12-19-2012, 10:51 PM
Dave; I see your point; TBH, to me, this whole article was about the Kinect anywayt, and very little about the Xbox.
My problem is that the big wigs in gaming, seemingly across the board, from the CEO of EA, to the Reps of Microsoft and Xbox, have decided amongst themselves that everything must be directed towards Online and Interactive gaming. Microsoft decides it's big feature is going to be the Kinect, so therefore, they subtlely shift the focus of the software designers to create games which take advantage ( I E promote) the Kinect, thus garnering more sales revenue etc.
Nothing wrong with that except the end result is the elimination of the alternative.... me.
It reminds me of when I was a child, we'd all decide that wearing red was cool that day. Anybody that wore blue had cooties. Well, that was great if you was in on the joke; but it sucked if you wasnt. So now, all the marketers have decided that Interactive is cool. Those of us who happen not to enjoy cheesers or want realism are suddenly "Not Cool". The point being that the Interactive reasoning is just as Arbitrary as the Red/Blue reasoning was to a bunch of six year olds.