
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 - List Your Top 3 Likes and Dislikes

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Old 10-22-2012, 01:44 PM   #25
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2008
This is for tournament mode ( really should only have two modes PGA and Arcade)


The new swing mechanic as a foundation for the future of TW


All the different shot types we can do combined with hit marker thing.

3 Dislike

Swing Tempo

The new tempo swing it is way to easy to hit the ball straight. This takes away from the game of golf. Look at any pro on tour and most have a slight draw or fade. This really comes into play off the tee. It is WAY to easy to drive the ball in tiger 13. This is because its to easy to hit it straight and its WAY to easy to hit it overswing slow. If you want to hit it slow and straight then you should lose some serious distance. As of now you can hit it 280-300 and text at the same time. To hit the long ball you it should be a give and take. You want 300 plus? Guess what you have to overswing fast and put a slight draw on it. Bascialy make it so there is a risk reward system with the swing. As of now there is little risk at all. The other problem is they made the draw fade so hard to do that everyone hits it straight. The draw and fade should be in the swing and not so much with the feet position. So your tempo and how you swing (over the top or on plane) will produce your swing type.

Aiming Marker and club distances.

Aiming marker has to go and the True Aim has to come back. This was far and a way the best feature you guys came up with. It makes us manage the course. Thus not always knowing where the ball is going to end up. Add this to no distances on the clubs (last I checked my 7 iron does not say 175 on it) instead this is determined by your swing tempo and shot type. You would have to practice and learn what you can do with your clubs. I dont mind writing down what my clubs can do and its fun not knowing the exact the distances of every shot and club. Golf is about not knowing the outcome before you play or take a swing. Its a game than can not be perfected. The joy is always trying to get better or pulling off a great shot. With true aim, the tempo swing and no exact distances on clubs this can be achieved.

Attribute system.

This has to be redone. You should not be able to have 100 power and accuracy. Very unrealistic. Has to be a give and take. How many long drive champions do you see on the PGA tour? You want to bomb the ball? Guess what you have to give accuracy. You want to play GARTS (oblong ref) then guess what you can’t hit it 320 of the tee or have a 160 yard PW. You could also combine recovery with this as well. Also make the putting and spin attribute mean something. Did not seem to do anything in this years game.

I have more but just two side notes.

Please keep live weather in the game and PLEASE give us the option to kick people out of online games!

Ohh and let me buy my XP so I don’t have to play offline if I don’t want to. I have a business and a family I don’t want to work at a video game so I can go play with my friends.

Thanks for reading.

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Old 10-22-2012, 01:58 PM   #26
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2008
Originally Posted by bibmlekay
1) The MOVE implementation on the PS3 is terrific. It really feels like a proper golf swing is required to play well.The putting especially is tough but very well done. Please don't change a thing with the MOVE!
2) Coin system - able to get all sorts of free stuff or buy it outright if you want to. Having the choice is good.
3) Graphics and course rendering are great (bring back Harbor Town!)

1) The mystery drops - hitting it into a bunker should leave me in a bunker, same with the rough. The worst is missing green by a few yards then being dropped 100 yds away on a down slope. Unacceptable - we should have the choice of where to drop the ball if hit into a hazard like real golf and move it on the tee box as well.
2) Pins - I understand the revenue stream where pins are concerned, everybody wants to make money. They ruin the integrity of tournaments however. How can it be a fair fight if I have no previews and my opponent may have as many as 9? That's not golf. If pins are here to stay then I suggest any tournament tour-pro level and higher are no pins period. Go nuts with the AM and Pro modes, but leave Tour Pro and Tournament for those who want a proper golf experience.
3) Random freezing - I know there are lost of issues (hardware, internet connections, bugs) that effect gameplay but the freezing of the consoles (PS3 and XBox) is very annoying and looks really bad on EA.
Very good points about the drops and pins. Couldnt agree more. I would find it hard to believe the moving golf ball will be as bad as 13. That would be very bad. Also maybe we could see the other peoples balls? They had that in ps2 days.
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Old 10-26-2012, 01:53 PM   #27
kickingguru's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 - List Your Top 3 Likes and Dislikes


1. Tempo Swing.... You have the possibility of screwing it up, but if you hit correct it goes where it should (Hated the large Random Landing of the past)

2. Online Country Clubs....

3. Online Country Club Tournaments


1. Live Tournaments have become stale... I played the crap out of them, but became a grind...

2. Status points as a means to rank people/clubs... This ruined every aspect of team play. Specifically as you were penalized for playing team based games both in terms of time and actually status points earned.

3. The fact that you could not have Casual members of your CC. For the first 3 months, admins had to make hard decisions if they wanted to compete with the top clubs... This also is why I hated the Status points... This caused rifts with good friends that simply did not play the game but a few rounds a week. Give us the ability to have a core 15 - 20 guys to compete, but then an unlimited # of casual members who can play our CC tournaments and in the club, but do not count toward the overall club leaderboard...

Basically, figure out how to rid the world of the status grinding... It ruined the overall experience for most...
Tiger 14 (Xbox 360)... Total Online Play Country Club... We have a forum/message board at www.TotalOnlinePlay.com ...one central place for questions, comments, feedback, and general trash talk :) To join, go there and request a spot....
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Old 10-27-2012, 06:17 PM   #28
OnlookerDelay's Arena
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Location: Rock Hill, SC
Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 - List Your Top 3 Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by kickingguru
1. Live Tournaments have become stale...
Greatway to characterize it - "stale". I find it inexcusable that Tiger Woods 13's Live Tournaments are the most stale of the series!? Seriously, Tiger Woods 10 and 11 have a more engaged, "live" atmosphere than Tiger 12, and to an even lesser degree, Tiger 13!
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