
NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

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Old 07-20-2012, 03:53 AM   #153
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by Skulletor
LOL, there is NO agenda, everyone is on this forum because they care about this game and they WANT IT TO BE GREAT.

time and time again, EA drops the ball, of course people are going to be cynical, when EA releases a buggy game and the day after tells you about how great the reviews are and that you can buy DLC, of course it pisses people off

so 9 days after the game is out, 3 weeks after review copies went out, over a month since it went gold, EA says

"hay guys we're fixing a bug in two weeks, and the august patch is going to let you buy more uniforms to give us money!!! oh yea, thanks for alpha testing our game!"

the fact that you're getting a handful of free uniforms doesn't really sit well, and it shouldn't
You know what pisses me off? When people complain every single year about this game while saying that it's "just the same old game and crap from EA," yet they willingly handed a store cashier cash, debit or credit card to purchase the game. Did they rent it first? No. Did they read reviews or wait a month until the game got some patch work? No.

I don't feel sorry for anyone who spews that garbage. Be a wiser consumer if this game is so terrible and is the same crap year after year. "Buying restraint..." It's a great concept for people who always get disappointed with a product yet buy it anyway...and then complain endlessly about it.
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Old 07-20-2012, 03:59 AM   #154
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
i'm sorry but i don't buy this... so it's our fault because we buy a new product when it's released? How does that excuse them using us as beta testers? The fact is they shouldn't leave in such obvious issues (considering people flip the game on and 5 minutes in find these bugs) and wait for us to point them out before they pick and choose which ones to fix. It shouldn't take us playing the game and saying the game freezes for them to notice the problem and decide to fix it. Their testers shouldn't notice that problem and they should find a way to fix it prior to release.

Just because we buy the new product every year on release day doesn't excuse them from releasing it with such obvious bugs.
Read the post above this one.

I stand by it and don't care if you buy it or not. It is literally like this EVERY SINGLE YEAR. They release a game that needs work. We're in the age of patches fixing problems with games and have been for quite some time. I don't know why people get so surprised over this. And you're right, it doesn't excuse them from putting a buggy game, but do you realize that many people haven't experienced these same bugs?

So while I won't excuse EA, I won't let the consumers off of the hook who continuously buy the game on or near release every year. Maybe if fewer people did that, they might get privy to the fact that people don't want the iteration of the game when it is first released.

All I am saying is wake up. That's not giving EA a pass, but wake up. It is like this every year and we see the same threads every year. If this game is so buggy and terrible, wait until the patches drop and then make a buying decision.

Common sense... It's what tells me if I don't want to be a victim and play the "beta tester" card, I will wait until the game is strengthened through patches. Life is much too short to get upset over this, especially when it has been happening for what, five or six years now?
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Old 07-20-2012, 04:35 AM   #155
ju1092's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Hopefully the responsiveness of the User Catch/User Swat is fixed in these. PLEEEEEEEEASE fix this, EA.
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Old 07-20-2012, 04:47 AM   #156
der juicen's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by Apostle
Read the post above this one.

I stand by it and don't care if you buy it or not. It is literally like this EVERY SINGLE YEAR. They release a game that needs work. We're in the age of patches fixing problems with games and have been for quite some time. I don't know why people get so surprised over this. And you're right, it doesn't excuse them from putting a buggy game, but do you realize that many people haven't experienced these same bugs?

So while I won't excuse EA, I won't let the consumers off of the hook who continuously buy the game on or near release every year. Maybe if fewer people did that, they might get privy to the fact that people don't want the iteration of the game when it is first released.

All I am saying is wake up. That's not giving EA a pass, but wake up. It is like this every year and we see the same threads every year. If this game is so buggy and terrible, wait until the patches drop and then make a buying decision.

Common sense... It's what tells me if I don't want to be a victim and play the "beta tester" card, I will wait until the game is strengthened through patches. Life is much too short to get upset over this, especially when it has been happening for what, five or six years now?
Hey look, someone who f'in gets it. The thing is, I think a lot of these users enjoy complaining and bashing EA. It gives them something to do, makes them feel superior to others, gives them that "thang" that they are missing from their life. It's well and easy to bash the developers of this video game. It's a shame a good majority doesn't believe these people are most likely putting in major overtime so their mouth-breathing consumers can have a product above and beyond working order.

I would hate to be a developer. I hardly see them ever get any kind of praise.

It's crazy to look through this thread and all of the new requests that seem more like demands that everyone is making. Everyone forgets that EA, more specifically Tiburion, doesn't have to patch a damn thing if they don't want to.

I wonder why the developers don't regularly pop in to have Q and A's. Or why Gamechangers don't talk more than they do. If you merely mention EA or any of its' production companies, you're labeled one of their shills, bleary eyed supporters, etc.

Last edited by der juicen; 07-20-2012 at 04:51 AM.
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Old 07-20-2012, 07:54 AM   #157
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Good to see them patch the game so soon, hopefully with this uniform store we don't have to wait for patches for new uniforms and we get them as they are worn.
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Old 07-20-2012, 08:15 AM   #158
der juicen's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by Real Talk
Good to see them patch the game so soon, hopefully with this uniform store we don't have to wait for patches for new uniforms and we get them as they are worn.
That's how it is looking. I cannot wait to use Vandy's new uniforms. For free, to boot!
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Old 07-20-2012, 08:21 AM   #159
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Originally Posted by der juicen
Hey look, someone who f'in gets it. The thing is, I think a lot of these users enjoy complaining and bashing EA. It gives them something to do, makes them feel superior to others, gives them that "thang" that they are missing from their life. It's well and easy to bash the developers of this video game. It's a shame a good majority doesn't believe these people are most likely putting in major overtime so their mouth-breathing consumers can have a product above and beyond working order.

I would hate to be a developer. I hardly see them ever get any kind of praise.

It's crazy to look through this thread and all of the new requests that seem more like demands that everyone is making. Everyone forgets that EA, more specifically Tiburion, doesn't have to patch a damn thing if they don't want to.

I wonder why the developers don't regularly pop in to have Q and A's. Or why Gamechangers don't talk more than they do. If you merely mention EA or any of its' production companies, you're labeled one of their shills, bleary eyed supporters, etc.
Sometimes i wish they just wouldnt release a patch. When they release a patch it fixes an issue and breaks a feature. Also when the issue is fixed, we the "customer" assume that whatever was patched in the previous version would be fully functional now. However that isnt always the case, even more so now than ever.

So if they were to not release a patch i could gladly step away from the series due to a lack ownership by EA. Instead, i keep shelling out money on empty promises of fixed this or revamped that.

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Old 07-20-2012, 08:31 AM   #160
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Guess I wont be playing anymore since no mention of fixing the responsiveness of the User Catch/User Swat. Other than that this was a great game to me...huge mistake by not fixing this though.
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