
Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

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Old 07-17-2012, 01:43 PM   #33
NoTiCe_O's Arena
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher


- 1- Instead of the word steal, i'll use counter. 2k tries to counter all of Lives ideas by saying that their improving the same area in their own game. They take the ideas Live has and rewraps them in 2k wrapping paper to settle the fans

- 2 - Why wait until NBA Live announces that passing was a MAJOR area for them this year?

- 3 -They've had time to get the kinks outs of that old physics engine from Elite, not to mention Live's friends from Madden working down the hallway have successfully implemented a similar physics technology into their game (which is a much more difficult task). 2k knows the tech is there, and i'm sure they saw the response madden got.

- 4 -The point was, you eventually just stop talking about what your gonna do and do it. That's why Live hasn't shown much info in my opinion.

- 5 -I mean Live the game
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Last edited by NoTiCe_O; 07-17-2012 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Too long
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Old 07-17-2012, 01:56 PM   #34
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by 23
Live is just a game, and sans Live 10 which can be credited to a 2k dev, this entire generation of NBA Live games have been doo doo.

If you mean EA, if having a hockey guy run your basketball division then canceling your game and taking a 2 year absence is smart then I'd hate to see what dumb is
LOL, NBA Live has had 3 games bomb in since Live 07:

Live 07 = bomb
Live 08 = meh
Live 09 = meh
Live 10 = better
Elite 11 = cancelled by Hard8times
Elite 12/Live 12 = never released = bomb

People are expecting this new Live to be something special when the past track record has been craptastic.

Every year people fall for this EA hype of we have guys that know basketball rhetoric. People forget Jeff Antwi from Live 09/10, played ball too. No discredit to Jeff either. Just tired of all the "we got guys that know ball," and then your game falls flat on its face at release.


I forgot who besides Mike W. played ball on Live 10, but then they let a hockey guy run a basketball franchise..
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

Originally Posted by Dounte/MLBNFLNBALGS
I'd be the first to call myself a hypocrite.
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Last edited by noshun; 07-17-2012 at 01:59 PM.
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Old 07-17-2012, 01:58 PM   #35
DBMcGee3's Arena
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Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Really? Really? To each his own I guess. However, I can't stress enough. Live 10 is the most overrated sports game I think to ever hit the market. Everything Live on this generation before and after it has been so god awful, that a game that played pretty much like all of them with the most minimal of improvements that just barely made it a playable game has achieved the status of a good to great game online which is ridiculous. Again, you couldn't even play the passing lane for steals in Live. It literally was physically impossible in the game to pick off a pass in mid air or after it left a player's hands on a bounce. The horrid rebounding, the sliding across the floor that passed as running. The glitch where you could body up a guy near the sidelines that triggered the animation where he tries to tip toe pass and lose the ball EVERY SINGLE TIME you did it.

Again, Live 10 baby steps into the right direction, but by no means a good to great game.
Completely valid arguments, although I'd say some of those issues you are pointing out have plagued all basketball titles to date, not just Live 10. 2k still has doodoo rebounding and "sliding", and to me the repetitive canned animations are even worse in 2k (although i did laugh remembering that specific sideline glitch when you mentioned it). Again, opinions are like *******s, but I mainly just had more fun playing Live 10 in comparison to 2k10, which I felt was far too much of a run n' gun type game. I just wish EA would have continued to improve what they had going there, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel with Elite 11. Couple that debacle with the MJ signing in 2k11 and EA has been licking its wounds ever since. Happy there will at least be a choice of games this year.
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Old 07-17-2012, 02:28 PM   #36
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O

- 1- Instead of the word steal, i'll use counter. 2k tries to counter all of Lives ideas by saying that their improving the same area in their own game. They take the ideas Live has and rewraps them in 2k wrapping paper to settle the fans

- 2 - Why wait until NBA Live announces that passing was a MAJOR area for them this year?

- 3 -They've had time to get the kinks outs of that old physics engine from Elite, not to mention Live's friends from Madden working down the hallway have successfully implemented a similar physics technology into their game (which is a much more difficult task). 2k knows the tech is there, and i'm sure they saw the response madden got.

- 4 -The point was, you eventually just stop talking about what your gonna do and do it. That's why Live hasn't shown much info in my opinion.

- 5 -I mean Live the game
You are 100% correct about how 2k takes EA ideas. It seems like every body here want the same gameplay that we been dealing with for over a decade and honsetly its been time for something new for b-ball, every other sport video game have stepped up and its time for b-ball to follow suit and that's why I hope EA is using the same tech as Elite, Madden, NHL, or Fifa.
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Old 07-17-2012, 02:29 PM   #37
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
There has to be a reason behind EA's silence. For all we know Live could have tons of stuff waiting to show, but just haven't yet. I feel like EA is withholding some valuable info so 2k can't take/steal ideas.

Anyone else notice that when NBA Live said passing was a major focus for them this year that 2k went out at E3 and said they've really reworked the passing game (even though the passing looked exactly the same). Then when the speculation about NBA Live having a physics engine came around, all of a sudden Mike Wang (who rarely tweets) tweets about the breakthrough that they've made in the collision system this year. NBA Live is smart for withholding info, they'll probably release info when its to late for 2k to implement any of their ideas.

2k is like that friend that always tries to outdo you, if you tell him you want a 2012 Accord, he want's the 2012 Accord coupe fully loaded. You tell him your gonna get an iPhone 4s 16gb, he gets the 32gb. You tell him your gonna get some oreos, he gets doublestuffed. Eventually, you just stop telling him stuff.

Live is smart to keep a tight lip
Passing game =/= Good animations
Physics engine =/= Good animations

If the game plays like crap (which their last installment did)...nothing can save the game from poor animations.
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Old 07-17-2012, 02:49 PM   #38
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Five Strategies that can make LIVE 13 great:

5). Superior Online play. (no lag or drops during games that occur frequently in 2K)
4). In-depth Dynasty mode! Or Career mode. Legend's Fantasy Draft. '92 Olympic team as an unlocked feature.
3). Glitch FREE. No bugs at all. I mean NONE. At this point in the game, there really shouldn't be any. NextGen games have been out for 7 years. No reason to keep seeing the same glaring/annoying glitches found in other sports games.
2). Make the sliders as real to a live NBA game as possible.
1). From a marketing view: release it a week after 2K, and price it at $49. Profit margins won't be as good, but you'll make up for it in volume.

Note to EA: bring back NCAA BB. And please include the option of exporting the collegiate players into LIVE 13. Do that, and I guarantee you'll be back "In The Game."
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Old 07-17-2012, 03:04 PM   #39
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O

- 1- Instead of the word steal, i'll use counter. 2k tries to counter all of Lives ideas by saying that their improving the same area in their own game. They take the ideas Live has and rewraps them in 2k wrapping paper to settle the fans

What you dont understand is, IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT EA SAYS!

Ways and actions speak louder than words, and EA has not SHOWN US A THING... NOBODY CARES about what they say.. you get it?

- 2 - Why wait until NBA Live announces that passing was a MAJOR area for them this year?
How do you know it wasnt on 2ks list already? They had plenty of fan feedback, and on top of that they showed the game no matter what stage it was in.. what have we seen from EA?

- 3 -They've had time to get the kinks outs of that old physics engine from Elite, not to mention Live's friends from Madden working down the hallway have successfully implemented a similar physics technology into their game (which is a much more difficult task). 2k knows the tech is there, and i'm sure they saw the response madden got.
Where is it man? I see they got you already.
Show me, you've had since you cancelled E Light to show me something... SHOW ME or just stop with the buzz phrases

- 4 -The point was, you eventually just stop talking about what your gonna do and do it. That's why Live hasn't shown much info in my opinion.

EA hasnt shown us anything this entire gen... and all they're doing RIGHT NOW is talking and not showing. You're creating an argument against them. You realize this correct?

- 5 -I mean Live the game
Again... AWFUL track record. Nothing you can defend about the game AT ALL
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Old 07-17-2012, 03:07 PM   #40
23's Arena
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Re: Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Five Strategies that can make LIVE 13 great:

5). Superior Online play. (no lag or drops during games that occur frequently in 2K)
4). In-depth Dynasty mode! Or Career mode. Legend's Fantasy Draft. '92 Olympic team as an unlocked feature.
3). Glitch FREE. No bugs at all. I mean NONE. At this point in the game, there really shouldn't be any. NextGen games have been out for 7 years. No reason to keep seeing the same glaring/annoying glitches found in other sports games.
2). Make the sliders as real to a live NBA game as possible.
1). From a marketing view: release it a week after 2K, and price it at $49. Profit margins won't be as good, but you'll make up for it in volume.

Note to EA: bring back NCAA BB. And please include the option of exporting the collegiate players into LIVE 13. Do that, and I guarantee you'll be back "In The Game."

So basically you're asking for something impossible and for something they've never pulled off before ever this gen since 2005

Yeah They're dead if thats their only chance
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