
NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

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Old 07-19-2012, 10:59 PM   #137
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Hopefully the wonky Shotgun Option pitches will be fixed as well. Hate seeing the CPU QB running a Speed option, about to get tackled...and then make this bizarre pitch directly 15 yards backwards to the RB.

That stuff is annoying.
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:00 PM   #138
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Regarding the Uniform Locker:

I think it's a fantastic idea as long as it's free and they don't just focus on the big schools. If San Jose State adds a yellow alternate jersey in the summer, add it. If it's in the game, it better be in this game. It does suck it won't be out until August though as by then I will be so far into my dynasty I won't want to stop and start over plus football starts early September and this game will fall by the wayside...

....BUT. There is no excuse this shouldn't have a gameday download for NCAA 2014. If the cut off on new unis for the disk is April, fine, but there will always be a school that adds something between APril and July so EA really needs to find a way to make sure those updates are included.
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:15 PM   #139
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
Again, not saying you're wrong, but in actual football, 9 out of 10 times the WR will beat the corner off the line and win the matchup with no safety help. Especially with the talent disparity offensively to defensively in college football. There is a reason teams put the safety there. If someone isn't putting a safety over the top, there is a pretty good chance the CB is getting beat.

Corners can't cover indefinitely and given the rather strict defensive holding and defensive pass interference enforcement in college football, it should be an easy beat for a WR. That's the whole reason teams stretch the field vertically and why defenses have to give corners help. Very few corners at this level can be on an island and win their matchup 1 on 1 most of the time. I'm talking no more than a dozen in college football.

In the game, if you're getting torched deep in man with no shell over the top, play conservative coach settings and don't worry about press coverage. Or better yet, play with the shell over the top.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with man coverage in this game. Not one thing.
This is a good example of why the game will never please everyone. This statement is almost the exact opposite of what I (and alot of other people) would say is true about football.

17 years ago, when I was a college freshman, almost every team that my college played against (small school) played some form of single high coverage almost every play, either cover 3 or man free for the most part. I guess I was a pretty shtty receiver, because I could only rarely beat corners. It was the same thing at the higher levels too, almost always single high stuff, but with what va tech was doing, it was the robber version. Still, no help.

By the time I got done, the spread zone-read stuff was just catching on, and so was the quarter's read stuff being proliferated by Patterson.

Now I'm a defensive coach that bases out of quarter's as a way of handling all the spread stuff we see, whether it be zone-read, veer, air raid, r&s, etc. The thing is, those corners are still on an island and rarely do they get help.

Now there's some things that can be done to give them help, but for the most part the offense can dictate no help on either the outside or the inside just by sending 2 verts to the same side of the ball. I've been doing this for some time now and I can't come up with a sound way to double 4 verticals. How do you do this, some form of 8 deep?

He11, just a few years ago, va tech was still almost always 1 high, and if you watch a bunch of games, you'll see vertical routes matched with one defender a majority of the times they occur. That's the way it is and the average certainly is 90% completion on those vertical routes.

Not to be nitpicking, but vertical routes don't stretch a defense vertically. A defense gets stretched vertically by having overlapping routes; an short/intermediate route (or both) under a deep one. All verts stretch defenses horizontally, across the field.
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:50 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by eagskerfan
In summary, it will again be impossible to pass like last year, we get new uniforms, and the game will still freeze every 2 or 3 games in the last quarter.

Thanks EA, keep up the good work!
O think your the only person so far who cant pass the ball. I easily drop 300 on the computer and have dropped 400 with 5 TD's online multiple times.
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Old 07-19-2012, 11:51 PM   #141
NYJetsfan's Arena
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So this basically reaffirms my belief to wait and buy the game when the college football season starts. Thank you EA.

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Old 07-20-2012, 12:25 AM   #142
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
Hopefully the wonky Shotgun Option pitches will be fixed as well. Hate seeing the CPU QB running a Speed option, about to get tackled...and then make this bizarre pitch directly 15 yards backwards to the RB.

That stuff is annoying.
This... And the CPU qb will start his option run, stop 4 or 5 steps in then immediately get tackled OR Make That awful backwards pitch for a HUGE loss.. Noticed this on all American level quite frequently.
WCSU Football '10-'11 WR#87
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Old 07-20-2012, 01:16 AM   #143
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

I'm hoping a lot of these patches to the man and zone defense fix some of the issues I have with the option game and blocking.

For some reason I feel like part of the problem is that the line gets confused by the defense. Maybe this patch will fix those issues.

The EA locker room for jerseys is awesome.

I bash EA a lot but I give them props for trying to address some of our concerns. I just wish we could get the patch sooner.
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Old 07-20-2012, 01:28 AM   #144
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Title Update Arrives July 31, Title Update #2 in Late August

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
i'm sorry but i don't buy this... so it's our fault because we buy a new product when it's released? How does that excuse them using us as beta testers? The fact is they shouldn't leave in such obvious issues (considering people flip the game on and 5 minutes in find these bugs) and wait for us to point them out before they pick and choose which ones to fix. It shouldn't take us playing the game and saying the game freezes for them to notice the problem and decide to fix it. Their testers shouldn't notice that problem and they should find a way to fix it prior to release.

Just because we buy the new product every year on release day doesn't excuse them from releasing it with such obvious bugs.
I think you're both right.

I find the old adage of feeding a wild animal to be analogous. If you keep feeding it, it forgets how to hunt.

Buying the game first day is feeding the wild animal that is Tiburon, as a result, they appear to have forgotten how to hunt for these bugs themselves. Reading some of the bug reports begs the question for me, "Do they play the game themselves?"

I can understand a severely bugged game one year, maybe even a consecutive year, but if they release a game with the severity of bugs such as this year after year (and some of the same bugs year after year, some of which they had previously fixed in one patch or another) and the same people buy it and complain about it year after year, I don't think you can clearly place the blame solely at the feet of one side or the other. Of course, you know what else they say? "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

So then, how many times can you stand to be fooled? And who should feel ashamed after the nth time?
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