I can agree with the bottomline score and some of the aspects of the review. I'm not going to critique the review because it's HIS opinion and trying to breakdown a game thoroughly without going into every nook and cranny gotta be tough.
And I know ppl are crying bloody murder because of what's NOT in the game and the negative things that are in the game. For many of us, we're not out and out complaining about what's not there and the negatives because we are enjoying the positives far too much especially since many of us have been Madden heads at some point(s) of our lives and endured the journey to varying degrees. We're not overly focusing on negatives so those trying to pull us down to that level to join ur misery, ur welcome to keep trying but it's T-I-R-ED!!
Many of us have been there since day 1 (ME!) on the Genesis and have trudged through the ups and downs of the series but what exactly is wrong with someone actually praising the game for it's improvements and loving it for that instead of being some incessant children constantly whining about where the game has gone wrong and has not at least tried to improve. FACT is, whether u like it or not, Madden 13 IS an improved game and fun as hell for many of us. Just respect that. U don't like the game, oh well. Just don't try to tear down someone else's OPINION with your own OPINION as if it is law.
Oh, did I say I'm really lovin this game, again, FINALLY, after all these years?

Got my lil list of needs and wants for next year already cookin, too.