errors, and fielding was just too easy. 2K11 really improved on this.

The landing circles in the OF were a good way to differentiate good and poor OF's, but the game started your fielder on a path to exactly where the ball was going to land anyway. 2K12 improved on this by just moving fielders toward the center, but making the ball drop much more randomly around that circle.
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Old 01-10-2013, 05:46 PM   #152
Profit89's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K13 Announced with Cover Athlete David Price, Arrives March 5th

Would like to hear something about PC version... by far the best version (with mods)
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