If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Launch - Page 4 - Operation Sports Forums

If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Launch

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Old 08-06-2012, 10:37 AM   #25
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

The advisory council is a good idea and all but i don't get why they don't get a group of community guys together to offer insight and advice at the beginning of the development cycle instead of near the end of it when there is little time to make meaningful changes to the game. If they did this it would allow them to go in the right direction from the get-go instead of wasting time on frivolous features most don't care about instead of concentrating on the core elements of the game and then having to push the release date back after 3 YEARS!!!
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Old 08-06-2012, 10:47 AM   #26
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

Originally Posted by captaintuna
Shocking! OS taking another shot at EA and NBA Live.

Lol, for years this website has been accused of "being in EA's back pocket". Now, they're reporting on what is clearly just an absolute pathetic effort by the Live team, and suddenly OS is anti-EA.

Remove yourself from your bubble that is the NBA Live forum, and at least do a little research before trying to throw an all-encompassing blanket over the entire site.

If you can't look at what is literally in front of your face, and see the kind of trouble that this series is in, then you are taking "apologist" to a whole new level.

Supporting a company is one thing, but defending them at every turn when they've already cancelled one iteration of this series, and are by all accounts on their way to doing the same in 13, is just embarassingly transparent.

Show me a sports game that has taken this type of development path in the past, and that has turned out to be good. This is not how quality titles are made, plain and simple. People have every right to express their opinions on the matter.

Last edited by DickDalewood; 08-06-2012 at 10:53 AM.
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Old 08-06-2012, 10:58 AM   #27
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Not sure why NBA Live 13 needs to be released at the same time 2K is. I think releasing it a few weeks later may be better for EA. Likely they won't sell as many as 2K, so give 2K the thunder for a few weeks and then step in. How I look at it. As long as the game is released by the start of the NBA season, they'll be fine. Hopefully EA will give us more game info by middle of August.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:13 AM   #28
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

If they're as worried as we think they are then a few extra weeks isn't going to do much.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:39 AM   #29
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

Im amazed at how many people still want to give this series a chance

If this was Sony, people would be dogging this effort out big time and saying they need to get out of the game

Within the last decade, we went from about 6 games on the market at once, including college games, to 1 game now, and im not sure exactly what that says.

All I know is, we basketball gamers deserve better than this... Its 2012 where you can talk to a cell phone and it talks back to you, give you directions, pinpoint your locaiton on earth, plugs in lika a computer and shoots video in Hi Def... and here we have a company who lost control of its bowels and doesn't seem to realize how to really clean up afterwards

I honestly dont understand
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:52 AM   #30
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

Originally Posted by 23
Im amazed at how many people still want to give this series a chance

If this was Sony, people would be dogging this effort out big time and saying they need to get out of the game

Within the last decade, we went from about 6 games on the market at once, including college games, to 1 game now, and im not sure exactly what that says.

All I know is, we basketball gamers deserve better than this... Its 2012 where you can talk to a cell phone and it talks back to you, give you directions, pinpoint your locaiton on earth, plugs in lika a computer and shoots video in Hi Def... and here we have a company who lost control of its bowels and doesn't seem to realize how to really clean up afterwards

I honestly dont understand
That's the problem... gaming has gotten more advanced and EA has gotten delayed in it. Now they're trying to make up ground.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:59 AM   #31
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

I know i for one wanna give this series a chance because all the good memories I've had with this franchise over the years far outweigh the bad, even after this whole next-gen debacle.

I can remember going out the first night and buying NBA Live 2002 and going straight to my cousins house without even playing it myself and just being up all night playing and never getting bored. While I played 2k during those times too, it just didn't come close to Live for some reason.

Now I just want to see this franchise that was once at such a high point at least return to being relevant. I'm a fan of T-Mac so it's a similar feeling, although now that I'm older I don't really have a favorite player anymore, but I'll always root for T-Mac just like I'll always root for Live.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:59 AM   #32
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Re: If NBA Live 13 Doesn't Hit an Oct. 2 Release Date, It's as Good as Failing to Lau

EA was never with it

Live 06.. broken promises, no features...full price

Live 07.. broken mess

Live 08, halfway decent of the 3 but I played it and it felt like ripping your
intestines out playing that game longer than 10 minutes

Live 09 seemed like a first effort at trying something that might work, but then Mike Wang came

Live 10... the most positive responses and direction of the game took a 2k dev and his team to make

e-Lite, " ........"

They've blown this entire generation and you still can't figure out why

That doesnt even include whats happening right now

Beyond that... they've blown this
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