
Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

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Old 09-12-2012, 04:51 AM   #81
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

heard a rumor somewhere saying reason why CCM rosters are taking so long is because they're still in the process of creating UDFA's for each team.
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Old 09-12-2012, 05:51 AM   #82
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

Originally Posted by RajonRondo
heard a rumor somewhere saying reason why CCM rosters are taking so long is because they're still in the process of creating UDFA's for each team.
Is there a possibility of it being a scripted roster, the reason for the extended time? rather than just say adding in/editing players?

It's quite a lengthy process considering the time from the first play now roster release.
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Old 09-12-2012, 07:17 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by jmo2278
Not a big deal to you maybe. But this week was planned for me to play madden months ago and I go back to work from leave next week so excuse me for being a little perturbed that I have to sit on my hands until Friday. This thread is for people to respond to the news of CCM rosters coming out Friday as opposed to "early this week". What did you expect when you clicked on the thread? And Im also sorry that I didn't interpret early this week as in Friday!

People complaining about complaining is bringing this site down more than anything if you ask me. #quityouwontbemissed
Play CCM with the current rosters like my 32 team league did. Your players change ratings every week anyway and so many roster moves have happened in my league like trades, cuts, free agent signings, that most teams don't even have real world current rosters. #firstworldproblems
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Old 09-12-2012, 07:20 AM   #84
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

The unfortunate part in all of this is that it really was expected. When it comes to Madden EA has never put out a decent roster update. We've always been depended on our own roster edits or editors to produce an accurate product. This is a yearly thing now. EA puts out the game, it has a host of bugs, EA puts out an early patch that really doesn't do much, because it was initiated before the consumers found all of the issues and we continue to wait for a roster update. Under much anticipation the roster update finally is released and it is terrible. Come on…..we all know the roster on Friday will be terrible it won’t be updated as of week 2, but instead week 1, it will have missing players, screwed up depth charts, etc. To top it all off the thousands of people who just want to play their CCM with accurate rosters won’t be able to because they can’t edit anything. Having the ability to edit your rosters for your franchise (CCM) really saved EA a lot of time and resources and helped cover up their deficiencies. It was a really bad idea to take this ability from the gamer.

Having said all of this I really enjoy the gameplay this year, but like many of us I am waiting for a roster update to start my CCM.

Last edited by McAlister; 09-12-2012 at 07:26 AM.
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Old 09-12-2012, 09:26 AM   #85
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

Originally Posted by D Apocalypse
Play CCM with the current rosters like my 32 team league did. Your players change ratings every week anyway and so many roster moves have happened in my league like trades, cuts, free agent signings, that most teams don't even have real world current rosters. #firstworldproblems
We are still waiting on CURRENT rosters, that's the point of contention. We are happy that you are able to enjoy the old rosters but alot of us want accurate opening day rosters. Why is that hard to understand? The rosters now have players that were cut IRL and even more important, some teams starters IRL were picked up last week and therefore are not on the right team if in the game at all. By your logic We don't need roster updates at all since it all changes anyway.

Nobody said this was the end of world civilization as we know it, we were just reacting to news about a sports video game on site dedicated to such discussions.

Again, if this is a non issue to you why do you keep clicking on this thread??? Go play your game! Sheesh

Last edited by jmo2278; 09-12-2012 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 09-12-2012, 09:52 AM   #86
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Re: Connected Careers Rosters will be out Friday

Originally Posted by fantasysportsguy
Sorry for the rant but I have just about had it with EA and after twenty years of playing Madden (I'm 38 next month) and being disappointed with probably every football title they have released this gen, I'm about to stop buying their games. I've got a full time job, a wife, two kids, and a finite amount of time to play, so it would be nice if they could release a finished product, give us some realistic football, with good rosters, so when people like myself have some time when they can play the game or start a season/franchise, they can, and don't have to keep waiting on patch fixes and rosters.

I'm right there with you. I'm 36, have a full-time job, a wife, and 2 kids (ages 2 & 5). My gaming time is very limited. I've been waiting for EA to finally get things right and release a solid and fun next generation football title for years now. So far it has been disappointment after disappointment, at least in my opinion. At this point, I just chalk Madden 13 up to yet another EA game that showed so much promise, only to fall extremely short of expectations after all of the hype. Until some offline CCM issues are addressed and rosters are somewhat up to date, I'll continue spending my limited gaming time on MLB The Show. The EA guys should take a field trip to SCEA. Those guys get it.
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Old 09-12-2012, 10:25 AM   #87
riggs6taters's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

Originally Posted by reMicXz
you cant play the mode because you choose not to lol. that has nothing to do with EA nor is it their fault. youre just a regular nit picking negative nancy which is very common around here. would you be satisfied if you were told that the roster update for CCM was pushed back because there was a player accessory overhaul? because i would.

its definitely not hard to start a season with a team you dont really want to play with and then get in on your real one once the game meets your shallow requirements
Laugh out loud what a waste of time that would be. I "choose" not to play because they are lacking a pretty important part of the game.
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Old 09-12-2012, 02:49 PM   #88
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Rosters For CCM Arrive Friday

you cant play the mode
because you choose not to lol. that has nothing to do with EA nor is it their
fault. youre just a regular nit picking negative nancy which is very common
around here. would you be satisfied if you were told that the roster update for
CCM was pushed back because there was a player accessory overhaul? because i

its definitely not hard to start a season with a team you dont
really want to play with and then get in on your real one once the game meets
your shallow requirements
Really man, maybe if your mom wasn't buying this game for you and you had to spend your own money you wouldn't see a problem with someone else complaining about the product not being up to par. It has been one thing after the other with this game and now I'm pretty sure that they are going to have more people waiting until the edit player feature is added to CCM. EA is responsible and should have done a better job with negating these issues before launching the game from the start.

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