
Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 08-14-2012, 09:23 AM   #169
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

My opinions of the demo after 1 full game(49ers vs giants)

#1-Presentation(7.5-10 only because of terrible standard camera)
This standard camera is terrible, horrible! Too far away before ball is hiked, players look like Ants. Audio much better. Cut scenes were great! Captured the NFL well. Nicely done. Only complaint is needed a 3rd person speaking voice over during halftime video cut scene. Besides the bad camera view very good job IMO. If they fix the camera, I'd give presentation a 8.5-9.

#2-Gameplay(6-10 mostly because of horrible tackling)
The game feels much better overall. Everything besides tackling just felt tighter and more polished. Much less player sliding/ice skating. Game speed default is too fast, had to slow it down. Passing had too many long pass moments, 40% of my passes went all the way for 40+ yard TD's! Sliders may help that, I played default pro on this first game. Tackling is the worst I have seen in years. It is terrible. A few good moments, but most of the time tackling was plain silly looking. Even looked bad after the tackle when players trying to get back up to their feet. Players fall the wrong way, bounce oddly off each other, and more. At times it looks as if EA is going arcade with this physics engine. Lead passing worked alright. Not done completely right, but sometimes it worked well. No penalty's called the entire game . CPU DB coverage looked better, besides letting my wr get behind them too often for big score. The CPU offense scored no points on me. First game was a 35-0 blow out, and that was a bummer(I will try all-pro next game). Specially since most of the time I was watching gameplay and presentation and not focusing on winning. Didn't feel much weight/momentum during tackles at all. Fix the tackling issues and I would give this an 8.

Everything is really detailed nicely. I think the 49ers stadium grass could have used a bit more grass detail, but so nice to see no more blotches, black spots, and multi colored grass for a change. The only thing stopping Madden from 9 or 10 greatness in this area is player models still need some work, and the animations that drive them. Lighting was much better, and if the camera was just a bit closer(like the Madden 10 standard cam was) I think the game would look much better. Once again, the far cam kills off some of the visuals and makes it feel like a game on a handheld system or something. Just too far away and doesn't look like a Sunday broadcast football game. I also can't stand the way the cam goes in and out pre snap while choosing plays,shifts,etc. The cam is already out so far you can see the sidelines, so what is the point of it? Annoying. Just my opinion, and it really bugged me. Anyway, not marking off graphics for the cam and adjustments because I marked off for presentation.

My Final Demo Score-7.5(may edit after more games)

Update notes on what needs improved
(2nd game wash vs sea):
*Even RG3 plays like prime Peyton Manning. I am lighting it up even on all pro with RG3. QB's feel too much like the same IMO. First pass was 50 yrd td. Not very realistic passing so far.
*QB kneels still look rediculous. As soon as the qb's knee goes down everyone turns into zombies like they always have.
*21-0 @ halftime on my 2nd game all-pro settings. RG3 still tearing it up. Almost went 28-0 @halftime but time expired when I was on the 5 yard line. Still to many big passes & no CPU offense
*shadows on the players facing sun too dark IMO.
*Commentary much improved, but a few weird placed lines that didn't match the on the field play at all.
*Repetitive TD celebrations. Seeing the Rocky Balboa back peddle hands up way to often
*Terrible tackling sound every once in a while. Very arcade and comes from the rear speaker in 5.1,lol. Suppose to add drama I guess, but it's way out of place and Blitz sounding
*CPU throws so many INTs on both pro and all pro. I am averaging around 4 grabs off them a game!!
*Had a really bad super linebacker moment! At least only once in 2 games, so improved but present.

3rd game(Giants vs 49ers-all pro)
*Game still doesn't transition smooth at all. Animations still pop into place and players still go all weird as soon as the play is over. Not smooth, and feels rushed and incomplete
*Passing is still way to easy. The lead passing makes me able to complete almost any pass I chose. Not so fun for someone wanting a realistic game. Arcade players should love it.
*Audio for tackling is always to loud. Sometimes its extremely loud. It's not a very good recording for a hit either. very arcade. Starting to get annoying. If I turn it down in settings, I will loose on the field player chatter.
*Can't stand default field goal cam view. So far away, nothing like NFL broadcast. Right angle, wrong zoom. Same with kickoff cam. Great angles, way to far zoomed out IMO. Also, the crowd colors have a pop in graphics during kickoff when ball is kicked. Looks bad IMO.
*sidelines and crowds need improved in graphics and animation. Outdated. At least have the crowd not all move at the same time and the same way.

Last edited by wheelman990; 08-14-2012 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:23 AM   #170
seasprite's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by twimstaxs
Do you play online? I would like to play you online when the game comes out. I just don't see you beating me or getting any positive yards on me running this play.

I think you are missing the point..............

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Old 08-14-2012, 09:23 AM   #171
aspengc8's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by DukeC
Welp. I ran the Read Option the whole game with RG3 on All Madden. Ended up with 22 Carries for 90 yards. I would have had much more yards, but, of course, the DT stuffed me in the backfield a couple of times because my guard inexplicably didn't block him at the line of scrimmage.

Other than the dumbing down of my offensive line the Read Option was fairly effective on All Madden provided you made the right read.
This is ******** why EA did not put in coaching strategies. I don't want my DE guessing, I would tell him to take the QB and smack him every play. Kind of ******** EA would put in option plays and not let the defense decide whether to commit on the QB or not. Defense will have to user the weak side DE and try to give a cloud read.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:24 AM   #172
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by wheelman990
My opinions of the demo after 1 full game(49ers vs giants)

#1-Presentation(7.5-10 only because of terrible standard camera)
This standard camera is terrible, horrible! Too far away before ball is hiked, players look like Ants. Audio much better. Cut scenes were great! Captured the NFL well. Nicely done. Only complaint is needed a 3rd person speaking voice over during halftime video cut scene. Besides the bad camera view very good job IMO. If they fix the camera, I'd give presentation a 8.5-9.

Hit the right trigger and the camera will zoom back in.

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Old 08-14-2012, 09:24 AM   #173
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

I am liking these reviews so far... keep them coming. It's nice to see someone else validate what I've been feeling about this title for 5 months now. It's not your momma's Madden and I think they are REALLY taking steps forward this year.

It's nice that the IE is tuned, I was worried it might be to free or too locked down.. A nice balance was what I had hoped for this implementation.

Keep 'em coming...
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:25 AM   #174
Dollar Theater's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by TeixeiraFanatic
Just had a weird moment.

Playing my first game as the Skins and am up 14-13 after making a go ahead FG. With about a minute to go the Seahawks drive down the field and eventually get to my 15 with the last 10 seconds of the game ticking away.

Here's where it goes bad. The Seahawks have 1 TO left and no-huddle into the spike formation. Realizing what they're going to do, I begin to accept my defeat. Flynn let's the clock tick down to 0:05 and they call a timeout. Here comes the FG crew right? Nope! They run an off-tackle run and the clock drains to zero and I win.

I'm hopeful this will be fixed (or already has been) before release.

Other than that, I'm loving this demo. Played that game and one as the 49ers and you can really tell the difference between the two defenses.
I'm loving the demo so far, but I had a pair of AI blunders that kinda took me out of it too. The first was when I had a first-and-goal at the 1. I come out in goal line, prepared to just use Marshawn to bruise his way in. Defense comes out in prevent. The announcer even says, "The Redskins going to the prevent to not give up the big play" or something like that. Obviously Marshawn walks into the end zone untouched.

The second time was near the end of the game, Washington just scored a TD and found themselves down 13. There was about 50 seconds left and they only had 1 timeout. I lined up prepared to field the onside kick, and they kick it deep. So I just run out the clock.

But other than those two, the demo has been fantastic. Usually an NCAA guy, I skipped 13 this year because it felt too much like 12 on the demo. THIS is actually a forward progression for a franchise, and this is why I'll spend my $60 on Madden this year.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:25 AM   #175
JRitch12's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by seasprite
I dont know when it comes out for silver users, but you cant download now if you dont have gold. I assume it will be availible for silver users in a couple of weeks.............Im only assuming in that time frame.
Oh geez I didn't know that. I was able to play the NCAA 13 demo the day it came out. I didn't try downloading it this early though. Maybe I'll get gold at some point, I need to get it anyway for Madden. Thanks again, bro.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:27 AM   #176
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by seasprite
I think you are missing the point..............
Elaborate, if I am missing the point explain.........

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