
Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 08-14-2012, 08:24 AM   #113
justcallmedaddy's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

I'm liking the demo so far, gameplay was too fast for me so I turned it down to slow and it's been mostly good so far. Loving the infinity engine, makes it more realistic though it's obviously not at the point I know this EA team will get it to.

I only have 3 what I consider "serious" things I'd liked to be fixed that I have seen so far, mind you I have only played 2 games but this is what I have so far:

1. The Infinity Engine, though I know is not finished is still a liability after the play, watching Eli Manning tripping over his own offensive linemen and players hopping up like a bullet knocking people over like bowling pins. But I cannot wait to see what they can do with this engine in future maddens, and I know it looks bright (the future).

2. "Option" routes for the receivers seem to be just random or just completely wrong for me, my TE on a hook/out option route will choose the complete wrong option, if there's a man shading on the inside hips he chooses the hook route, if the defender is on the outside hips he chooses the out route, and even when he'd be wide open in certain zones if he did a hook route, he still chooses the out route. I like running option routes and I think it makes the game more realistic and I wish more routes were option routes or branched depending on what the receiver sees and makes the QB position harder for us and more challending. But that's beside the point, I just really hope this gets resolved.

3. OL play: I know I've heard Madden 14 is when they are focusing on the OL, but I still feel this is a needed discussion and is a serious part of the game. If the defenders send 3 rushers and I have 6 people blocking (5 OL 1 TE) the lineman that do not have a man to block, just stand there watching the other OL get beat and thus I get sacked. I believe the recognition system of the OL really needs to be looked at and until then it will be easy for people online just to send 3 if 1 of them is elite like Justin Tuck because he'll get by the 1 offensive lineman guarding him and sack me because the other offensive linemen just sit there.

The other thing about the offensive line probably goes in with the infinity engine, but is mainly with the OL. I'm the Seahawks facing the Redskins and after Matt Flynn drops back I see the Tackles pushing the DE's to the outside, so naturally I step up in the pocket and I'm ready to throw a comeback route but as I'm about to throw, the right guard bumps into me ever so slightly, and KNOCKS Matt Flynn 4-5 yards back right into the DE and I'm sacked for a big loss. This would be pretty realistic if I were running full speed with Flynn and the guard is being pushed back, but the fact that I was just stepping up and the Guard wasn't even being pushed back he was just engaged in a regular block and actually blocking well. I've had this happen a couple of times and is just completely unrealistic and just negatively impacts me for no reason.

But those are my opinions, and obviously everyone has their own. But even though I have stated a lot of the bad, There have been much more good things that have come out of Madden 13 that I know the people at EA are proud.
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:24 AM   #114
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

What I liked
  • Presentation
  • Tackles
  • Lighting

Tackling can be a hit or miss and there are some weird things happening with the physics though I love that they added it this year.

What I was disappointed was a lack of sound option....the crowd reacted to whats going on to the field but the volume is to low for my liking....

To having a ruckus crowd adds to the immersion and if they're barely audible it's kind of a waste having only smart crowd reaction...Live 10 still does this right...

Still unsure at the moment if it's a purchase for me as the sound portion of the game really turned me off....
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:24 AM   #115
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

With the infinity engine, if a player you are controlling is stumbling, can you balance him out by using the left stick? Or does it just play out? I'd woner if you are falling forward if pulling back (pressing down) on the L stick would help him stand up.
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Originally Posted by TwelveozPlaya21
add worthless Xavier Lee to that list..
Originally Posted by MassNole
CFL here he comes. Pfft, wait that would require learning a playbook. McDonalds here he comes.
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:24 AM   #116
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Haven't played a madden game in quite some time. I am having some challenges visually. The shadows on the players is quite extreme. I can barely tell who is and who isn't on my team... Is this normal?
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:25 AM   #117
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by DukeC
Welp. I ran the Read Option the whole game with RG3 on All Madden. Ended up with 22 Carries for 90 yards. I would have had much more yards, but, of course, the DT stuffed me in the backfield a couple of times because my guard inexplicably didn't block him at the line of scrimmage.

Other than the dumbing down of my offensive line the Read Option was fairly effective on All Madden provided you made the right read.
You were playing on Pro ? I would think it would fairly easy. Try All-Pro and All-Madden and see if you get the same results. RG3 is a rookie QB so maybe the defense thinks that the HB is more dangerous than the QB running who really knows. The defense should adapt though. Also like I said I feel like on Pro you can pretty much run any play with 95% success.

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Old 08-14-2012, 08:27 AM   #118
reth316's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

what are peoples thoughts on the lighting. it looks great at the redzones but at midfield seems too dark to me. shadow wise i mean.
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:29 AM   #119
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Boooooo, I can't notice the physics, defense gets too many sacks on All-Madden. Cruz and Nicks had 2 drops each. Are we ever going to get a awesome football game on this gen console?
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:29 AM   #120
seasprite's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by reth316
what are peoples thoughts on the lighting. it looks great at the redzones but at midfield seems too dark to me. shadow wise i mean.
Looks dark to me......at FedEx anyway. Didnt notice it to be that way at Candlestick

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