
NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

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Old 06-28-2012, 09:23 AM   #81
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

Originally Posted by Kingfish
#5 And last but not least, some people on here enjoyed '12 and STILL play it...(I wonder why not just keep playing IT then?)
Maybe because they like the new additions in 13? Imagine that...
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Old 06-28-2012, 11:54 AM   #82
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

Originally Posted by mercalnd
Maybe because they like the new additions in 13? Imagine that...
Yup...imagine that. I like jussssst nearly rotten milk too...turns me on like chocolate and oysters! In fact I like it so much so that EVERYONE just has to like it too...imagine that. Hummm...

So, its MORE valid for those that like it and try to convince people to also like it than it is for people who don't like it and try to help people avoid it...imagine that...

Also, let me see if i understand...if you like it a little...but it only gets better a LITTLE each year...in a decade this game will finally ROCK! Now if people in politics could convince people to believe this way!

"No really, my vote doesn't count anyway...besides, its the only game in town and I kinda like some of what they are doing to us...sorta...I will just keep voting for that same guy."

And we wonder why things never REALLY change...imagine that...
I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard was not entirely what I meant.
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Old 06-28-2012, 01:55 PM   #83
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

Originally Posted by Kingfish
Yup...imagine that. I like jussssst nearly rotten milk too...turns me on like chocolate and oysters! In fact I like it so much so that EVERYONE just has to like it too...imagine that. Hummm...
I never stated or implied that every one must like the game. As far as the milk analogy, that's just an opinion on your part. I merely responded to a question raised in your post where you asked why people who like 12 don't just keep playing it instead of buying 13.

Originally Posted by Kingfish
So, its MORE valid for those that like it and try to convince people to also like it than it is for people who don't like it and try to help people avoid it...imagine that...
Again, I never said or implied any of that.

Originally Posted by Kingfish
Also, let me see if i understand...if you like it a little...but it only gets better a LITTLE each year...in a decade this game will finally ROCK! Now if people in politics could convince people to believe this way!

"No really, my vote doesn't count anyway...besides, its the only game in town and I kinda like some of what they are doing to us...sorta...I will just keep voting for that same guy."
Why is it so hard for you to fathom that some of us actually really enjoy the game, not just a little. You seem to believe we are all just mindless drones who know the game is crap but we keep buying anyway.
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Old 06-28-2012, 02:08 PM   #84
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

Originally Posted by mercalnd
I never stated or implied that every one must like the game. As far as the milk analogy, that's just an opinion on your part. I merely responded to a question raised in your post where you asked why people who like 12 don't just keep playing it instead of buying 13.

Again, I never said or implied any of that.

Why is it so hard for you to fathom that some of us actually really enjoy the game, not just a little. You seem to believe we are all just mindless drones who know the game is crap but we keep buying anyway.
Save your breath dude, when someone breaks out an analogy like that, it's best just to ignore them and let them rant without response.
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Old 06-28-2012, 02:12 PM   #85
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

Originally Posted by Kingfish
Yup...imagine that. I like jussssst nearly rotten milk too...turns me on like chocolate and oysters! In fact I like it so much so that EVERYONE just has to like it too...imagine that. Hummm...

So, its MORE valid for those that like it and try to convince people to also like it than it is for people who don't like it and try to help people avoid it...imagine that...

Also, let me see if i understand...if you like it a little...but it only gets better a LITTLE each year...in a decade this game will finally ROCK! Now if people in politics could convince people to believe this way!

"No really, my vote doesn't count anyway...besides, its the only game in town and I kinda like some of what they are doing to us...sorta...I will just keep voting for that same guy."

And we wonder why things never REALLY change...imagine that...
Does anyone get this?:nocom prende:
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Old 06-28-2012, 03:35 PM   #86
jwallace1975's Arena
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Stylistic suggestion: a less grammatically awkward title to the main post. How about just "NCAA Football 13: What Do We Know?" (the title necessarily implies there is stuff that we don't know, lol).
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Old 06-28-2012, 04:00 PM   #87
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

Originally Posted by Kingfish
Yup...imagine that. I like jussssst nearly rotten milk too...turns me on like chocolate and oysters! In fact I like it so much so that EVERYONE just has to like it too...imagine that. Hummm...

So, its MORE valid for those that like it and try to convince people to also like it than it is for people who don't like it and try to help people avoid it...imagine that...

Also, let me see if i understand...if you like it a little...but it only gets better a LITTLE each year...in a decade this game will finally ROCK! Now if people in politics could convince people to believe this way!

"No really, my vote doesn't count anyway...besides, its the only game in town and I kinda like some of what they are doing to us...sorta...I will just keep voting for that same guy."

And we wonder why things never REALLY change...imagine that...
I don't get this at all... milk and oysters? Whatt?
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Old 06-28-2012, 04:13 PM   #88
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Re: NCAA Football 13: What do we and don't we know?

I will hopefully answer all of these.

Originally Posted by mercalnd
Why is it so hard for you to fathom that some of us actually really enjoy the game, not just a little. You seem to believe we are all just mindless drones who know the game is crap but we keep buying anyway.
I don't think everyone who buys this game are drones or limmings...only those that decided last December or January or pre-E3...those folks I will never be able to explain my point well enough to make a dent. I am sorry if I was a ****head, I wasn't myself this morning.

First tho...I LOVE NCAA Football...it is my dearest desire that it be the absolute best sports game out there. Every year I have bought it(exception of NCAA 10) and I always go into it HYPED and hopeful only to get crushed. I won't do that again.

And as a person who cares about his hobby, I want it to get better. As a human being that cares about others, I want to stop others from the same bad experience I've had AND help the game company in the long run. This will only strengthen the game and make it better.

I guess I will seriously just hush about it tho...there are way too many enthusiastic fans who WANT this to be THE game of the Decade. It is in my limited business experience that as long as the company is making money on a so-so product, it won't invest money in making it great. THAT is what I have been trying to bring to peoples attention. I don't want a 'gudenuff' game of football...I want a GREAT one!

As I said earlier, sorry if I came off...poorly and unfunny.

Originally Posted by jfsolo
Save your breath dude, when someone breaks out an analogy like that, it's best just to ignore them and let them rant without response.
I don't see how a civil discourse is 'ranting'. All I have posted about this topic over the last few months has been asking for everyone to just simply wait and see. I can't make anyone do anything, I was only asking for a wait on the purchase and then let that be a statement. Buy it on July 16th...wait a week and read a review and what the gurus say here on OS.

But folks want the game and I am posting on a FAN site for this game, I get it but shouldn't WE want something better? It won't change as long as there is 250k preordered copies and 500k first day purchases. Look at what happened last year with the game, all the hype then broken and useless options and does anyone remember the parts they broke and wouldn't fix? Now look at how we are being treated as a community by EA again this year...they know they can kick us in the jimmy and we will still come back and ask for another.

Originally Posted by FloydNDLAL
Does anyone get this?:nocom prende:
Sorry, if the above doesn't make sense...I need better meds...or one of us does anyway.

IF you came back an read what I wrote above I hope it makes a little more sense...I was all jacked up on Mt. Dew and Redbull this morning. That obviously didn't help me make my(any) point. Sorry.
I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard was not entirely what I meant.

Last edited by Kingfish; 06-28-2012 at 04:23 PM.
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